Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • Sunspot

    I was gone most of yesterday and came right to this topic when I got to the computer. I really wasn't expecting to find a new post from Mario, considering what he had gone through the previous evening.

    But here we are, still waiting (I don't even know for what, actually) and nothing from him. The only thing was that disturbing post from LDH.

    I can't describe the word that I'm feeling---somewhere between frightened and concerned I guess. I can't imagine the depth of emotions that he's been through at this point, but this silence has gotten my mind working overtime. I feel SO awful for him. I have this terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. I don't mean to put you on the spot, LDH, but anything you could share with us at this point would be most appreciated.

    As you know I didn't "get" to read about his plight until rather late in the time of events, and I had my hubby mail a card from me (to Talia).......the night that they had decided to remove life support (which I didn't know at the time when I mailed it). Hubby came in from work that night and saw my red eyes and wondered what was wrong. I told him the latest news on Talia and he got real quiet and hugged me for a long time. We can see how his little one had touched SO many hearts and lives. Funny how that works out, huh?

    I have to be away for most of the day today but this will be the first place I'll come when I get home. As with Ian's, the threads like this are so compelling. So many people genuinely CARE.

    Mario, I understand you're need to grieve in private, heaven knows you've generously shared so much more than most people would have---but we are very concerned for your well-being, emotionally and physically.

    Know that you are very much loved and cared about, and please keep in touch here as soon as you are ready.



  • wannaexit

    Hey Sunspot,

    I am with you in wondering what happened.

    This thread has touched me deeply. Last couple of days its really absorbed my thoughts.

    I hope that sweet girl is resting in peace and that Mario and Marina are coping.


  • jgnat

    Oh, my.

    Oh, my.

    One of the frustrating things about the virtual world is our inability to touch. By it's very nature, we are once removed from flesh and bone. Is there any tangible way we can let Mario know that we are thinking of him and his girls?

  • LoverOfTruth
  • Dansk

    Mario & Marina ((((((((((())))))))))))))

    I could never bring myself to read this thread until just now. As a father I'm absolutely gutted. You're an incredibly brave man, Mario!

    My family and I send you all our sincere love - and special thoughts for Talia

    Like so many here, I'm just lost for words..............................

    Bless you,


  • riz


    I am so sorry.

    love, riz

  • ConcernedMom

    ((UR)) There are no words...I am so sorry.

  • Sunspot

    (Pulling myself up to my full 5 feet and trying to sound important......)

    LDH (or anyone), can you tell us anything on how Mario is doing? Needless to say I doubt that we could possibly be shocked at anything we'd hear that he may have done or not done at this point. We have wrapped our hearts around him and his situation and are so eager to hear "where he's at" right now, and if we can help in any way.

    LDH, I imagine you've had tons of PMs so I haven't sent you one---but if you are agreeable to giving out an email or home address where we could contact Mario, would you give it to ones who ask by a PM to you?

    I'm sure most of us would want to send words of comfort and support ---asking no questions that may make him uncomfortable. It would also be more personal that on a discussion board for the present, or until he's ready to share anything more with us.........

    If anyone has any other ideas on this, please post them, I've run out of suggestions and this is much too important to skip over.

    Sorry LDH to put you on the spot like this---but you seem to be the only connection between us and him......and we CARE......



  • gdt

    mario, i would like to repeat exactly what 'annie' said in the previous post, heartily. my thoughts, geoff.gdt.

  • NewLight2

    Mario has listed his personal contact info on this page: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/8/80403/9.ashx Hope this helps. NewLight2

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