8th Annual South Lake Tahoe Apostafest! Make your plans soon! July 10th-12th

by flipper 270 Replies latest members meetups

  • kairos

    B&B Red~

    thanks for showing that baptism pic.
    tell your husband what a great time I had speaking with him.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I won't be posting pics of all the people. Flipper can do all that permission stuff, but I do have a few that I know are okay. I think everyone found us at the campsite. There were a couple of these signs:

    Both Saturday and Sunday, Flipper made eggs to order- as long as you ordered scrambled with whatever he had added to them:

    Zed, Flipper, Flipper Jr. all practiced their guitar skills. I made them get the guitars out again for a photo op and they just had to have another practice session:

    Some had more musical talents than just guitar:

  • OnTheWayOut

    It was a great time had by all and others can relate more about it. Zed and OTWO had to continue back east- the adventure continues. We crossed Nevada on US 50, labeled as "The Loneliest Road in America" as even the t-shirt for tourists says:

    It was mostly straight road through the desert with the occasional curves through Rocky Mountains. There was hardly anybody out there. But it was a beautiful place. We were on it all day with the top down on the jeep.

    Sometime after sunset, we entered Utah. If US 50 is the "loneliest," then the road between Garrison and Millford was it's lonely twin. There were a few motorcycles on the side of the road in Garrison, but then we entered the evening and did not see a single car, truck, bike, person for about 80 miles. However, we did see life after Millford. Zed got to drive through a different kind of problem for us. On our lonely Utah drive in the early night hours, we had to watch out for wildlife. We had 4 elk crossing the road, two groups of several deer, we actually saw a big white wolf cross our path. There were endless jackrabbits crossing and some field mice too. Zed said it was a very tense drive constantly scanning the road in front of him. I think all the wildlife survived our jeep, except for the bugs on the windshield. We finally made it to a hotel near Bryce Canyon. No pics of the road nightlife. The adventure continues.

  • BluesBrother

    Man I am so envious! ... What is 5000 miles between fiends? I am with you in spirit.

    OTWO, your pics are awesome.. You make it sound like a great buddy/road movie. I will have to content myself with a cup of tea and a stroll around the local park.It is "quite nice" this time of year .

  • millie210
    born and bred redhead16 hours agoWell, you all inspired me to finally join the board! We just got home after a LOOONG day of driving...
    Thank you to everyone for welcoming me and my family and for engaging so openly and honestly in all our conversations! We will definitely make plans for next year. And next time, we're bringing our sleeping bag and tent! Those Tahoe nights are burr-cold!!!

    Nice to meet you! I hope you post here a lot!

    So many of us are following along on this thread and would love to meet all of you.

  • 3rdgen

    I am still basking in the afterglow! What a time Balaamsass and I had! I didn't think it could get any better than it was last year but I was wrong.

    I knew beforehand that Kairos was bringing someone whose parents were my friends when we were young. He and my son played together as babies and toddlers and I showed him a picture of them together as tots. SOO cute! He has lost pretty much his whole family to the cult. We chatted for hours in order to catch up on our lives. So much has happened. I am incredibly proud of the man he has become and his lovely girl friend. I just know we will stay close from now on.

  • 3rdgen

    Another story. I asked where is the poster known as Cha Ching? A lady ran up to me and exclaimed, "I am, and I KNOW you, and called me by my real name. I was stunned because we hadn't laid eyes on each other since 1969. NO KIDDING. We had been in the same cong when she was about 13 and I was 17. Then I married and moved away. I remembered the man she introduced as her hubby. They have such an interesting story and our hubbies have a LOT in common.

    It was so great to see the people we had met before like Mr and Mrs flipper, Dagney, Aude, OTWO, Nomorekoolade, Kairos, and so many more. It was equally great meeting flipper jr. a wonderful chip off the old block lol. Zed, who never stops smiling, Adorable Redhead and family. SO many awesome people and so little time. My ONLY regret is that we didn't get to visit at length with everyone. The more I get to know all of you the more I love you all! Cheers to all of us survivors!!!

  • exwhyzee

    It doesn't seem like it's been a whole year since we were there last. Is it me or do the summers seem to be getting closer together ? Nice to see the photos and hear the stories so far, and to hear everyone had a good time...sure wish we could have made it again this year. This would have been three in a row. We missed seeing everyone but will try again next year.

    It's such an unique circumstance that brings everyone to this site and together for such occasions such as the Tahoe meet-up. Not many people can say they were once a cult member and now belong to a support group for ex-cult members ? At least something good came from all of it....we are making lemonade, so to speak, from lemons we were handed. Come to think of it though, there are likely as many "FORMER" JW's as there are current JW's. I think we can safely asume that every current 8Mil JW knows and or is related to at least one former JW. (we all knew at least one DF'd, DA'd or Faded JW when we were "in" ) If that's the case, there must be over 8 million of us out there !

    Anyway... a few weeks ago on a cloudy day, Mrs. XYZ and I took a drive up to Mt. St Helens ...the Mountain was socked in a bit but we had a Bigfoot sighting of sorts and thought of Flipper and his quest to find a Yeti himself. Got some photos to prove it LOL !

  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Wow! what fun we had! We are so happy we went! I think all the GREAT people have to leave, they cannot take the injustice, the lunacy or the meanness. Everyone their was so nice, so empathetic, so understanding... really....

    If more exJW's got together and just reconnected, what a great community we would have. It is the WT that is so evil, not the people who leave when they see the wrongs and errors and lies of the WT. Amazing to hear all the connected stories. So many people there that I knew, or knew the people that they knew... heard the REAL stories of what happened behind the scenes.

    Even B&B Redhead, and nice little fam, who never became a JW found it interesting, and insightful (hope so Redhead) and gave me insight too! Very encouraging! Families who were never witnesses supported others who had been... How nice!

    For all the things that my husband and I have gone thru, I could not imagine myself going thru the horrors and terrible times that others have endured. Compared to our stories, theirs have been much harder.

    Shame on the WT for kicking them to the curb! I have no respect for ANY one who allows these things to continue (or even begin) and then demand respect for themselves because "they go to 'all meetings' each week."

    What a nice group of people! We look forward to keeping in touch with you all! Take care!

    Cha Ching! & Hubby!

  • 3rdgen
    exwhyzee, We were looking forward to seeing you guys again. I didn't get to sing happy birthday to you. Bummer

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