JoinedTopics Started by monophonic
Dating after Divorcing a JW...
by RagingBull inany experiences/advice on dating (moving on) after a separation or divorce from a jw?.
i know that when (not if) i leave the org, my wife will probably separate then divorce me (and we have 3 small children).
i only know of horror stories when it comes to that type of scenario.
Why no coverage of the Russian ban in the media?
by highdose ini mean not just in russia but world wide, wouldn't this be a great oppotunity to educate the public about this cult????.
hint hint people with media contacts....
Do You Support Freedom Of Religion?
by minimus ini think most religions have their good and bad points about them.
some religions (most) teach if you're a "bad" person or a sinner who doesn't become "born again", that you're going to burn in hellfire forever and ever!
some religions teach intolerance toward "infidels" or "apostates".
Comparison to ex-Mormons
by rebel8 ini've been learning about ex-mormons recently and was astounded at the similarities, right down to using tm.. here's a free pdf i worked up that compares the similarities..
LATEST BIG RUMOR: WTS calls a moratorium on ALL KH construction in US & Canada
by sir82 inbased on an informal conversation this past weekend.... an elder with "connections" to the local rbc stated that he heard that the society was instituting a moratorium on all kingdom hall construction in the us and canada.
any projects for which funding has already been arranged will continue, but as of now, no new kh construction loans are being approved by the society.. there are enough projects in the pipeline that rbcs will still be busy for the next year or 2, but after that....who knows?.
my thoughts:.
Were you afraid to go to a bar?
by rebel8 insomeone who shall remain nameless (*cough*snowbird*cough) mentioned she has never been to a bar.. this shocks me.. i was remembering how terrified i was of going to a bar when i was exiting the mother ship.
i was looking for the lightning bolts to get me.
and it was a big nothing really.
How do the elders know if you are truly repentent?
by jetery inthe reason why i ask is because whenever u are df and u are trying to get reinstated they are always tellling u that u have to produce fruits befitting repentenace like attending the meetings,etc.
they always make it seem that since they are gods spirit-directed org.
that he will know whether or not if a person is repentent.
Article on Mental Health and witnesses
by chikikie inall i can say is wow!!
The End of Circuit Overseers
by scotsman inis indeed apparently nigh as another poster predicted along with the end of the weekly bs.
not sure when this should take place but i'm reliably informed by a family member that one of the uk's overseers was talking about it fairly recently.
reduced to weekend visits by an outside but local elder instead.. i have no further info..