Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • Bryan

    Hang in there my friend.


  • cruzanheart

    Take this one step at a time, Mario. Put all else out of your mind except the memorial service for your beloved little girl. After that closure, you can take each issue one at a time and deal with it. By all means haul in professional help on this -- Marina needs it for sure, and so do you to help you cope with your various losses and all the crazy ex-relatives that are still in your life.

    You've got a lot of people behind you, so please let us help in any way we can.

    Big hugs,


  • siegswife

    ((((Mario)))) I'm so sorry. I can't begin to find words to say to you right now. Let your love for your daughters guide you during this time.

    Marina needs your love and your help regardless of her complicity in this tragedy. It's obvious that she's been manipulated throughout and doesn't fully grasp all the implications of what your wife was trying to do. You both need to get away from the influence of Tonya and her family.

    I'm praying you find comfort and strength.


  • acsot

    Dear Mario,

    Thank you for posting - I can't begin to imagine the horrendous ordeal you are going through. I wish we could all be there in person for you.

    Mystery and others have given you some good advice. When Talia's memorial service is over, please get legal advice and see if it is possible to get a restraining order against the ex- in-laws. They need to be told in no uncertain terms that you will not tolerate the slanderous lies said about you.

    Marina will need a long time to overcome her mental and emotional scars; she'll only be able to start that process once she is away from the poisonous environment of Tonya's family.

    Right now, though, grieve and cry and, if you're up to it, vent your anger and frustrations here. One day at a time, or even one hour at a time, you can start dealing with the other issues.

    We are here for you.


  • Fleur

    Oh, Mario, you owe no one any apologies for posting or not posting. None of us can truly know what you are going through right now...we can only cry with you, and so many of us wish we were closer geographically so we could be at the service, and there to support you afterward too.


    Grieve dear friend. Hurting and crying and sleeping and dreaming and waking and knowing and hurting again... is the only way I know.

    One thing though about Marina -- when you are able to think about it: I guess you both are in a highly explosive and mentally perilous situation: with an enormous potential and need for love and an almost equally enormous potential and need for hate. Marina's responsibility (whether real or just possible) in Talia's death is something you have to work out, both separately and together, with professional help.

    Tragedy was the right word. Some things are just too hard to behold, except with eyes of stone.

    I couldn't say anything better than what was already said here by Narkissos...beautiful post and right on the mark. Professional help is a MUST in this situation, no one without specific training will be able to give you the assistance you need to get through this.

    I know that sometimes the thought of just going to sleep and not waking up is appealing. Please fight that. The world does need you, Marina needs you, she's still just a child, and you deserve so much more in life. Don't give up. hugs, essie

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Good Morning All:

    Thank you for saving me through another sleepless, restless, anxious, nervous and stressful night. I have not rested in days and I cannot hold down any food without immediately releasing everything. All I see are the few remaining images of Talia that I recently recovered from the wreckage for the funeral services.

    JGNAT, you are an astute judge of character and have almost repeated verbatim everything my family overseas warned me about concerning Marina and the in-laws. As a matter of fact, I almost forgot to mention in last night's post that Marina did say that her maternal grandmother feels I am actually responsible for the fire, for their side losing their daughter and that I should NOT be exhonerated in any way from this tragedy.

    I definitely have a serious problem on my hands and I am going to pursue a restraining order against the Fuller Family immediately after the funeral services. I will not be speaking to them and I will maintain my distance. They may pay their respects, other than Tonya's twin sister Tammy, who will be barred due to the threatening phone calls and previous conduct. If others complain, I may close the service to private invitations only. We will see later today how that works out.

    Friends, I am so tired. I am exhausted, I am frustrated and I just want to sleep and never wake up again and have all of this go away like a bad dream. I don't know how much more I can take of this battling, arranging, grieving and reminiscing. My cup runneth over with tragedy and sorrow.

    I wish I could remember how to cut and paste some of the wonderful things many of you have said and I wish I could remember everyone so I could post my gratitude name by name in a more personal fashion. I am sorry, I am just tired. I am weak and running out of steam.

    I will scan some photos later tonight and we can all remember my little rebellious, mischievous, impish and sneaky Talia. As I wandered through the aisles of the clothing stores at the mall to purchase her last outfit, all I could remember were the images of Talia always disobeying in a cute way and darting in and out and under the clothing racks in the aisles. Talia loved to hide in the racks and always disappear behind the aisles forcing me to find her and call her name. How I miss that now and wish that at any second, she would just pop right up in front of me laughing and saying her usual "heeeeeyyyyyy Daaaaaaad!, what'cha doin'?".

    I miss my little girl and I am so sorry she had to die alone. Every captain goes down with his ship, every pilot with his aircraft, and no one accompanied Talia in her death. It is so unfair. I just want to crawl into that bedroom closet and burn so I can be like her and join her so that she is not alone in death. Someone should have gone with her and it is too late for Tonya and justice will not take that action. I will have to make justice for Talia after all of the dust settles.

    You may not understand. Every picture I recover shows her eyes and I hear her crying out for help and calling me in my head saying "help" and "daddy". I am so mad. I am so broken right now.

  • formerout


    Words escape me right now but my thoughts are with you as I'm sure everybody's are that has read about this tragedy. Be strong.


  • acsot
    I will scan some photos later tonight and we can all remember my little rebellious, mischievous, impish and sneaky Talia. As I wandered through the aisles of the clothing stores at the mall to purchase her last outfit, all I could remember were the images of Talia always disobeying in a cute way and darting in and out and under the clothing racks in the aisles. Talia loved to hide in the racks and always disappear behind the aisles forcing me to find her and call her name. How I miss that now and wish that at any second, she would just pop right up in front of me laughing and saying her usual "heeeeeyyyyyy Daaaaaaad!, what'cha doin'?".

    I miss my little girl and I am so sorry she had to die alone. Every captain goes down with his ship, every pilot with his aircraft, and no one accompanied Talia in her death.

    Mario, you were with Talia in the hospital. One of your posts described how she'd blink her eyes to show that she understood what you were saying. She was not alone. You were there. And because of your love and strength and courage, you showed us the way to be there for her also, in spirit and in thought if not in person.

    The greatest gift that little Talia had was you, her dad. You were there with her, you were the one who rescued her from the fire so that she didn't die alone, but with you there at the hospital with her, holding her and loving her.

    You are understandably exhausted and wrung-out with fatigue and grief. You did more for your little girl in her final days than most people could have done, and at the same time you let us share your private grief and also get to know your dear Talia.

    I lit candles for her and you at 7:00 p.m. the day you told us the doctors would remove her from life support. I will do so also at the time of her funeral. I know many others have done and will do the same. Because of you, Talia is remembered by so many people around the world.

    We are with you always.

  • kls

    Mario please except my deepest sympathy on your lose and let me say what a wonderful dad you are . Your daughter knows how much you love her. I can't say anymore then anyone else has said but know you are in my thoughts and heart.

  • Nosferatu
    I sincerely apologize for the delay in responding to everyone's wonderful support and love.

    Don't feel bad for this, you're going through one hell of a nightmare and we understand that you need time to grieve, and unfortunately deal with the other problems that are arising.

    I definitely have a serious problem on my hands and I am going to pursue a restraining order against the Fuller Family immediately after the funeral services.

    I'm so fucking sorry that these people are trying to hurt you instead of support you. You really don't need their shit, and a restraining order is a damn good idea. I'm hoping that the days will get easier to deal with as time goes by. You've got friends thousands of miles away who want to help you. Please take comfort in that

    We're all here for you.

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