never seen so much hatred

by PMJ 247 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PMJ

    ye sure we can what would u like to talk about?

  • mrsjones5

    I see 2 gods...a big one and a little one but still 2 gods

  • Honesty
    2jehovah God and Jesus

    Ok, great. You also said:

    well i beleave there is only one allmighty true GOD

    Ok, so there are two gods mentioned in John 1:1 but there is only one allmighty true god so what kind of god does that make Jesus?

  • serendipity

    Hi PMJ, welcome to the forum! Congrats on the new addition to the family!

    I hope you're enjoying all the love bombing you're experiencing here. These guys really like to give a "warm welcome" to current JW's. Kind of like JW's do when a new person comes to the KH. Some habits die hard, I guess.

  • mrsjones5

    Actually PMJ had been treated rather kindly...which is a good thing

  • PMJ

    well i would say a god that has had a in proverbs hapter 8 were it says he was the earliest of jehovahs achivments the begging of his way

  • ballistic

    I will not lie to you. I view the Watchtower as the enemy. Call me an apostate if you will but I really don't care what you call me. But I pioneered for many years, stronger than ever after my father died without blood. It kinda gave me a cause to work for. But after I was disfellowshipped, I realised my suspisions about any real love in the organisation were true. I was only loved for what I did, not for who I was. That came after.

  • mrsjones5

    because it's a works based faith...mired in the law of Moses instead of the Grace of God

    wow that was good

  • PMJ

    thats proberly because i dont argue much i just say what i beleave.i dont exspect every one to agree with the watchtower.if they did then i would worry this is to be exspected

  • jeanniebeanz

    *shhh... there's a bookstudy going on* lol

    PMJ, it was very nice meeting you. I'm going to split and let Ballistic have his serious conversation with you...

    I jest, but he does have some good points. Auldsoul is pretty sharp too. He's stumped me a time or two.

    Have fun, man. Hope to see you around often and loudly.


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