I really blew it......I am the nightmare householder!

by Why Georgia 122 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I think you handled it perfectly!

  • rebel8

    Here is a letter written to the elders on this topic, and literature citations indicating the rank and file have been informed: http://www.dannyhaszard.com/notrespassing.htm

    My recommendation is to write a letter plainly stating no further contact should be made. Specifically state this applies to all congregations. Mention in your letter that you are restating what you already told _____ in person when he visited on May ?, 2005. Send it by registered/certified mail with return receipt and delivery confirmation. Save copies of the letter and all documentation from the post office showing it was delivered. Then call the cops if they make any further contact. (In the letter, refrain from saying anything coming across threatening or angry in order to avoid any appearance that you are harassing them.)

    If you get letters, PM me because I've got some links on how to report them to the feds for mail abuse.

  • Mary
    Why Georgia said: Then topped it off with " Are you F*CKING STUPID we've never been to the Kingdom Hall in ______________ - we don't want anything to do with you people. Leave us alone! Then I got right in his face and told him if he ever came back that I would kick his fat A** and let my dog eat his balls.

    ROFLMFAO!! Oh my god Georgia, you're a girl after my own heart!! I would have given ANYTHING to witness that scenario! These guys just don't get it; they're as dumb as an ox and ignorant to boot. Which part of "get out" don't they understand? I'm pretty sure after your speech, they'll think twice about comin' round!!

  • Why Georgia
    Why Georgia

    What I can't stand is that they have lied to our face the last 2 times when stopping by. I know they were stopping by to spy on us.

    The first time they realized there was a witness in the house was before St. Patricks Day and I had a Tigger St. Pat's Day Flag flying in front of my house.

    The 2 times they've been back since it's because they said they were going to our next door neighbors....who I have informed them now on 3 occasions only speak Portugese and they thought they'd just stop and say hi. I asked them...do you speak Portugese....No...Do you have Watchtowers/Awakes in Portugese...No. So WTF?

    Not to mention last weekend on Mothers Day when they were standing in front of my house pointing at it although they didn't knock!

    Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. I know they are watching us and I'm not being paranoid.

  • carla

    I know just how you feel! I lost it on a jw woman who was by herself. Why was she by herself? Anyway, kids were here to hear it all, bad language included. Told her I knew about the child molestation, UN, etc...etc... What it has done to so many marriages (including mine) to stay away. She never came back. Her mouth just dropped to the floor and she left without a word. I once called a guy at 1am, on the heals of a fight with husband. Made him talk to me for over an hour. He had no answers for me on anything. Maybe he wasn't used to being up at 1am. But, he stopped coming around. Wish it work on the rest of them that husband is involved with. carla

  • kls
    Wish it work on the rest of them that husband is involved with. carla

    Carla ,with that attitude much like mine they will run the other way ,,,hee,hee. They don't like me very much and the feeling is so mutual

  • jgnat

    Blame my diabolical mind, but I thought of one instance when they may come back. They may check just one more time when you are not around. They may justify in their own minds that they have a duty to "rescue" the husband.

  • Mulan

    That was great!! Thanks for the laughs this morning.

    As for blowing it? I don't think so. If I had been with them when I was a JW, I would have been shaking in my boots.

  • Sunspot
    Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining. I know they are watching us and I'm not being paranoid.

    Oh MY! (she said batting her eyelashes) Now you wouldn't be accusing the organization of loooove, of LYING, now would you?

    When I was "beginning to see the noo lite" about the WTS, I was hurt because I had become disabled and in a lot of pain. I hadn't made it to meetings in a couple of months (at that point) and, as I had been doing...ahh..."personal research", I began to get angry at all that I was seeing on the computer.

    I then sent a letter to the PO and others, stating how long it had been since anyone called (except for my TIME) or stopped by and that I didn't feel any of this "love" even though I've been a "loyal JW" for 30 years. Never even had a ripple of trouble, marking, etc.

    I then went on to explain that I had a LOT of thinking to do, and that now it was my choice to be left alone, and I did not want any visits or calls at all. I would let them know what I decided when I decided what was next for me!

    Well didn't I then become the focus of their attention! I can't count any more how many times the elders knocked on my door, called on the phone.....and when that didn't work (I avoided them as I got more angry) they went to my hubby's (a nonJW) job and cornered him about my letter! I got more and more livid! Shall we say that I didn't consider these as "acts of love" but plain old harrassment!

    My hubby worked different shifts every day (not a 9-5 job) and by God, didn't they show up here just moments after he had left! Always when I was here alone (what's the bible say about cowards?) They NEVER "stopped by" when hubby was home! I don't know who they thought they were kidding! Too bad they didn't show me that much "love and attention" when they thought I was still dumb as a post and not inclined to spill any beans to fellow JWs.

    Hubby was getting tired of the "visits" that he was getting, and they kept telling him that I had to speak to them or call them. THAT made me even more determined to "not play their games", and that I was no longer (the way I looked at it) under their control nor did I have to answer to them!

    This went on for a couple of months, hubby was getting more and more pissed, as was I, so I put up a good-sized piece of cardboard o the porch, that could be seen long before they even climbed the steps----written in day-glo purple and orange---"NO JWS OR LAW WILL BE CALLED"!

    It worked, but I ended up getting a call from a sister I had known since 1974, asking "why". She said she saw the sign and thought it meant ALL JWs, meaning sisters, etc. (Of course, all this time I live on a main road that many JW families must pass by to get to the KH or anywhere else) Been here since 1981! I'm not hard to find. Book study and elder's family three houses away. Three other JW families 4,5 and 6 houses away. All related.

    I finally wrote a DA letter explaining exactly why I didn't even want to be "known" as a JW any more---now that I have discovered what liars they are, and I elaborated a few points. I said I had asked God for a good conscience when I was baptized---and what I knew NOW about the Org---made me ashamed. MY conscience didn't allow me to continue the farce and remain true to myself or my God and I wanted to be free of the WTS, in every way!

    That finally "did it", except for an email from a sister who I never cared very much for, asking me "where wil I go"? crap, and I wrote back and told her what the bible really said and what that meant---not the official WTS meaning.

    As good as it made me feel back at that time, I'd have MUCH rather have said what you did to those elders! The satisfaction of all of it would have been a cherished memory to hold on to forever LOL!

    hugs (and admiration),




    After having considered and discussed your experience with the Aposto-Slave Class we would like to invite you and your family to share your blessed experience on stage at the next Aposto-Convention. We think it would be very uplifting to the rank and file Apostates. Sharing these kinds of experiences with your fellow Apsoto-brothers and sisters helps keep our faith strong until the WTBS day of reckoning comes.

    -Brother BONEZZ

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