by Terry 192 Replies latest jw friends

  • journey-on

    I have enjoyed reading the various viewpoints on this subject. My minor was in English, and although misspelled words stick out like a sore thumb to me, I don't obsess over them. I'm sure I make my share of typos (short for typographical errors), but I love reading posts where people write with colloquialisms and pepper their posts with ways to get their personality across. Look at Mark Twain's writings.

    Terry, I bet you were born in September. Am I right? If not, there's a Virgo somewhere in your chart...just teasin' ya.

  • BCberean




    Do you feel a poem coming on

    Btw didya spell epifanny right.

    Seriously I betcha Terry would appreciate it if we stopped posting here

    so this thread could slide away.

  • JK666

    John Doe, Just in cast your "craw" comment was sarcastic: The definition of craw is - the stomach especially of a lower animal. JK

  • restrangled

    I'm going to jump in here. I apologize in advance for spelling errors, grammatical errors and/or lack of proper sentence structure.

    Many people write in anger, frustration, desperation, sadness, etc. Their biggest concern at the time is not how their spelling or phrasing comes across, but what they are feeling at the time.

    I admire so many here who can tell a story and keep me utterly captivated. Some can tell a story perfectly. Others although obviously not writers, tell a story with such feeling that errors are ignored. I would hate to think that we are judging people based on how they spell. Everyone makes mistakes.

    This thread is making me very uncomfortable.

    r. of the guilty as charged class.

  • BizzyBee

    ...'cuz they breed...?

  • ButtLight

    Dont look at me.....i havnt started a thred in along time! And im probly the worstest speler in the hole world!

  • LongHairGal


    I am in total agreement with you on this. Unfortunately, there are two schools of thought on the subject of grammar and spelling. Ours is one and the other is the school of laid-back thinking that seems to feel that good spelling and grammar is in the category of morals or religion. They don't want to be told about it and they get defensive and start name calling. Some younger people think all they have to be is computer literate and the rest doesn't count for anything. The schools in the U.S. started watering down the education several decades ago and, unfortunately, younger people have simply gotten a bad education. I include college graduates in this category. I am not perfect. I use the dictionary all the time since spellcheck is not loaded with everything. I forget a lot of the grammatical rules and sometimes I put commas in the wrong place. But I deserve a prize for literacy when compared with others.

    I am always appalled when I see signs with misspelled words. I even saw a newsreel on TV (CNN?) with a misspelled word some months ago. So, there you go.

    This is a lost cause in the same category as global warming.


  • caligirl

    Personally, I belong to the anal retentive group when it comes to spelling, but I am not likely to try to skewer anyone for it even though it gets my panties in a bunch sometimes! I'm sensitive to spelling because I read so fast, hitting a butchered word in my reading stride has the same effect on my concentration as a runner hitting a tripwire. And while I can read very fast and spell very well, my grammar is probably quite poor in the grand scheme of things, so I would do well not to point any fingers. And sentence structure? Right. If a contest existed for run-on sentences, I'd be at the top of the pack.

    But I'll wager that most non-spellers could run circles around me when it comes to mathematics! So it doesn't pay to judge a book by it's cover when it comes to poor spelling. Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. And if errors irritate those of us who have spelling abilities? I tend to look at it as more our problem than theirs. Let me add that if I were looking at someone's resume and considering them for employment, the poor spelling would be THEIR problem because it would cost them a chance at a job. But on a discussion board, I think that those of us sensitive to errors need to lighten up a bit.

  • Fe2O3Girl

    If I was going to an Apostofest, I would shower, brush my teeth, apply deodorant, wear make-up, and choose my clothes carefully. If I turned up smelling of BO and wearing scruffy clothes, would it be reasonable for fellow fest-goers to make some assumptions about me, and how much I valued their company?

    How do I present myself to my fellow posters? Do I think you are worth me making an effort to lay out my posts clearly, spell words correctly and use correct grammar so my meaning is clear? Yes I do.

    As an aside, some of the best posts on JWD, well thought out, with impeccable grammar and spelling, are from posters who in one case do not speak English as their first language, and in another case was dyslexic AND battling the symptoms of MS.

  • nvrgnbk

    I wonder if that bran muffin kicked in yet.

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