23 yr old female teacher arrested for sex with 14 yr. old boys

by wednesday 189 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Crazy151drinker

    Come on now ladies. This guy was crusin around banging his teacher while his buddy drove them around! Its not like this was some classroom thing were the teacher stalked the kid. This was flippin mutual. I sure as shit would have done my Hot ass math teacher. It wasnt about a position of power, it was about she was HOT.

  • L_A_Big_Dawg

    What I can't believe that there is a double standard between male and female sexual predators.

    LABD, of the shocked my paws off, class.

  • jwbot

    LABD! Exactly!!!


  • SixofNine

    I'll go out on a limb here, and say that the only reason I see a difference between older female/younger male, vs older male/younger female, is that there is more likely to be damage to the younger female.... BUT... BIG BUT here... ONLY because of the attitudes of society as seen in this thread. The idea that sex is some heavy emotional burden that only people of a certain age can handle, is an idea made up out of whole cloth and foisted upon society. It is quickly laid to rest by watching either a couple go thru a divorce or a group of young women having an orgy. I recommend the latter ;-).

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    So why not in this case, BigTex. When your opinion would be different if the genders were reversed..


    I never said I approved. I did not make any comment one way or the other on your scenario. This is what I posted in this thread:

    I seem like the only boy on earth that would be traumatized by that...

    No you aren't. I would have been as well.


    That was in response to Obviously Secret. My second post on this thread:

    I really reccomend that you read the police report before jumping to conclusions on whether this was coerced or whether she used a position of power

    My understanding is that the relationship was consensual in that she did not coerce or intimidate to initiate sex. Still illegal however.

    I'm probably in the minority. The boy probably gave all his buddies high five and will probably have no residual psychological effects.

    I was referencing my own feelings toward this issue in that I, as a man, am probably in the minority in that I this is clearly abusive and that I would have felt traumatized by it. However, I'm a weird guy. Most guys would probably give their buddies the high five and revel in it for years. I then gave my opinion that this boy was showing off and wanted to brag to his friends about the experience. I formed that opinion after I read how this incident was found out. Do you know how this "situation" was found out? Read the police report. Wednesday has it linked on the first page. It's quite graphic. The police report states it was "consensual intercourse". Does that make it right? Of course not. I thought I had made my own feelings on that quite clear. But apparently because a couple of people are willing to ignore nearly 7,000 posts I have made in favor of misunderstanding 2 on one thread, I now get:

    Amazing you all will bitch about the dubs and the pedophiles, what the frig do you think this was?????? She was in a position of power, he is not of age to consent ...she took advantage. Would you be so darn happy that it happend if he were 7 instead of 14 HUH?????? I mean really what line does a creeep like her draw as far as age HUH????

    Good grief. Screw it. I'm done with this thread.

  • undercover

    It was wrong, it's against the law and she should be punished. She is an adult. She should know better. She is a teacher and should have followed a code of ethics. She was also married. She broke the sanctitiy of that arrangement also.

    In the case of the boy. He should have known it was wrong. Depends on his upbringing. He should have realized something was amiss either way. That being said, we have to remember that a teenage boy is anxious to, um, get laid. Whether it's a cute girl at school, or a hot teacher that comes on to you, that is a pressure that is almost impossible to resist.

    I'm going to assume that this was a very physically mature 14 year old. As hot as she was, she could walk into any bar in town and pick up a fully grown man that could show her a better time than a 14 year old. Though he was physically mature, that doesn't mean he is mentally. Get them hormones kicked in and forget about logic and reason. It's time to get hot for teacher.

    Being a good little dubbie at 14, I'm sure I would have run screaming from her advances(not that it's likely she would have come on to a nerdy, 'hovah freak). I'm sure a lot of well-trained kids would have said no and stayed away, but there's always some who don't have regards for rules, ethics or have morals taught to them. When presented with a chance to nail a hot woman, he jumped at it. In some ways I can't blame him. She can be and should be held accountable.

  • SixofNine

    Btw, saying that a young high school teacher in a classroom of 14 year olds is "in a position of power" is... well... I suppose accurate technically, but in the reality of a highschool....??

  • frenchbabyface

    Undercover She is a teacher and should have followed a code of ethics.

    Yeah I agree with that : this is the right argument which stand in any case !!! ANY ... and FULLY ! against HER ...

  • desib77

    it is friggin illegal to have sex with a minor.
    To me, this is all that matters. It was illegal and there is no justification.

  • frenchbabyface
    Undercover : Being a good little dubbie at 14, I'm sure I would have run screaming from her advances

    I think it must be mutual,

    why should she bother ...Enough guy's who wants it and who will be able to handle it !

    (that's the difference in between a pedophile stuff, and this case somehow) A pedophile will tend to bother those who are scared - cause they are more easy to handle with moreover the feeling of guilt they will have anyway.

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