It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Vintage

    Do I detect that we’ve had a “lull” in the frequency of comments in the last 24 hours? Has LE not caused any headline-makings news in the last 24 hours?

  • Thisismein1972


    What you have written is spot on. Now put yourself in his fat ass shoes. His very survival depends on his reputation. Everything negative will hurt his bottom line. Imagine building something and having absolutely no backup plan. This is exactly why he is lashing out like an animal cornered. He has no backup plan. Without his followers, he could not enjoy his lavish lifestyle. The unfortunate thing is, he will laugh at every person who contributes to him thinking they are suckers.

    When he says that anyone who gets bigger than him is at risk of being "abused" like him. What he means there is. No one had better get bigger than him. He is not caring for the community, rather it is a disguised threat to scare people away from getting as big as him.

    When looking at Lloyds words. always look at it through the lens of how a narcissist thinks and everything makes sense. He wants to be top dog, and no one should ever knock him off that perch. He tried this with Mike and Kim, he tried with Marc and Cora, and he has successfully "canceled" people through his manipulation and bullying. But as he portrays himself as the victim, those who have no idea there are people out there who will stop at nothing for power and control (elders and pioneers come to mind.) People like Evans have had plenty of training by watching his father and going on to be just like his father by being an elder. Elders can be the evilest deceitful people if their power and control are brought into question.

  • Diogenesister
    Thisismein1972: He says he dreams of leaving Twitter. Well why dream when all he has to do is hit that deactivate account button.

    TOH Just like his relationship with his penis, he has yet to master the "log out" function.

    (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)🙌🙌🤣🤣I'm dead

  • Simon
    His very survival depends on his reputation. Everything negative will hurt his bottom line. Imagine building something and having absolutely no backup plan. This is exactly why he is lashing out like an animal cornered. He has no backup plan.

    It's still staggering that someone who relied on his online reputation for 100% of his income had so little regard for it, both in his original behavior and then the subsequent handling of the fallout from it - the livestream and attempts to make out he has some legal case with any hope of success.

    It's like dousing yourself in paraffin, then lighting a match ... and doing it all on top of a cliff that you then throw yourself off. But it's all other people's fault for doing it to him remember ...

    When he says that anyone who gets bigger than him is at risk of being "abused" like him. What he means there is. No one had better get bigger than him.

    He's also attempting to put people off being involved, creating content and even trying to build something. If it is really so bad, why does he keep doing it?

    Oh, that's right ... for the $$$

    And what would impact that the most? Competition ....

    The reality is that the abuse that other exJW content creators have received has largely come from him.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    @Toblerone Great post! I was just telling Mikey this morning, when we were discussing Wally's latest video (JW Thoughts)

    Hitler was the FACE of Germany, he did a lot of good for the German people & their economy. He was very influential & important also. He belonged among the pantheon of dictators also.

    Good point about the money he has gotten. Many others couldn't even afford the trip to Warwick back when they had that big protest. Lloyd could have gone & promoted it, but no, because it was being promoted by all of us & it was 'aggressive activism"

    The reason Lloydy Boy has been the leading voice in the ex-jw community, is because he has shut down everyone else for 10 years.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Has LE not caused any headline-makings news in the last 24 hours?

    He’s been busy. Someone with the initials “UPS” filed something on the case on 16 Sept. The only other lawyer at the Novosel firm is Luka Mlinaric and the paralegal intern is named Branomir. So unless the Sisak Municipal Court accepts and credits filings from the United Parcel Service, Jabba the Hutt might have flushed Novosel into the Rancor pit and hired new counsel as he threatened to do in the last rant.

    Or “UPS” could be something from the court, with the S representing Sisak. Who knows.

    Jabba himself posted a tweet of him singing karaoke with the comment “When the trolling reaches critical mass, you just don’t care any more. This is my weekly therapy.”

    Whoever “UPS” is, the news can’t be too great if he’s going on about trolls and using karaoke as his weekly therapy.

  • Vintage

    Is there a place where I can keep up on the filings?

  • TonusOH
    Simon: It's still staggering that someone who relied on his online reputation for 100% of his income had so little regard for it

    I think it's a lack of self-awareness. He really isn't capable of seeing things from the point of view of someone outside of his situation. His hard-charging, take-no-prisoners style of operating can work over a short period of time, and it did for him. He grew his channel and protected it by going after anyone who criticized him, and he was relentless. And he also alienated people who were on his side because he demands unconditional support. So, when he finally stumbled badly, he lacked a support network- the people who could have helped him were on the other side of all of those burned bridges.

    Even now, he won't give an inch and continues to turn on people who supported him. You have to wonder how many of the ones that are left -the real diehard supporters- will end up in his doghouse because they couldn't keep navigating the minefield that is his massive and fragile ego.

  • slimboyfat

    To use one of my favourite malaphors: he has had a, “I'll burn that bridge when I get to it” mentality.

    Or as noted already, he’s the perfect demonstration of the adage: be careful how you treat people on the way up, because you meet the same people on the way back down.

    He has a strict method for dealing with criticism that he never appears to deviate from. In any given situation his instinctive response is to claim that any criticism is grossly unfair for handful of recycled reasons: it’s not so bad, others did worse, why are you picking on me, you’re a bully, my mental health, see what I have to put up with. Rinse and repeat. It’s difficult to fathom, because it’s not how most people operate, but it genuinely doesn’t appear to have ever occurred to him to actually ask himself whether criticism of him is valid, about anything, ever, in his whole life.

  • Toblerone5

    this is from Lloyd Evans Parody I love is twitter page he always have the best scoop on our favorite number 1 ex-jw youtuber... to me is more number 2 :poop:

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