It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut
    Sorry, I think you're trying to sell it as a "victimless crime". It isn't.

    Did I say anything about it being a victimless crime?? You added that part in by yourself just like things are being adding to the L.E. debacle (as if they aren't bad enough on their own). There are indeed victims, but in my opinion you are not one of them, in fact you may even be profiting from all of the extra activity on your site surrounding this situation. Does anyone expect you to provide breakdown of how you use the money you earn here? Are you profiting off of the pain of XJW's? I don't thinks so but there are people who get funny once money comes into the picture.

    Mrs. E and the children and the sex workers are the victims. I find it hard to believe anyone here is truly all that upset or worried about them or their welfare. I also find it hard to believe anyone here gave L.E. their money. (but their acting as if they did) .

    Lloyd pissed people off and now they finally and gleefully get to have their pound of flesh and they get to appear as if their main concern is the victims. In the process they are tearing down the XJW community by frightening away new ones and once again living up to the Crazy Apostate reputation with their undignified behavior.

    As I said before, if one is truly worried about the victims in all of this, they won't viciously go on at length about the perpetrator, they'll attend to the victims needs and try to make things better for them rather than fuel the feeding frenzy with foul language, horrible names and by speculating on or exaggerating the original wrongdoing.. If one is truly concerned about the XJW Community they won't lower themselves to the undignified and unkind level of behavior they are calling L.E. out for.

    He has demonstrated that he doesn't need anyone's help to start a fire, he's capable of doing that all by himself. But we shouldn't stand silent while he torches other people's lives.

    Torches other peoples lives...really?? A bit dramatic don't ya' think? Sure, he disappointed people, pissed them off etc but no one except for his family, had their lives "torched". How are you and your forum helping anyone by being so foul mouthed and vicious yourself and thereby encouraging others who are being the same way?

    There's more going on here than concern for victims or upholding some high moral standard in the XJW Community. There's been a lot of discussion and speculation about the extent of L.E's personal transgressions. There's been comments about how many donating patrons and subscribers he has and how much money he makes as if that somehow increases the seriousness of his transgressions. I also notice no one really criticizes the accuracy of the information he presents. They only attack him and his appearance, or his manner or how they dislike his on camera persona etc . I am not condoning anything he has done but I truly believe that the real crux of the matter and the source of the hatred is coming from plain old jealousy. It reminds me of how during the U.S. elections the Media took issue with everything Donald Trump said or did, just because they didn't like him. They found all sorts of creative ways to convince themselves they were acting out of public concern rather than out of their own personal contempt for his persona and the audacity on his part to show them up and shake up the good thing they had going .

    I have only watched a few of L.E. videos and have never sent him any money but if I did, I would do so with the understanding that the money I contributed would be intended to help cover his living expenses so that he could devote more time to his videos instead of working at a regular job. Whether he bought shoes for his kids or bought a plane ticket to Thailand, the money is his to use the same as if he had a regular job.

    When I pay someone for a services rendered, I have no idea what they are doing with that money. If I hired a landscaper to maintain my yard and he used some of the money to buy a hooker, it isn't my initial concern. My initial concern is whether or not he does a good job in my yard. If I found out about his illicit activities, I would have to make a choice as to whether or not to continue hiring him. I wouldn't go around trashing him on public forums and trying to ruin him and making things worse for him than they already are. For all I know the man may have other income or have funds of his own that he uses for personal expenses. Maybe L.E. does too?? Either way...not my business.

    'The fact he regularly goes to Thailand is the most egregious part. A place well known for its sex trafficking, especially if minors (he says girls in his response video and quickly corrects himself).'

    Going to Thailand is the most egregious part really?? Or is this more drama ?

    My younger Sister and her husband go to Thailand regularly to get away from the northern winters. They have a wealthy Thai neighbor here in the U.S who also has a luxurious second home there in Thailand, to stay in . Despite what you hear, people do actually go there by the thousands simply to get away from the winter, including people in Croatia who need to get away for awhile. I'm sure one can find a prostitute in Croatia if they choose to . Wrong is wrong no matter where it happens.

    I often wondered how some of these XJW activists can handle the negativity of being a professional XJW and the toll it must take on them. I seriously hope Lloyd is able to get help and that he is able to salvage his family. Despite his personal failings, his videos have helped a lot of people and that has to count for something.

    No matter how unpopular it is, I'm going to continue to err on the side of kindness.

  • Simon

    You're normally one of the more sensible voices, but I think you've lost the plot on this

    in fact you may even be profiting from all of the extra activity on your site surrounding this situation. Does anyone expect you to provide breakdown of how you use the money you earn here? Are you profiting off of the pain of XJW's? I don't thinks so but there are people who get funny once money comes into the picture.

    The traffic is inconsequential, it's certainly not the type of content that's really "monetizable". Not that it's any of your business, or that you have a right to make out that I'm profiting off anyone, certainly not anyone's pain, or anything other than my own work, but the site brings in pretty much the exact same amount in ad revenue as it costs to run, and I don't charge anyone a "wage" for my "work", and never have.

