How do you feel about Tatoos?

by Fisherman 213 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rwagoner

    I have several tats, each with a deeply personal meaning.

    Who are you to judge me ? If you don't like them...DON'T LOOK. If you don't want your kids watching the evil tattoo shows...monitor what they watch...turn the channel or turn on you TV's Parental Controls.

    Here aresome on my Tat's...My premie son's (2 lbs)foot prints on my chest...2 symbols of my JW rebellion on my arm (my increadible wife and a cuban cigar)....and three red crosses and the word "Krupple" on my right forearm where the Nazi would have put them before I was murdered simply for having a disability.

    I also have my wedding ring tattooed on as I have a gold allergy and don't wear a traditional ring.

    I also have several other designs just waitng for the $$$ to free up to add them to my collection of personal, meaningful art..


  • kittyeatzjdubs
    Just as every 'social movement" over the past 50+ years has been the result of purposeful infiltration and manipulation of society by the occult Secret Societies, it would be my "educated guess" that the tatoo-craze was fomented by the very same groups to prepare the masses to accept the eventual mark of the beast, which they will by then be so accustomed to seeing everywhere and on everything already -- including their own bodies via tatoos -- that they will think nothing of accepting the "real" Mark when the time comes. I'm sure that is the reason behind the current craze. Check out those indepth articles mentioned above and you'll see this subject in a whole "new light" -- lol, to borrow a WT-favorite-phrase

    You can't be serious.

    I started reading your articles but I had to quit....I'm allergic to bull$hit.

    I was planning on accepting the ''mark'' when it came anyway. I've always been a sucker for current trends. HAIL SATAN!

    ~luv, jojo

  • ButtLight

    I like them. And where i live, parents cant let underage kids get them, even if they sign. So, while on vacation in FL. I took my 16 year old daughter to get one! I have two, and plan to have more added to the one on my back!

    To each his own! My daughters boyfriend is a tatoo artist. He is loaded with them. That I dont particularly care for, but it doesnt offend me in any way. It doesnt change his personality, so why should it bother me?

  • Mulan

    I don't mind tattoos if they are small and not readily visible. My daughter has her husband's name on her belly, and a running stick figure on her ankle. Those are discreet and not gross.

    I agree with one of the other posters that most of them are awful and not attractive at all.

    I saw an elderly woman at the grocery store recently, that had large colored ones all over her arms. She was about 75 and looked and dressed like anyone's great grandma, (gray hair, a bit overweight, dressed a little frumpy) but those tattoos were so out of place. People should think ahead to their old age before they get a visible tattoo.

  • JH

    Although I don't mind seeing 1 or 2 small tatoos on other people, I wouldn't want any on me.

    I'm pure. My body belongs to Christ.

  • smellsgood

    I have no moral opposition to tattoos at all. I think some are in poor taste, excessive, or just plain ugly sometimes though. Oh, and I really don't like "colored" tattoos so much at leas in some of the brighter colors they use. My sister has some great sparkly ink in her fairy tat on her back however.

    Abagail, that's interesting. I disagree with the alarmist findings of the author. Of course people get symbols in tattoos they don't know about. Does it make them whirly eyed and brainwashed? I think not.

    My brother has 5 or six, and he didn't pick them out from the tatooist catalogue, he got them because they mean something to him. They are all just words, no pictures or symbols. "five or four times" a jazz measure. "here I'm alive" from Radioheads everything in its right place. "the slow blade penetrates the shield" from Dune on his chest. a "METRO" tat. And "i don't know white people's names" on his foot.

    The only trouble with the ones on his arms were that he couldn't join the air force with him, so he went in the National Guard instead.

    The wickedness that some people think seems to eminate from tattoos is just a very shallow surface way to label people. The simple deed of getting ink poked in your epidermis is not evil in my mind whatsoever. It's a very veneer thing, and if people judge you from that, that's there insanity, not yours :)

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I wouldn't have a tattoo myself, but I'm not offended by anyone else having them. Like many things, whether to have a tattoo or not is an individual's personal choice

  • jstalin
    it would be my "educated guess" that the tatoo-craze was fomented by the very same groups to prepare the masses to accept the eventual mark of the beast,

    Not very educated, in my opinion.

    A demon under every rock....

  • kerj2leev


    Put the crack pipe down!

  • rwagoner
    occult Secret Societies....prepare the masses to accept the eventual mark of the beast.... I'm sure that is the reason behind the current craze.

    Oh PULEEEEZE ! LOL Tattooing and body modification has been around for centuries.... "Secret Societies" ??? You've really got to be kidding right ? Tattoos are the lastest piece in all of the secret conspiracy theories ??? Oh My God !!!...somehow the Free Masons shot their mind beam past my tin foil hat and made me tattoo my infant son's feet on my chest. Not at a sign of my love for my premie son who nearly died...but as a sign to all the other Masons that I am now under the control of the beast....Oh the shame...Oh the horror.....

    RandyW (of the slapping my forehead and shaking my head class)

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