How do you feel about Tatoos?

by Fisherman 213 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • coolhandluke

    im not sensitive. i didnt post it to get a feel for if anyone liked it. i like it and i posted it because i'm proud of it. sensitivity is not the issue, tolerance is. you don't like it? fuck off, i do. i don't need you to like it. it would be like if i saw you and thought you to be ugly. well hell, someone might think you are attractive. i don't have to have sex with you, so why should i care?

  • OpenFireGlass
    I dunno....but I'd sure like to lick it!
    LMAO @ Kitty. Can I join in the fun? Give a few tugs on the dread locks while we are at it!
    HEY! Those are MY dreadlocks to tug on, Ladies! OK, I'll share. It could be more fun that way.

    What's up Babydoll? now that i've come to visit ya, ya don't think ya can handle me all by yourself?

    Do You have any suggestions on what you'd like to see on my back? (besides seeing me on my back)

    OFG, here ya go!

    I was thinking something a little more beautiful, like this....


    or this...

    I made one for you and painless OFG

    ummmmmmm, JH.... since when have you become a lady?

    And, kitty, & butt.... has GG/BG been telling ya'll stories? or what.... LOL

    PEACE, Mike (except GG/BG, cause she gets Love, Mike)

  • JH
    ummmmmmm, JH.... since when have you become a lady?

    I just wanted to show off my talent to all the ladies here.

    It had nothing to do with

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    What's up Babydoll? now that i've come to visit ya, ya don't think ya can handle me all by yourself?

    Can't handle you!? Oh, old man, you don't know the half of it. You think you can keep up with me!? Oh baby, it's on, BRING IT. I can handle you. ALL OF YOU.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Do You have any suggestions on what you'd like to see on my back? (besides seeing me on my back)

    What I'd like to see on your back are bite marks and fingernail scratches, and I know who I'd like to put them there too. Oh wait, that's not what you meant?

    I think anything would be sexy on your back, baby. I like the 2Pac idea, but maybe not your entire back. I like the cannabis flower idea. Not crazy about the Mary Jane tatt, but I could live with it.

    OR I'd like to see your back on my sheets. Yes, that's what I'd like. Sorry, I can't help myself.

  • OpenFireGlass
    Oh baby, it's on, BRING IT
    Sorry, I can't help myself.

    I know that statement is a lie!!!! I know how well you can help yourself babydoll....

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    What's up Babydoll? now that i've come to visit ya, ya don't think ya can handle me all by yourself?
    Can't handle you!? Oh, old man, you don't know the half of it. You think you can keep up with me!? Oh baby, it's on, BRING IT. I can handle you. ALL OF YOU.

    OFG, I'm sorry I called you an old man. I promise not to disrespect my elders ever again. Or does that mean I need to be disciplined? Maybe I need a spanking.

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Oh baby, it's on, BRING IT
    Sorry, I can't help myself.

    I know that statement is a lie!!!! I know how well you can help yourself babydoll....

    Awww, only thanks to Sparkplug and the USPS. Heehee.

  • hillary_step
    How do you feel about Tatoos?

    I feel that tatoos are a perfect example of how easy it is to sell fashion to the easily led. It follows a common dictate; that is convince the millions that by copying everybody else in town, they are actually exploring their individuality.

    This is an unsubtle con which will be hard to explain to the tatooed persons grandchildren, especially as the fashion will have become to view pierced and tattoed people as embarrassing has-beens who cannot pretend to have avoided fashion fads.


  • RichieRich


    Being the owner of several tattoos, I take offense at people who take offense at what I do. I have immortalized certain elements of my life, in ink, on my body. I understand that some have no desire to modify their bodies. I have no problem with that.

    i do realize that the world we all live in is bias. Every tattoo on my body can be hidden with blue jeans and a t shirt. A good friend of mine is a Doctor of botanical chemistry. He has sleeved arms that he has spent thousands of dollars on. In order to fit in, he has to wear a longsleeved shirt all day every day at his university. That's the choice he made though.

    The tattoo industry makes advancements daily. New ink technology makes colors last longer, so in 40 years, the old ladies in grocery stores scaring your kids will still have beautiful tattoos. Actual tattooing techniques are improved, making new levels of art accesible for application to bodies.

    it seems that trends are changing in the tattoo industry. Its not that more people are looking for tattoos, its that more people want GOOD tattoos.

    Be angry if you want to, but I'm not.

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