by Terry 192 Replies latest jw friends

  • Terry
    This is a lost cause in the same category as global warming.

    The lost cause here is personal standards and obstinancy.

    What boggles my mind is this. How can anybody argue laxity with a straight face?

    Refusing to do something easily done better is a cancer on the human condition.

    It is a tiny thing. Yet, it is a signpost to an attitude which decays a society just as it atrophies the individual.

    Atrophy of the soul.

    I compare this to people who let themselves go physically. They just stop caring.

    Their physical body then reflects the mental free for all.

    Bloated thinking leads to a mile-wide ass, jiggly love-handles and poor spelling.

  • Terry
    Were you embarassed or were you *embarrassed*?

    I'm now bare assed!

  • Terry

    Hello everybody!

    I started this thread yesterday and just returned to it this morning after going back over the responses.

    Most interesting, indeed!

    I've read a lot of angry excuses which amount to "I'm fine the way I am--shut up!"

    We even have one poster who expresses detestation at people who care about spelling and grammar.

    Then, there are the insult comedians who call names and deliberately type their words incorrectly. Ha ha. I'm still in stitches.

    I'll just respond to all this recherche by saying this.

    Several generations of young people now think being smart is not desirable.

    These young people will grow up and run the world.

    Think about this: if the people who care about being smart have made a mess of it; what will happen when the people who don't give a shit take over?

    Be careful what you wish for; you just might get it.

    Chaos is not a fun place to live.

    When you fail to care whether something is right...even a little thing like allow chaos into the world like Pandora peeking into the box.

  • Terry
    Tyrone spoke thus: My father and the folks he knew in the civil service included linguists and scholars who always knew and could correct anything you said. These effin idiots get so deeply involved in words that the average retard could understand what someone said and these goons would correct every single spoken word but somehow lose the the actual drift by overadresssing the issue. I think most normal people know what I mean.

    Perhaps the most disturbing post I read in the entire thread. Worth responding to, I'd say.

    Tyrone, the anger you feel toward your father (effin idiot) and the linguist goons makes me very sad. Very sad.

    If you were constantly berated for errors by your dad I think that is poor parenting. I have 7 kids who know how to speak and spell and I never berated them. I just tried to set an example which they might find useful.

    Attacking your self-esteem with spelling diatribes is not what I was about. No way. It has now been blown out of original proportion.

    What I lament is the not caring enough attitude. I never expected to run into cares enough to detest people attitude.

    This is scary. As you correctly identified, some sources manipulate words to destructive ends. I agree with you in this:

    Words can be played with, and thats exactly what the watchtower society does.

    The Watchtower uses words and their "meanings" to manipulate and control people for lamentably illicit motives. I abhor this because I was manipulated and controlled. But, I don't blame the "words", I blame the motives and the dishonesty behind the motives.

    I have always detested, and have no desire to learn one iota of grammar. It is boring, and as is commonly said " Anal Retentive.'

    This floors me! It is more anger than common sense. You are burning down the barn to get rid of a few scraggly rats! Obsessing over spelling is anal, but; holding oneself to some modest standard of checking before posting is not. That is all I call for. Just give it a quick look. I make plenty of inadvertent errors. But, that is after checking!

    In most cases if something sounds right, 98% of the time, it is right! I beleive that language should flow like water and if you start to analize it, you are killling the flow of natural thought. Ideas flow, words flow. It is beautiful. Leave it alone and let your analyitical mind absorb the flow and the jist of thought rather than the spelling and grammatical correctness of meanings which your over active mind might wish to compound and add meaning to which there is none.

    You might be surprised to hear I think I detect a real love for language and self-expression here! With only one cautionary caveat I agree with you!

    CREATIVE language (like painting with words) is poetic, dynamic and organic. It should NOT be parsed for obsessive stringency! I wish we had more expostulations of pure creative energy here on JWD. I applaud your passion and I embrace your core objection. I only wish you could separate the detestation from the objectifications.

    Being free to break rules is a mighty power. Few brandish the sword of this freedom without spilling a lot of innocent blood.


  • trevor

    This is a worthy post that has drawn attention to the number of Topic Headings that are badly spelt. I am also uptight enough to think that it shows a disregard for those who read them.

    I make mistakes on quickly typed text in some of my replies. As with all mistakes I try to do better next time. I have been on JWD for six years now and it has helped me to improve my spelling. That is because I want to improve. How can someone not want to improve and do something better?

