Were you or someone you know sexually molested by a Jehovah's Witness ?

by flipper 381 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • isaacaustin

    no, moles and trolls do run that dispicable cult.

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    Just because isaac says so, doesn't means that Jehovah would necessarily agree. We're in His Universe, after all.

  • isaacaustin

    agreed Spike. The same can be said for the governing body.

  • flipper

    DONUTHOLE- I think that is one of the big issues I continue to have with Jehovah's Witnesses stand on child abuse also. Why they don't protect these children, in the kingdom hall, warn families with children to NOT leave their children unattended with pedophiles ( which elders should inform parents as to WHO is a past pedophile ) is beyond me. The problem with the WT society is that they promote TOO TRUSTING of an atmosphere- almost like a fantasy Disneyland , which should be re-named " Witnessland " where everybody is thought of as a loving brother or sister with good, pure, upright motives. But it just ain't true. That's reality.

    As proof of that how else could this pedophile you mentioned be able to travel down to Mexico , enter a congregation, do his thing, then zoom back up to the states to criminally assault more children ? There are absolutely not enough checks and balances in place to protect witness children in an adequate way. And why is that ? Because it is LOW PRIORITY of the WT society to put enough manpower in to stop it. The WT societies priorities are raising your hand at the kingdom hall to answer, knocking on doors in field misery, turning you time in at end of month, and basically looking like a good clean JW

  • awaretoday

    I suppose that parents think Kingdom Halls are nurseries because after so much attention given to this subject children are still being abused. Parents should take the initiative to know where their kids are at all times and not trust the elders; why should they be so special to entrust them with our childrens safety????? Pluse they have their own family they don't care about your kids and if the elder is the molester and shows interest in going with your child somewhere, hey that's a red flag to say NO. Why should we wait on Jehovah to exact justice for animalistic wrongdoing? NO WAY, stop the brainwash protocol, once someone messes with your children then all bets are off, an eye for an eye etc. Expect for the WTS to protect me and care for me? No, they don't pay my rent, they don't feed me but they take my money that's all they want and care about nothing else, their policies are to benefit them not me.

    I accept the waiting on Jehovah for relief of a situation with maybe an up an coming surgery, broken AC unit, hot climate while out in field service but not to make sure my child gets protection under the law!! If the elder won't call the police then the parent should call, heck don't bring it to the elders; acuse the molester and if the cops don't take him later send along some gangstars' to make him look pretty! We should also remember not to let our kids with teenagers cause if they were abused or are wanting to explore they will try something on the most innocent one around, the younger kids. I had an experience with a sweet sister that had once watched my kids while her mom was around but her younger brother was not around. When we came by to pick them up the young guy had just been home for 10 minutes and was having his supper so we just said bye. Well later on the young sister said that she had enjoyed watching the kids and that her brother who never says hello to anyone or is even friendly told her that next time he want's to be around to help her watch the kids. Well to me that was the strangest thing cause here's a 15 year old antisocial kid that out of the blue wants to watch my kids? It ain't gonna happen, it is upto me that the opportunity never presents itself in that scenario. Yes it is very frustrating having to go over all these situations in your head, but you got ugly people out there that only want to feed their desire and you gotta beat them at their game by being two things ALERT and UNFORGIVING. There is too much at stake here!

  • flipper

    AWARETODAY- Wow. Excellent post. I agree with everything you say. We have to be the ones to protect our children- because the elders sure as heck won't ! We need to be proactive and keep eyes in the back of our heads for the protection of children. You sound like a great mom who loves her children very much- I tip my hat to your determination to make a difference in preventing child abuse . Good for you ! Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • awaretoday

    Flipper, well we gotta do what we must do and support those that have not been so fortunate. In this world there is so much to deal with and the ultimate sacrifice is having a good relationship with your family and sometimes that comes at a price but I know there is a God that watches everything and is more loving and merciful than we can imagine he will do things right for humanity one of these days. It seems that from your posts I also feel that you are doing your utmost to do what is right and be encouraging to others. You started a great subject and it does people good to open up and let their feelings flow like a cleansing and as difficult as it might be move on with their lives as best they can under the circumstances right?

  • VoidEater

    On a two-year-old thread I've probably already commented, but since it's alive again:

    Yes I was.

    The fact of the 12-year-long abuse fades into the distance. The WTS apologists that say I'm not forgiving of inidividual mistakes, or guilty of not waiting on Jehovah, or that it was my fault...well, that's still a bit disruptive to my peacing out.

    Spike: you need a clue.

  • flipper

    AWARETODAY- I agree totally. I was raised in the JW's - got out 6 years ago at age 44 - and all those years I never bought into the expression" Jehovah will handle it in his time ". I saw lots of injustices come and go with NEVER so much as a hint of being handled or corrected. So you are right- that's where it comes down to us- real humans - to give God a hand ( if there is a God ) and try to protect and comfort those we can to escape abuse. Either child abuse or abuse by the WT society. And yes, it certainly is cleansing to open up about things on the board which many of us as witnesses were not allowed to speak of openly. Much less of a controlled environment outside the JW's. Thanks , Peace out, Mr. Flipper

  • Spike Tassel
    Spike Tassel

    to VE:— I agree. If you can give me a useful one, that would be most kind

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