Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • kj


    I'm so sorry for your loss. Talia was a beautiful little girl. In that picture, even her eyes are smiling. What a mischevious grin! Try to remember her that way. Thanks for sharing her picture with us.

    Thank you for letting everyone know how you're doing, and everyone totally understands why you haven't posted the last couple of days. It is horrible how your ex's family is treating you, this is a time when all of Talia's family should be comforting each other. I hope you can put some distance between them and yourself, and get Marina away from them for awhile. They are very sick people.

    Even with the harsh words between you and Marina, you need to let her know you are willing to fight for her as hard as you fought for Talia. You need to fight for yourself, too. I know you are tired of fighting and you just want to give up and go to sleep forever. I will keep you and your daughter in my prayers. Again, I am so sorry.


  • Fleur

    LDH, do you have a PayPal account? Would likely be the easiest way for everyone to chip in for the flowers. Just a thought.

    Mario...Talia knows you're sorry about all that's happened. I'm sure of that. She knows and understands everything now, she is at peace, unafraid...she loves you.

    So do we.



  • Seeking Knowledge
    Seeking Knowledge

    There is absolutely nothing I could add that hasn't already been said. You are a very strong man and Talia knows that. You were there for her all the way to the end, and she knows that. She's no longer in pain and you MUST know that. Marina is hurting so much, and she needs you now. Don't give up on her! My thoughts & prayers are with you during this difficult time. Your wife's family is of course going to blame you for their daughter's loss of sanity. Please don't let them wear you down. You are still Marina's father and they can't change that. All you can do is love her & get her the support she needs to see that you are her father and not her enemy. She is counting on you--you can do it, you've already proven to be the most loving caring father any daughter can hope to have.

    (((((((((((Mario & Marina)))))))))))))))


  • FlyingHighNow
    I wish I could remember how to cut and paste some of the wonderful things many of you have said and I wish I could remember everyone so I could post my gratitude name by name in a more personal fashion. I am sorry, I am just tired. I am weak and running out of steam.

    Mario, there will be time for this later. We understand.

    Mario, please remember that Marino is still a child. She is human. She's been through horrible abuse and she is in a painful, griefstricken, guiltridden state right now. It may take her years to sort through all that has happened and to learn to live with it all.

    You are Marina's only daddy. This will never change. One day she will remember all the love you've showed her. She will remember all the things you did for her whole life. She will be grateful that you helped pull her from the fire. Her current feelings, your current feelings are not set in concrete. They will transform and evolve. The amazing thing about the human spirit is that it will find a way to rebuild and cope. You will see. Please don't think things will stay as they are now.

    Tap strength from your loving family and friends until you can sleep and eat better. Don't be afraid to ask for help from your doctor.

    Many hugs and much love and support,


  • LDH

    Fleur, no I don't but the funeral shop said they would let us call in and put in our our credit cards. Anyone have a better suggestion?

  • Fleur

    Thanks LDH...I don't have a better idea, it's good that they will let us do that, please post the phone number when you can and if there is a special name to put it under or if we just ask to contribute to the Talia Balletta flowers...

    thanks for your research...I know it's not easy to put something like this together.



    p.s. flowers are wonderful and definitely have their place but also was wondering if Talia had a favorite charity? Perhaps some can make a donation too in her honor. A lot of kids have causes that effect them, or perhaps we can donate to a child abuse prevention charity? Any ideas there? I'm just tossing this suggestion out there, definitely still want to chip in toward the flowers.

  • wannaexit


    So good to hear from you. But please don't feel that you have to apologize for not letting us know. You my dear friend have enough on your plate right now.

    Try not to meditate on suicide. life is cruel but you will get through this,one hour at at time. I wish we were closer to be with you on sunday to support you.

    I am not very good with words but please accept my deepest condolences on your loss.


  • BluesBrother

    I have spent too long just re reading some of this thread, and racking my dull uncreative brain to find the right words to say, or pinch from someone else.

    I can only echo the heartfelt words of everyone else , and marvel that in in sickness and death this little girl has touched all of our lives for good. Dear Mario.....Dear Talia, and God please help her sister to recover..

  • Xandria


    I feel your despair and loss. Yet, Talia would not want you to travel the same path. She wasn't alone; she was surrounded by your love. Love transcends, space, time and even death.

    You have battled for so long and need to keep up your strength. Both you and Marina, sound like you have survivor?s guilt.

    Both of you need the help of a trained professional to get through this. It would be wise to speak to a therapist, before and after the funeral. You both are going to need that support. http://rivendell.org http://vegaslawyer.net/griefsupport.html Even though this person is in Vegas, his site has great resources.

    A friend of mine, who is a mortician ~ has had funerals where emotions and animosity was high. From hearing things he has experienced, I would suggest that the funeral home have a ?cool out? room ready and even extra ?help? on the grounds. I hate to burden you with this thought, but perhaps you may wish to carry a small recorder on you, just encase things are said. You may have to use it to protect you and Marina, later. Just know, that we are here. Talia has left a legacy of love behind. The things you do will be in her memory.


  • outnfree

    (((((Mario and Marina)))))))

    My heartfelt condolences to you both and to your family, too, Mario. Please let me echo the assurances of Essie and others that Talia has never felt separated from you in all of this, that she was aware of your constant love and caring companionship, and that she is not alone now, but merely gone from this earthly plane.

    And that she is gone from this earthly plane is what causes the deep, unceasing ache within you, I know. You had such a warm connection with your little one, she will always want you to be reassured of her returned love. Thus I have confidence that Talia will make known to you her gratitude for your unceasing love in some way in the not too distant future.

    In the meantime, (how well I understand that feeling of wanting to go to sleep and wake up with all the tragedy having been a dream!) coddle yourself. Disregard any should-coulda-woulda-beens. Talia is no longer in pain. Marina and you are in enormous pain. Please cling to her now, protecting her with the same fierce, lioness-like (<<--not an error ;) ) drive that you did Talia.

    (And screw that Tammy F bitch!!!!)



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