Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1241 Replies latest members private

  • LoverOfTruth
    I want to be with her so bad. I want to find out where she is and if I can be there and tell her how sorry I am and how I really wanted to save her and be her "papa" again like the old days.

    I miss that little girl.

    Talia knows you love her. She wouldn't want you to be sad.

  • hubert

    Our sincere condolances to you, Mario, and your daughter Marina, and all the rest of your family.

    God bless Talia. May she rest in peace.

    So sorry.... Hubert and family.

  • Valis

    Calling hours are tomorrow (Sunday) from 1 p. to 6 p.m., with the memorial service starting at 6 p.m.

    thanks to hubert for confirming this information

  • Shelly81

    Mario, You and your family have our deepest sympathy. My heart aches for you and your girls. May God cover you with his most precious blood and give you strength through your time of need. My family and I have been keeping you and your family in our prayers. Again, I'm Sorry.


  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    Dear JWD Family:

    I have never been moved so many times, and forced to breakdown from the sheer emotion felt from experiencing the kindness and love of all of you here at JWD. I was called by the florist and visited the shop late this afternoon and after seeing the blankets (I had no idea what a blanket was and wasn't sure what it meant) and the flowers and cards, I fell apart in the store.

    I had to walk outside for a few minutes before I could return and try to figure out the arrangements and details. Tomorrow, I am showing a brief 3-4 minute video clip of Talia and Marina "hamming" it up for the camera. That will transpire after some discussions about Talia's life and comments from her friends and loved ones.

    I will read her favorite poems, then we will listen to the last CD she purchased (ColdPlay - A rush of blood to your head) which I have no idea who these musicians are, but Marina tells me that was her latest favorite band for the moment.

    So, from 1-6PM it will be a traditional wake, with collages and flowers and music. At 6PM, a non-denominational talk about Talia's accomplishments and life will be delivered and then I will take the last 30 minutes with a slide show, video and then my personal thoughts and Marina's.

    A final momemnt of silence for either prayer, meditation or respect, then we will adjourn to the Knights of Columbus Banquet Hall in SMithfield, RI for food and drink.

    That is the overall plan. I will be videotaping the event and then I will post pictures of everything I can photograph. The casket will be closed due to the additional procedures performed on Talia during the state police medical examiner's autopsy for the homicide investigation.

    I tell you, her body literally went through a carnicious hell and back from all of the procedures. I am definitely glad that is over.

    I need something from her to be able to have comfort, so I am going to place her Boston Red Sox hat in her casket, along with some other toys and I am keeping locks of her hair, which I braided so many many times.

    I love my baby, and I love all of you for showing my baby solidarity, compassion and for caring about her from such a distance. You are true family and true friends!

  • Greenpalmtreestillmine


    You are loved.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Dear Talia,

    "Hitch your wagon to a star." Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • hornetsnest

    Hi, Mario,

    Once again, upon hearing that Talia didn't make it, it feels like a kick in the gut. I wish I could be there with you.

    About Marina's words and attitude --- don't let the negativity bother you unduly, for I think a lot of interpretation is called for here. For instance, she tells you that she cannot tell you what happened, "as then she would have to die and you would commit suicide" as I think you quoted her. Think of it this way: If she hated you or disrespected you to that extent, would she not WANT to hurt you? True, her not telling you hurts, but in her eyes she is trying to protect you. That should tell you something.

    Keep in mind that it is not at all uncommon for a person to deliberately attempt to drive away a loved one, as they feel so unworthy of their love, that the most loving thing they can do is to break the relationship. She apparently feels that she is a bad association for you, and you know the scripture that the Society has drummed into us endlessly. The truly sad thing about this is that it is rare to see this phenominum in one so young.

    This is one of the reasons I urged you to have patience with her in this regard back in my first post (on page 6, I think). This is a process that cannot be rushed without causing even more damage. She'll have to come to it on her own.

    However, that doesn't mean that you can't contribute to the recovery! She is indeed one of your flowers, and as you know all flowers have to have the right environment to bloom. Like the gardener, you can control her environment. Give her the love, patience, and room to do that blooming, and that includes the need to strike out in her grief, frustration, and yes --- terror --- without letting it affect you too severely. That is a hard job, I know, but it is precisely that steadfastness under difficulty that she needs to know and see.

    Again, think of it this way: She has already been betrayed by one parent in a hideous manner. Deep in her heart will be the unspoken question as to whether she can trust the other. You don't need to speak against her mother or defend yourself. Merely being steadfast in the face of her doubts will be a witness on BOTH those issues that goes far beyond anything that mere words can do.

    Keep these things in your heart during the worst times. You are a father, even as I am. Is it not true that some of the greatest joy that comes to a father, is through the bearing of the loads that our little ones cannot handle themselves? Be one.

    Should you ever need to talk, my telephone number is (541) 946-1231, and my email is [email protected]

    One other reason I wish I could be there. I spent half my life in the trades, and specialized in the repairing of homes damaged by fire and water. Drywall, texture and paint are things I could do in my sleep. When I got done, it smelled like a new home.

    My heart is with you, my brother.

    Tom (LoneWolf)

  • morty

    It's not to late to get your orders in for the flowers.....

    I called last night and they were closed but, they took my information down and called me this morning.

    My contribution to the flowers were taken and I might add, they were very helpful.

    You may choose to leave your screen name if need be.



    Anything for your little angel.....

  • LDH

    did my post work? This is a test

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