    Torches other peoples lives...really?? A bit dramatic don't ya' think? Sure, he disappointed people, pissed them off etc but no one except for his family, had their lives "torched". How are you and your forum helping anyone by being so foul mouthed and vicious yourself and thereby encouraging others who are being the same way?

    No, it's not dramatic. It's reality. He's been like a BSE infected bull in a china-shop in the exJW community, leaving a trail of destruction and fallout in his wake. I don't know why you feel the need to rush to his defence, but I think your sympathies are woefully misplaced and inappropriate. How many people who contributed a lot of hard work behind the scenes have been put off having anything todo with the community because of him? He's a cancer to the cause and always has been, because he doesn't really believe in any "cause" - it's all about him and profiteering.

    And if you think that is being foul mouthed and vicious, then honestly, I think you are a fool and a hypocrite, because what happened to erring on the side of kindness? It's just a glib tagline, nothing more, to make you feel "righteous".

    I chose to try to help people by giving them a place where they have a relatively safe, anonymous, voice. That's how it's always been, that's what it says on the tin. I don't raise money off people. I don't solicit funds off people. I don't try to contact people. I try to keep a balance and over the years have put up with more shit and grief for what I do than you can possibly imagine.

    No matter what other people's opinions are, I'm going to err on the side of truth and victims, and I don't care whatever dick-wad feels put out because of it.

  • alecholmesthedetective
    Mrs. E and the children and the sex workers are the victims. I find it hard to believe anyone here is truly all that upset or worried about them or their welfare.

    Did the person who started all this get permission from the wife to post these things on flaming Reddit? If not, that would be telling.

    If people have evidence of him being paedophile they should turn it over to the relevant authorities. Rumour, hearsay, and faulty logic will only add to the truism that you can take the JW out of the cult but you can't take the cult out of the JW.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Another thing that stuck out with the livestream was Lloyd’s utter contempt for ExJWs in general. He kept casually remarking about the amount of the viewers watching, admonishing them that they are sick to want to watch it. Excuse me?

    This is like a street vendor selling hot dogs he knows are putrid, and then lambasts his customers as they eat it as being disgusting.

    Then: “We’re all messed up”. No. You are messed up, Lloyd Evans. I seriously doubt you’d find even one of the 2000 viewers who would habitually betray their spouse with hookers. Stop projecting your own failures on all of us, you twat.

    He went on about how disgusted he was with ExJWs for somehow putting himself in that position. Again: deflecting blame. Don’t like the punishment then don’t commit the crime.

    It’s clear he has no interest in exJW activism anymore. But I need to qualify that. We wants and needs the money raised from ExJWs but does not want to work with them anymore and be a member. This leaves him in a quandary and probably plays a part in his current misery.

    He has no real job experience other than this. If he loses his activism money and his wife, he’ll need to return to the UK to look for an entry level job. This is his least favourite path. The other path would be keeping his job and marriage intact and somehow fighting through this. But it’s not what he really wants, both on the job and marriage front.

    Folks need to consider this when he makes his return. He’s doing this to enrich himself and certainly to provide support for people he despises.

  • Doctor Who
    Doctor Who

    Lloyd Evans receives his reward....

  • notsurewheretogo

    @Pete Zahut

    Imagine being a sex abuse survivor in the cult and you worked with Lloyd and saw him in inquiries and make videos on abuse then understand how they feel when he has for years used donations to pay for illegal sex activities that exploit women and potentially children.

    Nothing else matters, that there is the biggest damage he has done, he has undermined all his activity in that area.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I'm still amazed that is response about the 14 year old isn't to immediately outright deny it - exactly.

    I KNOW I have never groomed 14 year olds. If accused, the first thing I'd be saying is 'bullshit!'

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Here's another thing that I don't think anyone has commented on ...

    First, let's see if I've got things right: Lloyd cheated on his wife with prostitutes for four years, about once every two or three weeks, I remember him saying.

    Let's do the math - every year that works out to about 25 payments for sex. Then multiply that by four and Lloyd could possibly have done this 100 times or more.

    So, does Lloyd know he never picked up HIV or any other STDs? Has he had blood tests? I assume he had been having sex with his wife during the four years he cheated on her, so has his wife had a thorough health check up?

    Edited to add: it appears I got my calculations wrong - Lloyd said 'every three months, for about four years'. But my point about health checks for him and his wife still definitely stands.

  • happy@last

    As a survivor of CSA at the hands of a JW pedo I was asked by Lloyd to take part in his film a few years ago.

  • vienne
    Let's do the math - every year that works out to about 25 payments for sex. Then multiply that by four and Lloyd could possibly have done this 100 times or more.

    And at what cost? How much came out of his donation income? He's in Croatia. A website suggests that during tourist season average cost of a whore is 100 Euros. Let's assume that Lloyd was 'thrifty' and found someone for fifty dollars. At that discount rate he frittered away five thousand dollars. If you donated to his 'cause,' he spend your donation on what The Watchtower has called "a few moments of pleasure." You happy about that? Still donating? Why?

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