Why I'll never see 'Brokeback Mountain'

by yaddayadda 98 Replies latest jw friends

  • jstalin
    So if we accept the fact that airplanes fly and we use condoms in our lives, obviously we should never be grossed out by two guys sucking each other off or pounding each other in the ass? People who dont embrace the gay lifestyle as being the greatest thing since sliced bread are now as bad as racist KKK folks 30 years ago? I will accept it as natural when two same sex partners concieve. I refused to watch an email that was sent to me of a woman performing a sexual act with a horse. Does that make me close minded because that grosses me out. Does that make me as ignorant as a KKK member 30 years ago? You guys sound worse than the Watchtower pushing its agendas and thoughts as the only right way a person can believe!

    Clearly you missed my point. I don't give a rat's ass if you think guys having sex is gross. I do give a rat's ass when you, and others, use the completely intellectually void argument that homosexuality is "unnatural" to justify social policy. You can be as closed-minded as you like, by all means, but don't try and use that closed-mindedness to use the government to tell me what I can and cannot do in my bedroom.

    And, by the way, what exactly is the "gay lifestyle?" I get up in the morning, drive to work, eat lunch, go home, read the newspaper, then go to bed. Wow... that's quite the lifestyle.

  • hillbilly
    Clearly you missed my point. I don't give a rat's ass if you think guys having sex is gross. I do give a rat's ass when you, and others, use the completely intellectually ;void argument that homosexuality is "unnatural" to justify social policy. You can be as closed-minded as you like, by all means, but don't try and use that closed-mindedness to use the government to tell me what I can and cannot do in my bedroom.

    And, by the way, what exactly is the "gay lifestyle?" ; I get up in the morning, drive to work, eat lunch, go home, read the newspaper, then go to bed. Wow... that's quite the lifestyle.

    jstalin...you're correct. I figure the gay lifestyle must be a lot like the straight lifestyle. Except for how you choose to play "hide the sausage" I doubt anyone could tell any of us from anyone else.

    In case you have missed the point the biggest error of perception about this film is folks keep talkin' about cowboys. Those guys are sheepherders. And in my society (cowboys) sheepherders are to be avoided.

    Again, the point is, Hollywood missed the point... not many gay sheepherders out there... I guess our society isnt ready for the 'truth' about sheep.........


  • deeskis
    There are alot of things that gross me out about the opposite sex even though I'm not gay. Yeast infection!?! Ick!

    I'm sure women aren't too jazzed up about the thought of jock itch.

    What ya'll are saying is that because you find a yeast infection gross you can't accept a woman for who she is. It's gross and evil. See how silly you look?

    " Price check on Vagiclean, aisle five. I repeat: price check on Vagiclean, aisle five. That's Vagiclean. We've got a customer down here with a full-on fallopian fungus. She's baking a loaf of bread and I think it's sourdough..........a little extra cheese on the taco"!

    a line from another movie, me myself and Irene. The funniest part for me was when Hank played by Jim Carrey displaced the breastfeeding baby, and had a good suckle himself. At the time that movie came out I was a voluntary breastfeeding counsellor,......that tickled me!

    I'll be going to see gorgeous Heathy baby................"mmm tacos!"

    (no I'm not a lesbian, just doing a Homer Simpson line)

    It's a movie, not all movies appeal to all people, if you don't like it don't go and see it.

  • joelbear

    Brokeback Mountain is an extraordinary film in that it presents life from a perspective that has never before been captured on film, that of 2 men who find themselves caught in living society's proscribed life and finding that it does not work for them because they are homosexuals. That particular story has never been told before. It makes the film unique. Add on the fact that they are cowboys in the early 60's and the film puts the characters into a more difficult situation. Its a good story. Annie Proulx writes really good stories.

    There have been about 20 main stream releases about homosexuality.

    The top 3 money makers are

    The Bird Cage - About a committed couple one of whom is a very effeminate drag queen. Very entertaining for its camp value. But relied totally on gay stereotypes for humor. All the way to the bowls with boys sodomizing in them. I enjoyed the movie because I am at the point in my life where gay stereotypes no longer make me uncomfortable because I have found Joel the homosexual and know who I am. However for a 13 year old struggling with his homosexuality, I think the film would be very disconcerting.

