by Nate Merit 171 Replies latest social humour

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hiya Golf

    "Nate, you said 'your next book.' Can you elaborate? The next one deals on what? "

    Hi Golf. I've been posting a chapter now and then on this site to get feedback. I haven't posted the title because (surprise surprise) no one else has ever used the title. It's hard to come up with original titles that are snappy and catchy.

    The book is about my involvement with the JW's. When and how I got involved (sex drive played a big part), what my life was like as a JW (mixed bag of fun and oppression), how I got out (with a boot applied to my derriere at highvelocity) and the aftermath (so horrible its difficult to wrote about)

    Agreed indeed. I've never been to Boston but always thought of it as a much cleaner and nicer than it is. (Judging by what I've seen of it on TV) A city is a city I reckon.

    I hung out with kids three and four years older than myself until age 11, which I think made my childhood a lot more fun to look back on.

    "Pranksters get see the other side of the coin, risky but exciting. "

    I wouldn't want to change my youth at all. Even my involvement with the JayDubs.


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi TD

    Your avatar looks like a friend of mine, Tom Matros. Spooky.
    Yes, of the various negative reactions (none of which I expected) Oroborous was the most surprising. From age 11 to 13 my friends and I made black powder and homemade fireworks. It was fun, but we never made actual bombs or hurt anybody. When I was 11 my family had moved way out into the country, so these kabooms happened with just trees and crows and squirrels around.

    Thanks for having a sense of humor about my youthful pranks.


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi Mustang!

    "Thanks for the comic relief!!!!"

    Your'e welcome dude!

    "I have a few observations:

    The length of time ago tells me that you were younger; it looks like you have outgrown this and it seems to have been therapeutic."

    Yes, it was actually in 1979, not 1984. It was 26 years ago and I was 26. It was very therapeutic. Plus fun.

    "This is likely one of the reasons that I left: I had too much of a "similar bent" in my "soul". I figured that I had a "soul" in the meaning of having a mind and being able to think for myself. NOW, YOU KNOW THAT IS HEADING FOR TROUBLE IN DUB-DOM!!!"

    Agreed. People with their own minds who go their own way are not going to be welcome in the New World Ordure.

    "In line with the previous paragraph, I figured that I would soon have to speak up and would have really been trashed by them if I did that. I was a "privileged character", being related to the founder of the congo and related to/or close family friends with some of the local "heavies". But I figured that would burn itself out if I really said what I was thinking."

    Sort of like being a "preachers kid?"

    "So, I left and went cross-country. But I did drop in on the local Dub-hive after my 2000+ mile sojourn."

    Very cool! I hope it was a trip full of god memories you can dip into and smile! I ran away from home and hitchiked from Swartz Creek, Michigan (Near Flint) to San Jose CA a couple months before I turned 18. It was a good experiebce all in all.

    "[I nearly puked when a pIONEER that I was doing janitorial work for droned on and on about how much he enjoyed buffing floors. Talk about spouting the party line!!!"

    I took a job as a janitor with a school district for a couple years to make some extra cash. It was good pay, good benefits, easy work (for the most part), and I was alone. I liked being alone and doing things my own way without a supervisor breasthing down my neck. But I can't honestly say the work itself was anything but mindless and repetitive.

    Speaking of Pioneers, I did the pioneer thing for awhile. It was just before I slipped back into normal stuff like getting high and getting laid. Then I was disfellowshipped AFTER BURGLARIZING AN ELDERS ACCOUNTING OFFICE! ARE THE MORALITY POLICE READING THIS??? HIS NAME IS RON PSYCHE AND I THINK HE STILL LIVES IN FLINT! Call him and tell I said hi. Hehehe. Aye, tis not a joke. I was one confused 9 year old. It will all be in my book. Oh yeah, like you they were just about to make me a "ministerail servant" when I went kablooie from all the conformist crap. WTBTS is a NUTTERY if you're not one of the herd.

    "Frankly, these JW's take themselves too seriously and are too much of the old classical stuffed shirts to put up with. If they can't take a few jokes such as you pulled, they are hopeless."

    Oh GAWD. Life's too short and full of crap to waste time being around folks with their head up their behinds so they can sniff their own shiite.

    Have a good one.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Thats 19 year old, not 9 year old!!! LMAO!!!

    I gotta proof read these things before I post em!


  • jeanniebeanz
    I think it's unfair to characterize practical jokes as a stepping stone to bombs and arson.

    ...which is why I took offense. This guy has called me some pretty vile names on this board and has not been 'censored' for it as was I, and I do mean vile. My comments being deleted can only mean that he went crying to 'momma' about my post, or someone is feeling a bit sensitive today.

    Regardless, his sanctimonious tone in threads like these rub me the wrong way... but apparently, I am not free to speak my mind as much as our esteemed 'lawyer' friend. How is telling someone I think they are an idiot worse than him telling a poster his sense of humor makes him capable of pipe bombing a KH? Give me a break...


