It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • NonCoinCollector

    More on Lloyd Evans and his Thailand "girlfriend." This is from this webpage:

    We can now see why James Lloyd Evans AKA John Cedars used the word "girlfriend" to explain away his behavior.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    You've got to be kidding me! He actually wrote that? C'mon Paul.

    Diogenesister: The thread is here:

    From Paul on this thread:

    Lloyd is earning far less from his JW activism than he could working full time in his business as a translator.

    Now that was 4 years ago (2017-2018) but either Paul had no clue what Lloyd was pulling in or thought the JLE Translation Service running out of the attic was pulling in 4-5K a month for his earnings from activism to be considered "far less". Or he could have been just lying which is what we're finding more and more of with Evans and his associates. I would be curious to know what Kim Silvio thinks of this assertation since she has made comments and videos about what Lloyd is earning and probably could give a reasonable estimate on what he was making in 2017-2018 or the period round the time when his second book was released.

  • slimboyfat

    Yes I knew about stealing Neil’s book idea too, and charging people to be included in the book, which I have never heard of any reputable author doing, ever.

    He also apparently fell out with Stephen Knight because Knight didn’t agree with him over the statue-pulling-down issue, then tried to alienate Knight from Michael Shermer over it. The details of that might be wrong—I only half picked it up from Andrew Gold’s podcast, although the basic idea of falling out with someone over a minor difference of opinion and then trying to get others to exclude the person, seems to be his modus operandi.

    He has always had a talent for “churning” out a lot of content. Even when he started on this forum I thought it was impressive the number of words he could write in a day, as well as respond to new stories lightning fast. It was always quantity over quality, but some people obviously weren’t put off.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    He also apparently fell out with Stephen Knight because Knight didn’t agree with him over the statue-pulling-down issue, then tried to alienate Knight from Michael Shermer over it.

    And Lloyd's response was to tag Ricky Gervais on Twitter and try to shame Steven, a real-life friend of Ricky's.

  • TonusOH
    ...a girlfriend cum travel companion...

    Now that is an unfortunate turn of a phrase, given the context...

  • silentlamb_silent_no_more
    We can now see why James Lloyd Evans AKA John Cedars used the word "girlfriend" to explain away his behavior.

    We certainly can. Can anyone find out how much such a GFE in Thailand costs? Must be a fortune for those pretty girls - I mean women to service neckbeards.

  • usualusername1

    This guy is talking about Lloyd Evans aka James Lloyd Evans aka John Cedars.

    Lloyd Evans fan (not)

  • vienne

    RE: The crystal figurine. Ebay ask prices do not reflect real value. People gift or leave estates to the Watch Tower on a regular basis, including fine art. There is nothing proving that anyone at Bethel bought this. Evans is a moron.

  • Simon

    Yeah, it's an invented scandal. Same as "bottle gate", just make out that there is some outrageous act going on when there is zero proof whatsoever.

    Normal people have ornaments and buy liquor. Neither of these things are weird.

    But making out some crime or sin has been committed based on such normal things is kind of strange though.

    Imagine being so puritanical that you think someone having a trinket or buying a bottle of whiskey is the enemy of the people but abandoning your wife and kids to hire a Thailand girlfriend using donated funds is nothing wrong whatsoever.

    Imagine having a moral compass so broken, both needles have fallen off.

  • vienne

    Lloyd earing more in the secular world? With what sill set? Politics? He's a liar but not an adept one. He could do Russian propaganda. It fools some, but most see it for the blatant lies it is. Russia Loony Lloyd?

    Or he could make a fake health cure that everyone knows is fake and sell it on late night radio. But sell it as good for dogs to avoid the authorities clamping down. Brand it Dyno-Lloyd: Return a healthy glow to your dog's coat.

    It still amazes me that 570 or so people still send him money instead of growing up and walking in the real world.

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