    Philadelphia - About a man dying with AIDS fighting for his job. Phenomenal film. Heartwrenching. The part that makes me sob is when they show the pictures of Hanks' character as a kid right after he dies while Neil Young is singing that haunting song. A lot of people complain that oh, it shows sick gay men. Well, that's part of gay history now. I have found out in the last few weeks that 2 more friends have recently tested HIV positive. Can't deny the truth. AIDS is interweaved with the experience of being a homosexual and this film captures how it feels better than any other.

    Crying Game - About a transexual and the man who loves her. Identifies gay men as those who want to be women. In reality a very small minority. But of course oh so a curiosity.

    My picks for the greatest gay themed films of all time.

    1. Maurice

    2. The Sum of Us

    3. Beautiful Thing

    4. The Wedding Banquet

    5. Making Love

    6. Priscilla Queen of the Desert - serious themes underneath the drag show

    7. Big Eden

    8. Trick

    9. Brokeback Mountain

    10. Torch Song Trilogy

  • Robdar

    I'll not see Brokeback Mt. I hate love stories and avoid them at all costs. I also hate chic flicks. Still, some of my friends have seen Broke Back Mt and enjoyed it very much.

  • deeskis
    The top 3 money makers are

    The Bird Cage - About a committed couple one of whom is a very effeminate drag queen. Very entertaining for its camp value. But relied totally on gay stereotypes for humor. All the way to the bowls with boys sodomizing in them. I enjoyed the movie because I am at the point in my life where gay stereotypes no longer make me uncomfortable because I have found Joel the homosexual and know who I am. However for a 13 year old struggling with his homosexuality, I think the film would be very disconcerting.

    Philadelphia - About a man dying with AIDS fighting for his job. Phenomenal film. Heartwrenching. The part that makes me sob is when they show the pictures of Hanks' character as a kid right after he dies while Neil Young is singing that haunting song. A lot of people complain that oh, it shows sick gay men. Well, that's part of gay history now. I have found out in the last few weeks that 2 more friends have recently tested HIV positive. Can't deny the truth. AIDS is interweaved with the experience of being a homosexual and this film captures how it feels better than any other.

    Crying Game - About a transexual and the man who loves her. Identifies gay men as those who want to be women. In reality a very small minority. But of course oh so a curiosity.

    Saw all three and enjoyed them all,

  • IP_SEC
    guess if there was a move about a guy going to the mountain to screw a bunch of sheep you would be taking up for him to and hating on anyone who didnt think it was normal.

    Hey, as long as the sheep pushes back, its ok.

  • joelbear

    i always wonder where the bestiality angle comes in here. i'm generally against bestiality because i see it as the abuse of a living entity that cannot give its consent for what is being done, but I suppose that if it was proven that the animal gets joy and satisfaction from it, that I would not have a problem with it, although it doesn't interest me.

    the comparison always amuses me i guess. if it is two men or two women, then somehow one of the humans becomes an animal?

    an another thing: do you only go see movies where you would participate in the activity on the screen yourself? that leaves out murder movies, movies with car chase scenes, innumerable subject matter. even nature documentaries. i'm guessing you would not find the idea of regurgitating food to your young palatable, its gross, i won't support it.

    how bout going to a movie just to learn something, expose yourself to a different way of thought.

    no wait y'all are Jehovah's Witnesses.

    no wait you aren't anymore.


  • hillbilly
    Add on the fact that they are cowboys in the early 60's and the film puts the characters into a more difficult situation. Its a good story.

    Sheepherders, sheepherders................

    Joel... your film lists makes my point. Show me a gay movie about a New Yorker, window dresser, drag queen, etc and folks will watch it...to a point. But it's been done to death.

    Put two sheepherders a' horseback in someplace were gayness isnt the norm and sell $50 plus million.


  • kittyeatzjdubs
    Yep, I'm 'homophobic' and damn proud of it!

    And no...I'm not trying to break anyone's balls here. I'm just curious.

    luv, jojo

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