a friend in need

by OldSoul 604 Replies latest members private

  • AlmostAtheist
    rm ... Your computer skills preclude you from taking advantage of the website.

    Is anybody else lurking on this thread? I can't help myself. I usually don't read it all, I just catch the last few comments and the responses from AFIN.

    Why is this so addicting? Why do I keep watching? I ask myself the same thing when I watch Cops or Amazing Police Chases. "I'll watch one more, then I'm turning it off," but I don't. I keep watching.


    (See you on page 30 or so...)


  • RescueMe

    Shadow, you said: (playing devil's advocate)

    'Yes, that article I prepared was really bad and misguided, but it was up to the reader as to how to respond to it.'

    How would the reader be expected to respond to it if it was "preached" as the truth?

  • AlanF

    Come on, people. This AFIN creep is obviously a troll. Not even the most ardent JW can be that thick.


  • frenchbabyface

    Can anybody give me the definition of a troll regarding this site and (ex-JW'S) please ... thank you in advance

  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    frenchbabyface ... A troll concerning exJWs is someone who disagrees with exJWs.

  • AlanF

    Will Power said:

    : The eyes glaze, face hardens, breathing becomes laboured, then he usually leaves the room, then the house. . .

    This is absolutely typical behavior for JWs and other cult members. They really do know the truth about their cult, and absolutely hate it when confronted with reality. Their ONLY defense is to shut down all sensory inputs.

    : Unless you see it for yourself you'd not believe it. Many here know what I'm talking about.

    You got that right!


  • funkyderek
    A troll concerning exJWs is someone who disagrees with exJWs.

    Not at all. It's someone who posts inflammatory material and then doesn't respond except to stoke the fire. If AFIN was in any way genuine he would tell us why he is here when the people he is defending as God's appointed representatives have explicitly ordered him not to be here. Notice how he hasn't done that. He posts very little of substance. He just returns every now and then with a few lines of vague insults.

  • Pole
  • frenchbabyface


    frenchbabyface ... A troll concerning exJWs is someone who disagrees with exJWs.
    But nobody can disagree with ex-JW as they don't clame having the truth they just talking about facts and logic ... PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ! try something else please ...
  • a friend in need
    a friend in need

    frenchbabyface ... are facts and logic different than the truth? If not then you do claim to have the truth.

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