It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars

by Newly Enlightened 11530 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Diogenesister
    LMsAThat's a hard disagree from me on that. For one, Wally has time for everyone and I mean everyone. He freely gives his email out, responses are always forthcoming and he doesn’t bitch that he is busy. He also gives his phone number out and talks to people with little thought to whether they could come on his channel or other ways it could benefit him personally.

    Boy I'm right behind you on this.

    Wally has time & patience for everyone - from a homeless, abused teen who has turned to substances to fill the gaping hole where a mother's love should be. To an elderly ex-elder who is broken at having woken up only to realise he's given his whole life - and wealth - to watchtower.

    Wally cares. That's priceless.

    From day one Lloyd never had time for anyone who didn't advance his career - and he had no issue in stating that quite clearly.

    Another person who is constantly overlooked by the "in" ex JW crowd is Marcus Vaughn, who literally gives out his number if anyone needs help. As an ex Bethelite you would think he would be a popular choice for interviews, etc. But nope.....Marcus is his own man and doesn't toe the "right on" ex jw line. I don't care what his views on politics or potted plants are - he's a genuine person who cares about people.

    It's about time we lost that snobby attitude to which ex JW are "acceptable" and who are not. Tossers not should be simple as that.*

    *Not saying you have this view @thisismein1972. I think you just made a wrong call. It happens.


    When I first started watching Kim and Mikey’s videos I really struggled when I heard them talking about certain things that they believed at that time. It taught me the most valuable lesson, I don’t have to agree and to get comfortable being uncomfortable with the feeling I got when I didn’t agree. It doesn’t make them wrong, weirdos or horrible people - it makes them human - it’s the best lesson I ever learnt.

  • pr0ner

    Am I crazy or did Leah Remini not make a statement regarding the allegations against Lloyd when she did her A&E video? I could’ve sworn this happened but I can’t seem to find it.

  • TonusOH

    KIMSILVIO: We don’t need a leader, we don’t need a voice for the community.

    Exactly. There is a lot of good information out there. Find it, learn from it, become free. Most importantly, don't replace one cult with another.

  • WingCommander

    Marcus Vaughn is great, but he's not as popular because sometimes......sometimes......he comes off just a bit - unhinged.

    I'm mean he'll go off on tangents and get pissed off, and repeat himself, etc.

    Jay the Comedian was good for a while, but he seems to be a big Cedars fan-boi, which is hard for me to imagine with his street smarts.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Jay the Comedian was good for a while, but he seems to be a big Cedars fan-boi, which is hard for me to imagine with his street smarts.

    Jay lost a lot of credibility not only as a voice in this community, but as a comedian when he made his Lloyd defence “comedy” video. I think he let what he perceived to be his friendship with Lloyd get in the way because that could have been made into an excellent comedy routine. Coach Dee Free really lit into him and that was the perfect example of comedy from a Black perspective. “Talk about preaching the Good News in all the inhabited Earth!” was a classic.

    Instead Jay just whines about it being “not our business”, as if his boy hadn’t just spilt it all on the livestream and on FB just days before he made his video. Now what real comedian watches that livestream and all he takes from it is “not your business!”?

    Chris Rock completely obliterated Will and Jada Pinkett Smith for bringing their personal life into an interview. He specifically called out Jada for some “low down shit” and had no idea why they’d put that info out in public.

    Real comedians don’t discriminate. If there is material out there for a stand up routine, they embrace and run with it. But Jay is online friends with Lloyd, so turn the comedy against the people Lloyd was ranting against I guess. A fat man who just got up out of bed chugging whiskey said he didn’t have any mastery over his penis, but the comedy was somehow turned on the people whom that line was directed towards. Great comedy, Jay. Can’t wait to see your show about knocking on doors as a kid. Really groudbreaking.

    I suppose that’s one of the many reasons why Chris Rock is making million dollar Netflix specials and hosting the Oscars whilst Jay is struggling to get noticed on the Chicago stand-up scene.

  • Simon

    The only thing I really really despise, which I've noticed many exJW YouTubers are guilty of, is when they dismiss people who have opinions different to their own as evidence that people "still have a JW mindset".

    I saw one the other day, typical leftwing woke virtue signalling, claiming that exJWs who weren't all over gender pronouns haven't "really woken up" from the JW experience yet.

    I'm sorry, but no - fuck off cunts! This "you're still a JW if you don't think like me" attitude is so past it's sell-by-date it reeks. If you think you're helping people with that shit, think again - you're simply tickling the ears of a certain crowd to get likes and view, living in a bubble.

    You don't have to turn into some drug taking, trans-loving, communist-flag-waving drop-out to 'prove' that you have "really left the WTS". I think the YouTubers actually represent a minority of exJWs as most people are far more likely to have more conservative outlooks. So the YouTubers present a misleading portrayal just because they are the ones most likely to want to live their life in public, and vocally virtue signal and demonstrate their closet intolerance and judgemental attitudes toward those with different opinions.

    Leave the WTS. Be whoever you want to be. Don't let anyone tell you it's wrong. That's the message.

  • WingCommander

    Totally agree Simon. I see that shit CONSTANTLY over on exJW Reddit sub. If you aren't Left-leaning 1000% woke artist, your ass is basically banned from there. You're called a Fudd, a racist, a homophobe, transphobe, Islamaphobe, KKK member, Trump cult follower, etc. But then again, that's nearly ALL of Reddit at this point. I'm actually shocked the pro-gun and knife subs are even allowed on Reddit at this point in time.

    Leave the WTS. Be whoever you want to be. Don't let anyone tell you it's wrong. That's the message.

    Now that is just the facts! 👍

  • Thisismein1972
    Leave the WTS. Be whoever you want to be. Don't let anyone tell you it's wrong. That's the message.

    Very true indeed, and I agree with you that most people who come out lean on the conservative side.

    You escaped one cult, why escape one cult only to join another and then pledge your obedience to said cult that will ultimately destroy humanity if left to spread without consequences?

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