    What I struggle with is people defending their mistakes and saying that they are of no importance. There are adults who have never bothered to learn to read and write. For those who have bothered, why stop half way. If it has been worth the trouble of learning to read and write, it is illogical to be proud of doing it badly. Such an attitude just makes the person look foolish.

    It is one thing to walk around with a bogie on your nose by mistake. It is quite another to be proud of it and suggest that people who take the trouble to clean their noses are egotistical, uptight, arrogant and sexually frustrated!


  • John Doe
    John Doe

    What is your profession Terry? Are you an accountant?

  • Little Drummer Boy
    Little Drummer Boy

    I agree that it is a good thing if people will make the attempt to spell correctly in their posts.

    I disagree with the attitudes of many that those who post in an informal style are lazy, and before I get argued with on that point, that IS the turn that this thread has taken and it is offensive.

    There is a place for the overly formal, text book perfect style of writing that has been advocated. It belongs in threads where exact transfer of information is critical to making the point. An evolution vs. creation thread might be an example.

    However, such unnatural wording does not belong on most of the threads here on JWD. If I were to meet Terry in person and he spoke to me with the formalism of his last post, I would laugh and walk away. Obviously, he doesn't really speak that way, he just writes that way. Such is the same with many threads here. These less formal threads are more akin to face-to-face conversations than formal debates and the style and tone of the posters should reflect that.

    To sum up:

    1) proper spelling = good

    2) proper grammer = good

    3) stick up the ass about it because those things aren't required on 90% of the threads = bad

  • RAF

    What boggles my mind is this. How can anybody argue laxity with a straight face?

    read or ignore (they take the risk - since it's not that important on a board like this)

    Refusing to do something easily done better is a cancer on the human condition.

    In spelling matter on a board like this ? now that's Very spellitual !!! Errrr ... what about eradicating the cancer? lets say "war on spellcheckf*ker"

    You must have read (and applying what ) a book (or your mind) says like "how to always get the point in turning around the bushes in validating yourself with nuts and passive agressive comments" tells to do. (I guess you can accept and deserve to have the same kind of answers).

    What do you espect from that ... a$$ kissing? perplexity/beatitude? same kind of answers? agressive comments? humor should be the best (still it's a choice)

    Man get this straight ... On here cares who care and don't care who don't care (simple) nobodies going to die ... and about Kaos (OY) I guess that there are real reason for people to get into kaos (OY) and somehow TVL set an exemple ... and it works for you (regarding your ways and understanding on things) - to me at least (so it stays subjective)

    The WTBS methodologie is smart which does not mean that their doctrine and reasoning is not stupid.

    Kaos (OY) is what happens when we don't see what is important where it is important - so then you have to take care of so many things that actually you don't really have the time to think act/react about what is really important (again it reminds the WTBS method)

    If any feel that it show little respect for the readers, the question is more why put so much implication into this ?

    I'm off this topic ... I know how you want to play (not worthy) So have fun turning every words and subject in whatever you want.

  • fifi40

    I have had enough of it not arrogant to suggest that people's spelling or grammar mistakes come about due to a lack or regard for the reader.

    You really want to take a long hard look at yourselves and understand how you are making people with poor spelling and grammar skill's feel.

    Are you so perfect..................that you can draw attention to faults others have.

    You are no better than Jehovahs Witnesses judging others, as if because you apparently try harder you are somehow better...........what if there is some poor single mum out there that has 4 kids too care for, a job, is worrying about making ends meet and doesnt even know they are making spelling dont know people's circumstances.

    You are setting yourselves up to be the judges of other peoples motivation, character and drive and I wonder in all of this what exactly your motivations are..........

    If there is a bad reaction to a thread like this it is because it is a form of judgement on others from a very limited, narrow and ignorant viewpoint!!!!

  • Terry
    What is your profession Terry? Are you an accountant?

    Fair question.


    I work in a bookstore! I also have a composer-for-hire business on the side creating music for hire.

    Actually, I'm not compulsive about order, rules or neatness. It is the opposite of me.

    I do cherish the esthetic beauty of form, proportion and symmetry. My first profession in life was as an artist.

    Art is not about "getting it right" so much as it is about expressing something worth the attention of others which can change them in some useful way.

    Rules in art are absurd.

    Language is an art as is self-expression.

    I see great charm, beauty, form, symmetry and proportion in language which is destroyed by not caring about spelling.

    It is not an obsessive function of my distorted psychology. It comes from a profound love and respect for the power and transcendence of a thing well done to the point of excellence.

    Surely there is something to be said for the difference between "okay" and "excellent"?!

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