Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • ohiocowboy


    I wish that I could give you the biggest hug. You are going through so much. Words cannot convey the heartfelt sincerity that is being displayed by us here. My thoughts are with you as you are trying to deal with this tragedy. I am so sorry...

    {{{{{{{{{{{Mario}}}}}}}}}}}} {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Talia}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  • redhotchilipepper

    My heart is feeling so heavy reading and hearing your story. Please don't blame yourself. You did everything you could. Now you need to be strong for your children and yourself. I'll be praying for you and thinking of you. I really hope the councellor/therapist can help your daughter. It sounds like your wife has poisened her mind. It's probably best like you said that you just backed off. All the best to you. I hope you won't be upset with me but I feel bad for your ex-wife too. I hope that she can get help. It sounds like she has a serious mental illness. I can't imagine doing such a thing.All the best to you. Do you need any money? I'm worried about all the medical bills, how will you manage?

  • Tatiana

    My heart is breaking.....

    May the flowers fill your heart with beauty,
    May hope forever wipe away your tears,
    And, above all, may silence make you strong.

  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Mario

    I'm truly sorry that these sad events have happened to your family, Mario.

    I'm just so broken up and at a loss for words. All I can tell you, from losing a son myself is how good and comforting it made me feel to hold my son in my arms as I quietly and lovingly let him go... safe in the arms of love.

    again, I'm so sorry Mario

    Special K

  • LittleToe

    SpecialK:Reading your post has made me heavy-hearted again, for y'all.

    Words cannot express...

    Silenced thoughts must suffice, for now...

  • xjw_b12

    "I Will Remember You" (Chorus)
    I will remember you
    Will you remember me?
    Don't let your life pass you by
    Weep not for the memories

    I'm so tired
    But I can't sleep
    Standing on the edge
    of something much too deep
    Funny how I feel so much
    But cannot say a word
    We are screaming inside
    Oh...but we can't be heard


    So afraid to love you
    More afraid to lose
    Clinging to a past
    that doesn't let me choose
    But once there was a darkness
    A deep and endless night
    Gave me everything you had
    Oh...you gave me light



  • Fleur

    I can't stop the tears. As a mother...I can't imagine the pain you must be suffering...I wish with all my heart for peace for dear Talia, and for you and Marina too.

    My little girl just asked why I was crying and I told her, and she said that she is very sad about it too.

    You are loved, and your child will never be forgotten by us, I promise you.

    I will soon be donating another batch of hand made blankets to children with cancer through a pediatric oncology ward...I will donate in honor of Talia this time. Children will be comforted in their pain, in her honor. Again, I promise you, she will not be forgotten. Never.



  • bem

    (((((((Special K))))))) reading your post reminded me of a poem or words that were sent to me when I lost a child. When we lose a parent we lose our past, when we lose a child we lose our future My heart goes out to all of you.


  • LDH

    The news is not good this morning, my friends. Don't know when we'll hear from Mario.

  • candidlynuts

    thanks LDH, my heart goes out to little talia.

    Mario, we're with you in thought and prayer. hugs

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