Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • Narkissos


    With dozens of people here, I'm just crying with you and feeling like screaming. You've been a wonderful father, right to the end. Hold her tight.

  • acsot

    oh my god UR, I'll be thinking of you and Talia at 7:00 pm. She will go in peace, surrounded by your love and all of our thoughts and prayers on her behalf.

    We are all here for you, all the time.

    - for Talia

    Hugs to you, Mario. May your agony be a tiny bit alleviated by the comfort from your friends here at JWD.

  • bebu
  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge


    My thoughts and prayers are with you and yours. Please take care of yourself.....


  • Nosferatu

    This is so sad. I'm so very sorry to hear this.

    My album will be dedicated to the memory of Talia.

  • Billygoat

    ((((Talia)))) Go in peace my sweet girl. You are being lifted in prayers and love to a better place.

    ((((Mario))))) Tell us what we can do besides pray. Please. We want to help.


  • wannaexit


    Io e la mia famiglia saremo con te questa sera. I nostri pensieri e le nostre preghiere sono con te e la tua cara bambina. Alle 7:00 pregheremo per Talia e per te. Fatti coraggio


  • gdt

    Utopian, please believe the swell of love and sincere thoughts you have, from friends on this board, from friends of your wife too no doubt who are hurting and sorry, we have awful things happen here in Oz too, sometimes it is post-natal depression, sometimes no legitamite reason at all, but you have had to endure an absolutely horrible time, and my wife and I want you to know our thoughts are with you. My wife of my youth (first wife) of 22 years who was killed in front of my 4 kids by a drunk driver has not gone away for any of us, you will have many good things to remember, not just the awful things. My post of 11/11 still applies, you have me email, get yourself and your Marina out to Oz and we will gladly care for you both, as long as you like. We have a group of lovely Italians in our congregation if (if) that would help Marina to get away with you, if not that's fine. We have hours upon hours of Italian pics/videos of our trips there to share, just a thought. Or just laze on the beach and try to grasp the meaning of life at all......we would be glad to hear from you pm or direct. We had a big teddy bear card ready for the hospital for Talia. Never stop using her name, that is one thing I have had impressed up me doing funerals, that those who have died would want the one left never to stop talking about them.

    Our special thoughts Mario/Utopian at this time,gdt

    Geoff and Margaret

  • codeblue


    I am so sorry....

    Times like these are speechless......but sent with much emotion

    We dearly care about you and your daughters....

    Sending you many cyber-hugs,


  • little1

    My thoughts and prayers will be with you. What a tough decision, I can't even imagine your heartache. Blessings on you both.


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