How Often Do You Come To JWD During A Day, Week or Month??? Hours or Mins?

by minimus 559 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    CoCo, if you keep this up, this thread will be the longest!

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I'm cautiously optimistic, DD! You know how it was years ago for us. But so much has changed recently. Turmoil. Upheaval. People have come and gone in our lives. I try so hard to be objective and not let my feelings get hurt. We were center stage for so many years - big fish in the small pond - of course you understand, DD! You know everything about me. I can't fool you. Would I ever try? Certainly I am not "there," as they say, for everyone who might need me. We were taught to be available - ready and willing - to spread the GN. You remember, don't you, DD? Pour ourselves out, like a drink offering. I want to help my fellowman. I DO! But I got so &65*)(^4(*&^*! exhausted. I had to play sick to get everyone off my back. Well, you and I both know I WAS sick. But one of our friends said - when the elders were after him - that he needed to get a 2nd or 3rd medical opinion to satisfy the BOE. That's the idea. I turned off my phone and now have an answering service. Guess I ought not complain that the elders never call! LOL!!!!!

    NPR on now - it's noon. Prez sending more troops to Iraq - 20,000! Minimus wage to go up to $7.25 an hour. $58.2 billion drop in trade gap - what does that mean for me? USA Airways taking over DELTA?


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I'm back from work. Students responded well today. Have to draw out the shy ones, though. They all seem to do better when you highlight their strengths - stands to reason. Came home to lotsa buzz on the board. The end is nigh! or near or soon or at hand. I do miss my JW fam & friends. But I can't go back. The only time I saw them, seems, was at the KH. But everyone is so scattered with issues of health and debt and GUILT OVER NOT DOING ENUF FOR: 1) Jehovah, 2) Jesus, 3) the GB. You know the real answer, DD! The idolatry is so rank I have to put my spiritual health above pleasing man. Why can't they see it? Now it's so clear.

    I'm so glad I found you the other day, Dear Diary! You always listen. You never judge me. I will be back - soon........


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I'm back - had a disappointing jaunt into the world of DOUBLE JEOPARDY, the movie. The tape is damaged so I got frustrated and turned it off. Saw it en route to Aussie Land when it was new. DD - did you know that if you're convicted of killing someone - like in the movie - but they're not REALLY dead, well you can look 'em up once you're outa the big house, and go shoot 'em in the middle of Times Square [per the script] and yer OK? Can't be convicted twice for the same crime. What a deal. Think I'd like to start a lil' bit smaller myself. Get my feet wet! I'm really upset about all of us here having family captive to THE LIE. I pray God is watching over all of them. I feel so helpless, but it's bigger than us, Dear Diary. Do you think there really will be a wide opening of the eyes and a releasing of the captives, as the texts say? What a reversal! We fled "FALSE" religion and where did we end up? It's entirely too much for me to grasp. Well, one thing I learned was there are degrees of intensity relative to prayer. Do I petition God, or do I beg or do I beseech? He knows where I'm at. I can't bear the thought of any more harm coming to my loved ones. What do you think, DD?

    Gotta go ------ too intense!


  • jinjam

    i'm here all the time

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    Just popped outa bed - about 3:15 a.m. NPR announcer, Mort Jacobson, says it's Naomi Judd's 61st B'day today. Saw Ashley in DJ last night, w/ T.L. Jones. What's gonna happen today, DD? So much on the blood issue last few days re: those 6 tiny babies. What made FF & CW do it? So many needless deaths on the word of idolized "oracle." How is that any different from the HOLY SEE of the RCC? Don't even get me started on hypocrisy, DD!
    Winton Marsalis is performing a Telemann triple trumpet concerto on NPR: overdubbed performances. Get back to you later, DD. You are always here for me to talk to/you never go to sleep. But I need to. Supposed to be coldest day of the year today. "Angel of Peace" - by Siegfrid Wagner on now - about tolerance. Didn't realize R.W.'s son was a composer. Granson of Franz Liszt. Never really emerged from his father's shadow.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    A new day looms ahead. Jascha Heifitz is on NPR now, playing one of my fave violin concertos - Max Bruch's. So poignant. Bittersweet, like the lives of so many of us. In front of every silver lining is a dark cloud. Well, DD, you know very well I'm no pessimist. I've paid the rent, I have food to eat. I do as I please. But some of my friends and family are suffering. What can I do? Energy and time - such basic commodities, yet in shorter and shorter supply. No money to speak of. Should I just keep writing, DD? We talk so much everyday. I appreciate your silent wisdom; it speaks volumes. Is paradise really only what we make of our lives here? Jesus promised to prepare a place for us, to be where he is. This is so basic to what's in the BOOK, yet so foreign to what I've been permitted to believe most of my life. And Gill was talking about the Flood and her preacher neighbor. I never doubted the Flood but now there are so many new facts to consider. Well, new to me. I am so late to what's really happening. Where do I go from here, Dear Diary?


  • minimus

    Keep up the fine work CoCo.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Dear Diary,

    I've had my first cup of coffee, but it was yesterday's. Yuck! Gotta motivate myself to fix a fresh pot. I was wrong, DD - the Bruch piece wasn't his violin concerto, but his Scottish Fantasy. It's a real gem. I was thinking, why does Mickey Mouse get all the glory? What if Disney had used Minimus, instead in THE SORCEROR'S APPRENTICE? Just a thought. NASDAC was 2479 - from NPR, 8:00 a.m. Do you have any idea what those figures mean? The only market I do is the local grocers. Need more coffee - so cold today! Glad I don't have to scrounge around for wood any more - propane heat! Caesar Franck's Symphony in D Minor just started - one of my favorite "moody," turbulent pieces.



    I`m never here,I`m not here now..You can`t see me because I`m not here,not because I`m Invisible!..I am Invisible,but I`m still not here!...OUTLAW

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