Why I'll never see 'Brokeback Mountain'

by yaddayadda 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Trocul...you were showering with lots of gay guys while you were in Iraq. Might want to cut them some slack since they were defending their country. It's an interesting fact that gays are actually over represented in the military vs. civilian life. Must be all that man on man showering goin on.


  • Gretchen956

    THIS is homophobia:

    Teen Wanted in Gay Bar Rampage Is Caught

    By NOAH TRISTER, Associated Press Writer 16 minutes ago

    A teenager suspected of a hatchet-and-gun attack in a Massachusetts gay bar shot and killed a small-town police officer and the teen's female passenger before he was critically wounded in a gun battle with police Saturday, authorities said.

    Jacob D. Robida, 18, was shot twice in the head, and "it doesn't look good right now," said Massachusetts prosecutor Paul Walsh Jr.

    Walsh said the teen shot Officer Jim Sell, 56, twice during a traffic stop in this northern Arkansas town.

    About 25 miles away, Robida sped over spike strips set out by state troopers but continued to drive with two punctured tires into downtown Norfork. Robida's car then careened into several parked vehicles to avoid a police barricade.

    "When he wrecked he started firing at our officer and a state police officer, and the officers returned fire," said Baxter County Sheriff John Montgomery.

    The teen shot his unidentified female passenger before he was wounded in the shootout with police, Walsh said. State police wouldn't confirm Walsh's account and said ballistics tests would determine how the woman died.

    Robida was taken to a Springfield, Mo., hospital, according to Arkansas State Police spokesman Bill Sadler.

    Investigators had searched for Robida since Thursday's attack at Puzzles Lounge in New Bedford, Mass., that left three men wounded, one critically.

    The hatchet used in the attack was found outside the bar, but detectives believed Robida still had the gun.

    Police have labeled the incident a hate crime and said Robida would be charged with attempted murder, assault and civil rights violations.

    One victim, who had a black eye, a five-inch gash on his right cheek and a bullet hole in his back, was released from the hospital Friday. Another victim remained hospitalized, and officials would not disclose the location of the third.

    Robida was a high school dropout who friends say glorified Naziism but never expressed any specific prejudice against gays.

    "This is insane," said Heather Volton, 22, of Fall River, Mass., who had known Robida for more than a year. "That kid never so much as raised his voice at me ... This is all pretty much a shock to me, like everyone else."

  • Enigma One
    Enigma One

    Cost to shoot Brokeback $ 14 million. Usual marketing budget $ 20 million = $ 34 million

    Estimated box office in the US $ 100 million.
    Other countries + DVD + Rentals $ 100 million

    Total take $ 200 million - $ 34 million = $ 166 million gross profit

    Enough said.

  • darinwilson

    Don't they mean Bareback Mountain

    er....or Bearback Mountain

  • caligirl

    At first, I didn't want to see the movie. I rarely want to see the movies that are getting all the attention for best picture, because I have often felt that many of them were mediocre at best. ( Shakespeare in Love comes to mind)

    But as my husband and I were at the theater at 10:00 last night, with only 3 choices of what to see, I chose Brokeback Mountain (since it was my birthday, he agreed to humor me)

    4 people walked out of the theater within the first hour. One couple did so right after the so called sex scene ( You knew what was going to happen, but they really showed nothing but the kissing & unzipping part)

    Truly, it was very slow moving, and much too long, in my opinion.( But the scenery was beautiful) If you are one that needs fast paced action to enjoy a movie, then you won't survive this one. But if you were to go see it, stick with it and pay attention to the emotional content, then you would clearly understand the message of the movie. In my opinion, the main message is how harmful it is to live your life as something you are not. It conveyed the heartbreak and high cost of doing that, not just to the people directly involved, but to the families as well. Life is too short to live your life conforming to others idea of what is right or wrong. So if you were to watch the movie, you might just see a message that applies to anyone.

    I did not find it to be pushing any kind of agenda. But that is just my 2 cents.

  • slugga
    I think Will and Grace is hysterical and other gay themed shows are fine, but spare me the details.


    This attitudes a bit like saying "I dont mind black people, I used to love the black and white minstals!" Very patronising.

  • joelbear

    Caligirl summed it up quite nicely. I walked away with exactly the same feelings. They could have edited out 1/2 hour and made it an easier movie to watch. but that is Ang Lee's style, he uses very long scenes in all of his movies. that is his creative style.

    if you are afraid of the movie, read the story by Annie Proulx first. Its in her collection of short stories about the west called Open Range, its the only gay themed story in the book.

  • tijkmo

    im not a homophobe...

    my house doesnt scare me

  • LDH

    Just wanted to know if anyone read the essay that Yadda linked to before replying?

    The biggest thrust in this wave is coming out of Japan and targeting your preteen daughters. It's called Yaoi.
    Yaoi is a massive multi-million dollar subculture providing young girls with comic books and animated films depicting gay romantic love between handsome boys, culminating in explicit hard core homosexual pornography. The tide of this material represents a generation of girls whose misdirected sexuality is being warped in an unnatural direction. Traveling extensively, I warn you this epidemic is rampant throughout Europe, Russia, Asia, and now making heavy inroads into the Americas. Parents have no idea what their young girls have tucked under their mattresses, or hidden in closets and computers. Scores of websites are devoted to young girls fiction describing their fantasies of young men in popular music, tv, film, etc, all engaged in romantic "love and gay sex.
    Teen girls rapidly become obsessed with Yaoi and find it an entry drug to other shows like Queer As Folk, and gay hardcore. Many discuss openly their confusion about sex, not wanting a husband or baby, or angst ridden with their own experimentation towards bisexuality and lesbianism. Of course, they're all buzzing about Brokeback.

    This is one little 'snippet' of this crap posing as journalism. When I read it I had to burst out laughing----my daughter is a huge fan of anime and mangas. She reads Yaoi as well as other multiple genres. This stereotype (above) does NOTHING to describe her.

    More fear-mongers masquerading as Christians looking out for my eternal good. I will ask her to register tonight and post something for you in response to this nonsense!


    Doesn't Fear Different, Class

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