a friend in need

by OldSoul 604 Replies latest members private

  • jeanniebeanz
    Is there no tiny bit of your consience that tells you that you just could be wrong?


    I have been thinking a lot about ?friend in need? and her refusal to quote scriptures and her apparent reason; that we do not have respect for scripture here on this forum. She quoted scripture to one person because he said he was a witness, so I guess in her twisted view of JW doctrine it was okay to talk to him; he hadn?t crossed the line into ?apostasy? when we all know that the society clearly warns their members that they are not to come to sites like this. What a perverted sense of justice and love these people show.

    I will admit freely that the reason I was disfellowshipped originally was because I divorced my husband and moved on a year later to find a new man. But the reason that I did not go back was not due to pride, as she stated in one of her earlier posts, as the reason people don?t go back, but because after researching the scriptures for myself, I knew that the witnesses were not telling the truth. I could not go back because even though it was going to cost me my family and everyone that I loved, I respect the bible as god?s word and refused to live a life that I knew was a lie.

    I respect the bible and what it has to say. fin, you say that you do not talk to us because you believe we have no respect for the bible. In reality though, I suspect that you do not speak of scriptures because in some legal loophole running around in your mind, it is okay for you to be here as long as you do not ?profane Jehovah?s word by quoting it to apostates? even though you are in direct violation of the society.

    I don?t give a damn about the society since they are guilty of many, many things and deserve to have everyone leave them. However, I will not sit here and have you tell me that I have no respect for the Bible and you know so much better than I, when you are not even willing to be faithful to the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" that you purport to hold in such high esteem.


  • RebelliousSpirit
    To apply "throwing pearls before swine" makes me wonder...if you think there are people here who need information, which you must or you would have left this forum a long time ago, then you would know they are also watching. A very simple series of questions was asked.

    WLG makes a great point. As someone currently studying with the JWs (and also married to one) ... I find A friend's very obvious dodging of OS's questions disturbing. Two things come to mind:

    A friend cannot answer the aforementioned questions (because searching out such answers would require questioning the WTS, which JW's are taught not to do from the get go - "smile and nod" because the WTS has all the answers).

    A friend defers to the elders, implying to me that she cannot think/answer/reason for herself (the mere thought makes me nauseous, as I am an extremely independent thinker, as well as a woman who defers to no one save for God himself thankyouverymuch).

    I am watching. And I am sorely disappointed, as I too would appreciate the answers to OS's questions. Could I go to my conductor, or the elders for those answers? Sure. But IMHO they are questions that all JW's should be able to answer confidently (even my JW MIL tells me that the strength of your faith is seen in the conviction with which you are able to answer even the most difficult questions) ... if there are answers to be had.

    Sorry (((OS))) ... wanted to put in my .02 and let you know I support this thread as well.

  • NewLight2


    Since you refuse to answer OldSoul's questions with scripture because as you say:
    "I will not in good conscience use holy scriptures here where there is little to no respect for the bible teachings."--afin

    Why, then, do ALL Jw's go door to door to share the scriptures with householder's who obviously have "little to no respect for the bible teachings." either ?????

    Is this not just a simple example of a double standard on your part???

    Do not these same scriptures say, ' Judge not, that ye be not judged'??? see - Matt 7:1-2, Luke 6:37

    Yet, here on this forum it is CLEAR that you, afin, have done just that! You do NOT know these one's that you have judged unworthy to hear the words of scripture! Please explain why YOU do not have to follow the teaching found in Matt 7:1-2 and Luke 6:37????


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Everyone here poo poos everything I say.

    I haven't. But then I'm not anyone. I'm a nobody. However, I'd still like to hear an honest, sincere reply to what I feel is an honest sincere overture to discuss.

    What do you all say if the witnesses end up being right?

    About what? Blood? Armageddon? The trinity? Not being a smart ass, just not sure what you mean by this statement.

    Is there no tiny bit of your consience that tells you that you just could be wrong?

    Of course! I've been out for 15 years now, and yes that thought has occurred to me many times. But this is where, for me at least, faith comes in.

    My feeling is that I believed what the Witnesses taught with every fiber of my being. I was the epitome of the nerdy whole-souled JW pioneer. But when the issue of child abuse was shoved in my face and I realized that the Witnesses demanded 2 eyewitnesses I realized this teaching was evil. Evil cannot co-exist with the God I was taught about. Therefore, in my mind, Jehovah's Witnesses do not have "the truth".

    Could I be wrong? Of course! But I choose to believe in a God who is kind, who is compassionate and who, above all else, is the very expression of love. I willingly trust that person to do what is kind, compassionate and loving. And if he sees fit to discontinue my existence, I choose to believe such a decision is the right one.

