Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • LoverOfTruth

    It may be a long time before we hear from Mario. We must have faith he is in good hands now.

  • Mulan

    What a wonderful group of people you all are! I am just overwhelmed with feelings for those who took action. I hadn't read this thread, but am not sure I would have gone to that extent. Thanks to all of you for doing what you did.

    I am so glad we are who we are.

  • Sunspot

    I got onto JWD just before Mario wrote that last post and saw it as soon as it went up. I absolutely FROZE with fear and panic! I've been there/done that and I know the desperation that leads up to feeling this and doing this.

    You feel that as well-meaning as your friends may BE, they have NO idea of the place in your lower depths where you are living-and have no possible way to describe it or fix it. It's THE most painful place a person can be.

    You feel totally alone in the deepest sense of the word and can see NO way out of the devastation you call your life. You feel as if you will never be whole ever again, and all the friends in the world cannot "get through" this barrier. It's no one's fault, it's just the horrible dark pit that is your life--and after trying to cope and failing-you just want OUT of the pain, whatever that takes.

    I wanted so badly to SAY something or DO something---but for some reason I could NOT log on other than as "guest", and could not post. I tried over and over and after submitting the info needed---it would come back up as "guest" all over again. Talk about double frustration!!!!

    I stayed on here and kept refreshing the board, and when I then saw that Mario was "rescued" and on his way to safety---I finally went to bed and cried with relief. My God, I'm sobbing NOW just typing this.......I am ever so grateful to those who called the RI police and got him help! God bless you! I'll always believe you saved a life last night. The fact that Mario's circumstances had been in the media and could be verified, probably got them moving a lot more quickly---so that in itself proved to be a blessing, the way I see it.

    Hopefully someone will be able to provide an address so that we can send cards of love and support, as was suggested.

    Now that Mario will be getting professional help---he'll be able to climb up out of that pit of complete hopelessness and begin to heal. I am thankful that he posted what he did and when he did so that this outcome was the right one that will be taken. Perhaps this was just one more attempt to beg for help out of his misery.

    When you're in a state as he was---you're in no condition to MAKE any competent choices. You can only see ONE option that makes sense by then. I identified and related to everything he said---even that about the well-meaning friends that he didn't wish to face-----like I said, I've been there.

    We all love him so very much and we're so glad that this wonderful guy will now be able to gather the coping skills that will give him his life back, and be able to find that he CAN "go on" after all.

    I'm so proud of everyone who has taken the time to post to him from the onset of the nightmare he's been living---you're ALL pretty special!

    Love and hugs,


  • Special K
    Special K
    I'm so proud of everyone who has taken the time to post to him from the onset of the nightmare he's been living---you're ALL pretty special!

    I couldn't agree with you more sunspot. What a great bunch of supportive apostates.

    and mario.

    Hang in there, and I hope you get the professional help you need to pull you through these dark times. ((Mario))

    Special K

  • Bryan

    I didn't see Mario's post until this morning. I'm sick and up late this morning.

    Thanks to all the quick thinkers and fast posters.


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    Mario is fortunate to have friends such as the membership of this site. I wonder if Simon ever thought that this little labor of love, that we sometimes take for granted, and I'm sure can be a pain in his butt on ocassion, might be responsible for saving a life.
    The outpouring of human kindness in his time of need is refreshing. You are a great bunch of folks. I believe true colors are showing.

    I can't imagine what Mario is going through. I doubt I could deal with a similiar situation. I just wish I had some one to pray to in his behalf.


  • SheilaM

    TresHappy and LoverofTruth: THANK YOU SO MUCH, I totally missed this thread and just woke up to Thunder telling me about it. I have been calling Mario incessantly but as you know he had not returned any calls to anyone. Thank you for doing what needed to be done...Mario is lost and consumed and needs to know there is light at the end of this dark tunnel. Thank you two for being the type of people that you are, Mario needs us all to gather round him in spirit and to hold him up while he can't, until he is strong lets all be his strength.

    Simon as Thunder said this site seems to have saved another life, seems your batting a thousand

    PS If anyone finds out if Mario can get cards, letters or phone calls please let us know

  • brokenfairy

    i cannot stop crying! i am a sobbing mess of a person! i am new to the board & started reading this thread today...i could barely make it through the posts....im a mother of 4 kids...and even the thought of losing any of them especially in that manner is heartbreaking....my ex husband held the threat over me for years of doing something unthinkable to me & the kids...i am so sorry for your loss and have you & your daughter in my prayers! im not sure if anyone has touched on this...but mario consider this...if your exwife was planning to do this & succeeded you may have lost both of your daughters...you did get to be by her side during her last moments of life ...so your daughter died knowing you loved her soo very much....

    this is such a great board .... the support ....the love....i am so happy that you are all here

  • hubert

    Thanks so much, Lover of Truth, and Tresshappy, for getting help for Mario.

    I just got on line a few minutes ago, and haven't been on since yesterday, early evening, so I didn't see Mario's post last night. If I did, I would have also called the Prov. Police, and gave them his address, which I have now. I talked to him 2 days ago, and got it from him, so I would be able to contact him again, if I thought he was having serious problems.

    I don't think I should give it out on the board. I will contact certain people on the board and see if it's okay to give them some info on him, in case this happens again. So, don't get upset if I don't post his address where he is living. However, I will try to find out which hospital he is in. I might have an idea where he is being treated, so I'm going to check on it as soon as I get off line. If I find him, and they say I can give you an address at the hospital, then I will most certainly post it for you. Don't get your hopes up, because that unit likes to keep information confidential. I'll see what I can find out.

    I called Mario Monday morning to see if he wanted to meet me for breakfast, or lunch, but he didn't answer his call, so I figured he was out, and probably busy with all the stuff he has to do because of the tradegy. Little did I know he was probably in his apartment, getting even more depressed. I really don't know. I should have gone up and knocked on his door, but I didn't. I didn't know he was this despondent. He sounded like he was handling things okay, from his phone call the day before. Okay, I'm going to take a ride, and see if I can find out anything. Wish me luck, I'll need it.

    (You people are the greatest)!!!! ((((hugs)))) to all of you.


  • TresHappy

    My heart is sobbing for Mario and Marina. Reading his previous posts, I knew the despair was there and LOT was right, I believe he was writing letters and wasn't answering phones or posts. The officers on the telephone were so nice to me last night, I want to thank the police of East Providence/Providence for helping Mario.

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