Were you or someone you know sexually molested by a Jehovah's Witness ?

by flipper 381 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • VoidEater

    EDIT: I forgot to add - later in life certain witnesses said, "Everyone knew he was a child molester." Willful, self-imposed ignorance combined with an overarching need to protect the organization!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Wow VE, funny you posted Tori Amos lyrics. (Very powerful by the way). I was actually thinking of another song of hers with regards to this thread a couple of days ago. It came out in the mid-90s and it was right around that time that I started to make an emotional break from the Witnesses. I hadn't been in 7 or 8 years but I was so shamed and beaten down I didn't believe in myself, all that negativity from them telling me how wrong I was, how Jehovah hated me, etc.

    Sorry, didn't mean to go off on a tangent. So here's to the troll renaii, and all the people who use that account. Here's the song lyrics:

    "Silent All These Years"

    Excuse me but can I be you for a while
    My dog won't bite if you sit real still
    I got the anti-Christ in the kitchen yellin' at me again
    Yeah I can hear that
    Been saved again by the garbage truck
    I got something to say you know
    But nothing comes
    Yes I know what you think of me
    You never shut-up
    Yeah I can hear that

    But what if I'm a mermaid
    In these jeans of his
    With her name still on it
    Hey but I don't care
    Cause sometimes
    I said sometimes
    I hear my voice
    And it's been here
    Silent All These Years

    So you found a girl
    Who thinks really deep thougts
    What's so amazing about really deep thoughts
    Boy you best pray that I bleed real soon
    How's that thought for you
    My scream got lost in a paper cup
    You think there's a heaven
    Where some screams have gone
    I got 25 bucks and a cracker
    Do you think it's enough
    To get us there

    Cause what if I'm a mermaid
    In these jeans of his
    With her name still on it
    Hey but I don't care
    Cause sometimes
    I said sometimes
    I hear my voice
    And it's been here
    Silent All These...

    Years go by
    Will I still be waiting
    For somebody else to understand
    Years go by
    If I'm stripped of my beauty
    And the orange clouds
    Raining in head
    Years go by
    Will I choke on my tears
    Till finally there is nothing left
    One more casualty
    You know we're too easy Easy Easy

    Well I love the way we communicate
    Your eyes focus on my funny lip shape
    Let's hear what you think of me now
    But baby don't look up
    The sky is falling
    Your mother shows up in a nasty dress
    It's your turn now to stand where I stand
    Everybody lookin' at you here
    Take hold of my hand
    Yeah I can hear them

    But what if I'm a mermaid
    In these jeans of his
    With her name still on it
    Hey but I don't care
    Cause sometimes
    I said sometimes
    I hear my voice [x3]

    And it's been here
    Silent All These Years
    I've been here
    Silent All These Years

  • Big Tex
  • VoidEater

    ^ Great song...brings back so many different memories, but mostly how it helped me become more than just a set of conditioned responses! Break the cycle...

    Thank you, Tex!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Thanks for what you've posted while you've been here VE. I haven't been around nearly as much as I used to but, from what I've read, you have a poignant way of expressing yourself. You strike me as someone who has a big heart.


  • flipper

    VOIDEATER- Thanks, I appreciate it.

    JIMMY PAGE- Wow ! Thanks for issuing the warning. It's amazing so many of these pedophiles go on roaming congregations looking for more victims. It's the perfect setup for them - just enter a kingdom hall and pretend your new and bang another child drops. Awful

  • flipper

    This thread was one of the 1st I started on JWN. It has many different personal experiences of people who were molested by Jehovah's Witness members . I think this may be an eye opener for many of our newbies joining the last year or so. Do yourself a favor and please read these experiences. All comments welcome. Thanks

  • LV101

    YES --- a sister in hall (she's married to an elder) told me when she was young girl she was sexually molested by a man who was driving her home from the hall and also abused by one of her loser brothers who attended meetings w/she and their mother. her own father had died when she was about 10, and as i recall the entire family were witnesses. thank goodness she met the man she's married to (she brought him into the cult) because he's a good guy. she was obviously brainwashed that it was the truth. her mother cared nothing about her and she was not in denial about that. she always told me her family of origin were bad people.

    have recently heard of case of younger couple --- his mother remarried a sexual abuser when he was a child who did a number on he and his brothers. these types of loser freaks look for women to marry where there are vulnerable children to abuse. MAKES ME SICK. i've told her he should go after the w/tower and sue them and how the tower has been paying off lawsuits w/gag orders, etc., etc., trying to give her a clue!!! sadly, they're too busy trying to play the political game inside hall. the pathetic brainwashing of mankind! she did tell me they've (the religion) hurt A LOT OF PE0PLE AND IT'S ALL ABOUT THE POWER.

  • DarioKehl

    I know of several people who this happened to. Although I refrain from blaming the local elders directly in the cases i'm familiar with, I do feel that the protocol they are forced to follow by the GB/WTBS is dispicable. Also, and I'll get this out of the way very early in the game (I'm new here as of yesterday), I can speak from experience that being a single male in his 30's in this organization isn't easy either. I routinely dealt with slander coming back to me... questioning my character. Because I wasn't married to a pio wife with 2.5 kids, an SUV, a carpet cleaning job and $50K in debt like some of them were, I was constantly bashed and my morality was questioned or often the subject of hurtful jokes (usually by ones who were in that married situation and miserably jealous). Bottom line is, people in the JW Org, even the busy-body gossip mill, know that this molestation thing is an issue. And if you're unfortunate enough to not fit their expectation of what your demographic should be, you could easily find yourself the subject of very hateful and hurtful gossip.

    But it's all gooood... I know the truth. I like who I am. I'd never victimize a child. I just happen to be a bisexual who was never able to get closure from within this organization. So sure! You BET I never got married. But that doesn't make a guy a pedo!!! Sad thing is, we had a guy attending our hall who was on the sex offender web site and, after some sisters at the hall were reportedly being abusive to him, there was a local needs part about "treating everyone with kindness." Hahaha... that's rich, isn't it? A real offender gets defended from the platform and I get gossiped about on a regular basis by FRIENDS.

    BTW: That's not the reason I decided to get out. I'm not that petty. These people are too close-minded for me to ever expect them to address an issue like GBLT sexuality. Whatever...

  • Violia

    I add myself to the list.

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