a friend in need

by OldSoul 604 Replies latest members private

  • Daughter of Freedom
    Daughter of Freedom


    This is a direct question- no insults- just a question.

    What are you doing here?

  • kls

    Is this for real? Afin has become a Senior member of an Apostste site. But i thought she was only a LURKER.!!!!!!!

    Yes i do smell a TROLL

  • el jarocho mayor
    el jarocho mayor

    Ok...Im gonna admit I have not...again, I have not finished reading this thread completely but I just want to say; OldSoul, Brother, I like your style man. Really I do. Ok...Im gonna back and read some more of this.

  • toreador

    What happened to "Old Soul"??

  • Big Tex
  • OldSoul


    I know that you don't understand why it is important to be able to clearly substantiate your beliefs by Scriptures. I understand your belief that watchtower.org equates to Jehovah and that where the WTS conflicts directly with the Bible you should listen to the revelations that do not claim divine inspiration instead of the direct statements coming from the Bible.

    You may have made an excellent choice for yourself. Your life is no doubt much less stressful allowing someone else to perceive and distinguish right and wrong for you. (Hebrews 5) It must be easier on you to let others test the teachings and opinions presented to you against the words of the Bible and then tell you if they match. (1 John 4:1,2; Romans 12:1,2, Philippians 1:8-10) No doubt, pondering and being absorbed in study of God's word would cause the exact result stated by the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, you would return to "Babylonish" teachings.

    Under the subheading "How to Avoid Falling Away from the Faith" The Watchtower article entitled "Distressed by Doubts" (w92 7/15 pp 19-22, paragraph 14) we read:

    We have seen that one of the basic causes of apostasy is a lack of faith through distructive doubt and that the word translated "doubt" also means "to distinguish." The apostate makes himself a decider of what is true and what is false, of what is "good and bad" in the way of spiritual food. He becomes presumptuous. ? Compare Genesis 2:17; 3:1-7

    How can I reconcile this view of "distinguishing" with Paul's directly stated means to identify mature christians in Hebrews chapter 5? I cannot. Can you? I cannot content myself to be that docile and passive in the formation of my beliefs. Your views - including the biting vitriol - as presented here will not draw anyone to your way of thinking and repels many. There is nothing gracious, seasoned, humble, or reasonable in your presentation. This is because you are content to be spoonfed Pablum instead of feeding yourself on solid food that belongs to ... well, that belongs to "those who through use have their perceptive powers trained to distinguish between right and wrong." Heaven forfend that I might believe the apostle Paul had a better grasp of spiritual maturity than watchtower.org!

    Was Paul recommending that we reach out for apostasy to show our maturity, or did the Faithful and Discreet Slave mistranslate the passage in Hebrews? Is Paul, under divine inspiration, right? Or is the Faithful and Discreet Slave <cough>Governing Body<cough> who has no inspiration from holy spirit correct? My choice is to uphold the Bible as a higher authority than the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society or any other man-made, man-governed organization. Such respect for the Bible is a mark of true Christianity.

    You have made your choice clear. I will not press you in any way to change your views, you have made it clear that your loyalty is to an organization that serves as your surrogate mother by providing all the milk you feel you need. Please be mature enough to publicly admit that your presence here is in direct violation of the teachings of the organization you claim to support.


  • OldSoul

    I will only be able to find intermittent access to the Internet for a while, but I will try to respond in a timely fashion by snail-mail standards.


  • minimus

    Old Soul---Pleaseeeeee not again with AFIN. Please.

  • stevenyc

    Yeh, this old one.

    just wanted to get my 200th post


  • toreador

    Welcome back Old Soul!

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