a friend in need

by OldSoul 604 Replies latest members private

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    stevenyc .. the quote of mine you posted is in reference to elders .. is it not ????

    I am not an elder.

    The times I used scriptures was wrong on my part though and I humbly apologize.

  • mtbatoon

    No AFIN you cherry pick what?s wrong or right like all the other hypocritical JW?s.

  • shadow

    I do not consider OS comparable to Satan, or many others here, but even if they were, Jesus used scriptures when talking to Satan.

  • OldSoul


    I wrote a long reply but IE had a hiccup when I tried to post it. I will try again later.


  • OldSoul
    shadow: I do not consider OS comparable to Satan, or many others here, but even if they were, Jesus used scriptures when talking to Satan.

    Thanks for the vote of confidence ... I think ... LOL!

    I agree completely: to infer that "pearls before swine" applies to using scriptures with those who do not respect them is to infer that Jesus a hypocrite for using scriptures to refute Satan. In my case, I have made it obvious that I do respect scriptures.


  • Sunspot

    **I do not consider OS comparable to Satan, or many others here, but even if they were, Jesus used scriptures when talking to Satan.


    WOW! You really *are* a horse of a different color! (admirably)

    "Active" JWs, especially elders, liken those that obviously disagree with WTS teachings as being equal to Satan. They like to say not to read *anything* that goes contrary to the Society's beliefs because it could "ruin thier faith", when what it actually may do will make them question the things they are told to believe (even though these things are subject to change at any givin time).

    I didn't find my FAITH (in God) was weakened, but my faith in the WTS as *spokesmen FOR God* came under severe scrutiny.Then I ended up realizing that I could not defend, believe or uphold these teachings for another day (30+ years as a JW)

    I know that seeing these proofs for myself was eye-opening and that's why the WTS doesn't want the JWs to even "peek" at the sites that will expose them. It has very little to *do* with faith and spirituality, but faith in what the WTS teaches.

    Does this make ME Satanic? Does this somehow prove to other active JWs that I have been involved in anything perverted, disgusting or immoral?

    As one who is willing to come here and discuss the WTS views on things, how do you explain this whole mindset that the WTS promotes?

    I'm not asking this in a sarcastic way, but it's hard to convey that by the written word sometimes.


  • Satanus


    Hi, it's your buddy satan again.

    The times I used scriptures was wrong on my part though and I humbly apologize.

    The wt has likened the bible to the sword of the spirit w which the christian becomes a mighty warrior, able to cut asunder even the largest satanic, worldly edifices. Yet, you sheath your sword and go forth into battle totally unarmed??? What kind of christian would do such a thing?


  • Daughter of Freedom
    Daughter of Freedom

    Since my last post on p15 I have only 'skim read' this.

    At the risk of having another belittling comment from shadow (and frankly, do I care?), I would like to add something.

    I wrote to the Watchtower Society about someone very similar to shadow and AFIN, and though it was not about them personally I will type the WTS' reply (I don't have a scanner, but can borrow one if anyone casts doubt on the validity of this)

    "We can state quite categorically that (x) does not represent us or write on our behalf. This society has just one official website and any other websites are not supported or endorsed by ourselves"

    Basically anyone here claiming to be speaking on behalf of the JWs is talking crap. As I tried to get across before, these people are time wasters. (BUT I'M ADDICTED TO THIS POOP!)


  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    dof .. I just read your post on page 15. By drawing attention to it shows your true lack of intelligence. If I wrote something so inane, I'd hope it slipped away without notice.

    To further show your ignorance .. you quote in big red letters what I've been saying (too many times to recall) .. go to the official website .. www.watchtower.org or talk to an elder.

  • jst2laws

    Thank you A Friend in Need,

    .. go to the official website .. www.watchtower.org or talk to an elder.

    I agree with you completely. Since the official web site does not answer OldSoul's questions, every loyal JW here should print OldSouls questions at the beginning of this thread and go to an elder. Give him some time to come back with a well thought out scriptural answer. Then for our sake come back here with the official WT answers your elder gave you so as to affirm our faith.

    Seriously, that would be best for all. It helped me.


    Welcome back, and in case you didn't notice, you were missed



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