    I've found a lot of peace in making this choice.

    When the day comes, will you be able to say ...' well, I did what I thought was right at the time.'

    Because of my abusive childhood, I am plagued with self-doubt, a poor self-image and low self-esteem. But this is one question I can answer swiftly and confidently.


    Just wondering, as I can't imagine believing other than I do.

    Begging your pardon, I cannot imagine believing some rather nonsensical teachings that the Witnesses have. I also cannot imagine, in good conscience, believing Jehovah God demands an innocent 4 year old child must have two adults who stand by and watch while the child is brutalized. This is not only totally inconsistent with everything God is supposed to be about that to accept it puts to lie the expression "God is love".

    This is one of the most abominable teachings ever foisted on Christian people. And yet, as bad as this is, the Witnesses take it further by then telling that child if they do not have 2 eyewitnesses, they or their parents are then forbidden to report the abuse to the police. Why? Because since there is no 'proof', the child must be lying. And slander is forbidden by God.

    With all due respect, I cannot imagine how you in good conscience can associate with any religious sect that takes such an attitude. By this very action, Jehovah's Witnesses show they are anything but Christian or believe in anything but a God of love.

  • Sunspot

    **Everyone here poo poos everything I say.

    Maybe because you haven't really SAID anything worthwhile or worthy of discussion.

    **What do you all say if the witnesses end up being right?

    Believe me, after 30+ years of WTS "bible" study, *I* discovered that the teachings can't stand up to scrutiny, nor do they truly reflect the scriptures. I began to see a great chasm between what the bible actually teaches-and what the WTS says.

    One must take off the rose-colored glasses and be truthful with themselve about all the discrepancy of WTS beliefs. Once you can admit the problems with WTS doctrine, and face the reality that you have been cleverly duped, then you can be true to yourself and go from there.

    It hurts---but it hurts more living with the lies you've been accustomed to swallowing, if you have a good conscience and personal integrity.

    Being one of Christ's sheep doesn't mean you have to be gullibly led by blind guides.


  • OldSoul
    My question is ... what if YOU are wrong?

    I have read six different translations of the Bible through. I am acquainted with knowledge and wisdom. I am conscious of nothing against myself, but by this I am nt proved rigteous. He that examines me is ... if you guess "Faithful and Discreet Slave" you are several books off. Paul did not recognize the congregation as his judge, even after the congregational arrangement was in place. (1 Corinthians 4:1-5)

    If you ever try to place yourself in Jehovah's judgment seat, you can just assume you are wrong. That will always be the case.

    If I am wrong, I will cease to live. If you are wrong ... let's just say that given your general demeanor toward others as expressed on this forum and your penchant for judging others wicked, the outcome may be less than delightful for you.

    The difference is, while I was alive, I will have lived (no, that doesn't mean Bacchanalia, although that can be fun). If I am right, I will live again.

    But, seriously, is all this fuss really necessary? Surely such a cornerstone belief as identifying that Jehovah's channel is the Faithful and Discreet Slave (pen name of the Governing Body) is easily established with just a few Scriptures.

  • Bryan


    I will not in good conscience use holy scriptures here where there is little to no respect for the bible teachings.

    Excuse me, but isn't the definition of Christian, "to be Christ like"?

    Didn't Jesus go to the tax collectors and prostitutes to preach God's word? Do you think they respected God's word? Of course not! That's why he preached to them.

    Are you kidding me?

    Stop the excuses friend. All you have to do is quote a couple of scriptures to prove the Watchtower's teaching on Old Soul's questions.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • toreador

    I am waiting..... and waiting........ and waiting. Come on AFIN, there are many here who could benifit from those scriptures. Tor

  • OldSoul
    RS: Sorry (((OS))) ... wanted to put in my .02 and let you know I support this thread as well.

    (((RS))) no sorry needed! I only wanted to make sure that afin's feelings were taken into consideration on this thread. I feel I have given every opportunity and removed any block that could have prevented a reply. No reply has been forthcoming and I expect none will be forthcoming.

    Unfortunately, afin has just given an incredibly bad witness for Jehovah and the Faithful and Discreet Slave Do As We Say Whether the Scriptures Say So or Not class, as well as an abysmal - but sadly true - witness to the kind of reasoning sophistry Jehovah's Witnesses are constrained to.


  • GetBusyLiving

    :What if YOU are wrong?

    Leaving that stuff is tough, but its rewarding in that you gain a whole new appreciation for God given freedom, and you will gain self respect. Do you really want to serve a God that would make you deny your own Bible trained conscience in order to live forever? Come on, think about this.

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