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hello Jeannie

    I'm fairly new here, so I haven't yet figured out who is who, but I deeply dislike bullies. I'll be looking for opportunities to stick it to Oroboros.


  • Oroborus21

    Hello Nate,

    I certainly did not mean to personally offend you and I apologize if you were hurt in any way.

    However, I do take issue with your justification that these things occurred when you were 26. I can understand teenage pranks and am guilty of much illegal activity myself including vandalism when I was a teen, though not on par with what you described. But teenage misbehaviour is something to regret or maybe reminenence (sp?) over not something to be proud about.

    These acts of fraud and vandalism, and yes, spraypainting a Kingdom Hall or a parking spot is simply graffiti vandalism, that took place when you are 26 years old are quite a different matter. You are supposed to be an adult and if anything rather than boasting that you are "proud" in the title of your thread to have committed these crimes, you should be ashamed and remorseful for your lack of maturity.

    I understand the frustration that many feel and I understand that many believe that payback to the Society is justified, but there are socially appropriate ways to go about it. Criminal activity in any form should never be condoned or commended and in the end only serves to fuel the Society's misrepresentation of the opposition.

    To JennieBeanz and all persons who care:

    Please look my post history up. You will never see that I have ever said anything to JennieBeanz that could be considered "vile". In fact, to the contrary you will almost always find that after I have posted something often having nothing to do with her or not in one of her threads, Beanz has posted afterwards and often engaged in a personal attack or criticism of me. It is rather amusing really.

    I long ago gave up on trying to engage in any kind of rational dialogue with her as I have found her to be completely incapable of respectful argument and holding a point and supporting such with evidence or logic.

    I am sorry that I did not see your post which was removed and I had nothing to do with its removal. If you ever have anything that you wish to tell me please feel free to pm me or email me.

    Finally, I hope you are enjoying Texas. Being from New Mexico myself I really miss the weather this time of year in that part of the country. California is much cooler since you left. All the hot air has seemingly gone east.

    -Eduardo Leaton Jr., Esq.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Oroborus, you can try to justify bullying a woman any way you like, but you're still a jerk. I'm fifty two years old with heart disease and a blown out back and on my worst day I can still beat the hell out of you.

    Maybe you and I can link up for some fun and frolic at an apostafest? I'd be glad to repeat everything to your face. You can do the same, then we can trip the light fantastic.

  • Oroborus21


    well I will let the public read my post and then your follow-up and judge for themselves.

    I find it fascinating that you have amassed so many posts in only one months time. I will reserve my thoughts about the significance of this.

    As for the supposed bullying, please point out some of my posts that you consider to be such conduct. I have never bullied anybody, and no, you are seriously mistaken if you think you could take me. You really wouldn't want to get on my bad side in that way.

    I forgot to add regarding JeanieB that she has also seemed incapable of recognizing sarcasm, hyperbole or any other similar literary technique where one is seeking to convey an effect through the use of overstatement.

    I don't know whether you are capable of pipebombing a Kingdom Hall. But your glorification of vandalism and hate-crimes towards Kingdom Halls is enough to warrant caution. Certainly, if you claim to be mature today, although challenging one to a brawl seems to belie that claim, you should not be giving persons, especially the significant number of teens that lurk here on this forum, ideas.

    When someone spray paints a swastika on a synagogue or plants a burning cross in the lawn of a black church are these not hate crimes to be condemned by society? How is spray painting a Kingdom Hall any different? It is not.

    -Eduardo Leaton Jr., Esq.

  • Sunspot

    I have just read through this thread for the first time. I was giggling so hard at the end of the first post that my hubby and both cats on the couch were looking at me as I was trying to catch my breath and once again appear to look dignified!

    Obviously we share the same sense of humor! As for how "long ago" these happened......time is a funny thing in itself. Had I read of your escapades in 1984---I would not have found them very funny, since I was still locked into the WTS-way of nonthinking back then. TODAY I thought they were timing is everything, LOL!

    Thanks for giving an old lady a great laugh today!

    Is this the end?!?!?!? Asked with just the right touch of frantic paranoia. The dude said that they were 'checking.' --I was like, why do they need to check, Br. Scaglione (D.O.) always told us that we would know the end was here when the BROTHERS told us. I was like, who are they checking with? The "brother" asked me if I was in touch with the local elders, and I just dragged this thing out about as long as I could. Whole conversation was about ten minutes as I remember it. He tried to make me take out my Revelation book.

    LDH, talk about side-splitting! Probably even MORE so since I well remember Bro Scaglione from the CNY circuit years ago! It put me in mind of how I swallowed everything he (they) all said as if it was gospel truth! I enjoyed your post on this too!

    When it comes to the evil WTS cult-----I make no apologies for the hatred I carry for this organization (not the duped individuals) and any payback they get is more than warranted IMHO!

    I LOVE threads like this.....wished I was in a position where I could (ooops---sorry) do more, do more! This would have brought me more satisfaction than starting 100 bible studies--hahaha!

    Evil Annie

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