Ex-JW Mother attempts suicide with children and fails! My Family Tragedy

by Utopian Reformist 1242 Replies latest members private

  • bebu


  • hubert

    Hey Mario,

    Good to see you posting. I always felt that was the thing you had to do, ie: Get the hell out of this country, and away from all this garbage. I hope you do this, and very soon. Start a new life in Italy, or buenos Aires, and look forward to Marina coming after high school. You have nothing left here, Mario, they took it all, so, while you still got the clothes on your back, get out before the snows start. (Too late, we got snow today).

    The wife and I will continue praying for you and Marina.

    Sincerely, Your "brother", Hubert and wife.

    For Talia...

  • outnfree


    I am so sorry to read that the Fullers somehow feel entitled to your half of the proceeds from the sale of the house when you are struggling so. They raised a crazed murderess and yet feel justified in their greedy and decidedly UNChristian behavior! It is all just so wrong!

    But you! You are a marvel! After all is said and done, you are still my hero, Mario. You have gone through the hardest thing a parent can endure and you have survived. Yes, with the help of many here, but also with your own hard-won resiliency. Your little Talia would be (actually, I believe, IS) proud! You did everything you could to love and protect her, you stayed at her side in the hospital, you rebuilt your previously tenuous relationship with Marina so that she is now ready to be at your side post-high school, and you have conducted yourself honorably throughout all the legal proceedings.

    God bless you, Mario! May your pain be lessened and your self-confidence strengthed each day of your very valuable life! We love you!



  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I have been warned by my attorney that if I do not appear in court tomorrow, my divorce case will be dismissed with prejudice. All I can think to say is "big deal" and "who cares"?

    They have taken everything and expect me to wear a shirt and tie and stand in court to hear the official public version and accounting of how I have been taken advantage of and violated by the Fullers, their atotrneys and the state of RI. No thanks, my cup runneth over and my stomach has had its fill of "dirt" sandwiches.

    I refuse to participate and they can do as they wish and notify me like they always do, in writing. I prefer to read about it after the fact. There is nothing to be gained, other than showing the court I still care. The judge is not going to reverse any decisions and I do not have money to continue the matter or to appeal, thus, I say "KAPUT".

    These fools in positions do not realize that once a person has in fact lost it all, that person no longer has any reason to care and has nothing to live for in the end. I think its my turn to put the kibosh on the whole procedure by no longer playing nice with the system (legal).


  • LittleToe

    A few questions:

    • How would not turning up in court affect your emmigration plans?
    • Wont she be liable for half of all the debt?
    • If you file for bankruptcy, how long before you can emmigrate?

    Be careful, bro., as there may be a better path if you can think straight.

    Anyone here know any of the ins and outs of the system?

  • Soledad

    I think Little Toe has a point Mario

    Is Rhode Island a community property state?

    And what about the bankruptcy proceedings? I think you are also supposed to show up for the 341 meetings as well or your case will be dismissed and the creditors will attach to your wages. It doesn't matter if you leave the country, some creditors have attorneys on retainer all over the world.

    Think carefully about it, talk some more with your lawyer.

  • Sunspot

    Dearst Mario,

    I am so glad I saw your latest post! I too, have to agree (gut instinct) with Nina's thoughts. You would do well to check out what Ross had said though, just to protect the little freedoms you may have.

    I am thrilled that Marina is "with you" and will be there when she is able. I can't describe the feelings going through me as I see what that horrid family is still doing to you! What I can say wouldn't be permitted on this board because some really foul language comes to mind.

    Be assured of our continuing love for you and Marina, and hope to hear things will soon be looking UP for both of you somehow!

    Thank you for thinking of us and posting.....

    love and hugs always,


  • Mulan

    I missed this post at first. Glad it resurfaced. All the best to you Mario. I'm glad you're getting out of the country.


  • theinfamousone

    i am so sorry... this is my first time reading this post, since i have just recewntly joined the group... i am sorry, the tears are flowing very freely right now... words just cant be enough... my heart, and thoughts are with you at this very hard time in your life, one year later, is still hard,... im sorry

    the infamous one

  • codeblue


    I am so taken a back with your latest developments.

    and this is the land of the free?

    PLEASE take care of yourself..utmost, and your daughter Marina....

    I am so sorry for what has happened with all your losses....

    You have been a great testimony to all of us who have watched your posts and see you "thrive" and "live" amongst the worst situations possible..

    Please keep focused and strong for you and Marina.....YOUR FUTURE!!!

    I am sending you positive energy to help you with those efforts.

    many hugs


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