Black Lives Matter—Do You Agree With Their Philosophy?

by minimus 246 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon
    You have no doubt heard about Cosanostra, the Gambino Family and the likes aka "The Mafia" would you say that the Italian culture is rotten to the core due to the notoriety of the mafia.
    Have you heard about Mara Salvatrucha, commonly known as MS-13, does that make the latino culture rotten to the core?

    Depends - do the entire communities defend those criminal gangs and rally round to protect and excuse them, to deny the violence they commit?

    For some reason, BLM types always want to do this with black crime even though the victims of those crimes are very often other blacks.

    I judge people by why they do and what they support. If people are supporting criminals, whatever their color, then I think they are criminal too.

  • Simon
    They are almost exactly the same, with white dying in the same rate than blacks by heart attack (23,3%)!

    Only one of those reports is publicy accessible. Is it possible you didn't check the heading of the page you were on which would explain the exact same percentage.

    I'm also suspicious of the stats presented because a leading cause of death in black communities is abortion but that doesn't appear to be listed.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @Quetzal: What solutions are you proposing? You're looking to decriminalize drug offenses, okay, then what, how are you going to do addiction treatment? What other crimes are you looking to overlook to get to equality in outcome?

    Programs that help reduce single motherhood, abortion and take drug dealers off the streets and address gang culture help. You did see that after conservative criminal reform and tax reductions which incidentally meant axing government and welfare programs the black community had the lowest number of unemployed.

    On the other hand, CA and NY have had decriminalization and free methadone/needle/housing programs for a very long time, yet homelessness and drug addiction continues to rise there. After minor crimes get deregulated, what we see is a spike in other crimes and related issues, not a reduction.

  • coalize


    When you make a free account, you can see two charts more! I made a free account just to see these stats!

    If you make the same you will see, than the rate is exactly the same for white and black!

  • Simon

    Here's some official stats showing that site is possibly incorrect (maybe they transposed some numbers):

    The number could be correct, because they are similar, but you're missing an important factor. If people die of other reasons (I believe black youths are more likely to be victims of homicide) then that will affect other counts - if you are shot dead at 20 you tend not to develop heart disease in later life.

    That different groups have different health issues is pretty widely known and accepted, I'm not sure what you are arguing for other than simply to argue.

    There are more figures here:

    And also here:

    "Except at the very oldest ages, black Americans have the highest death rates of any of America’s racial and ethnic groups. In large part, this can be attributed to inequalities in economic status, education, and occupation — all of which are related to the risk of mortality. But the racial differences in mortality persist even in studies that compare individuals with similar levels of income and education. The disadvantage for blacks appears for all the major causes of death: heart disease, cancer, and stroke. The disadvantage is greatest in deaths from HIV infection, for which the risk to blacks is over seven times the risk to white Americans"

  • coalize


    It's indeed possible that the site given by phoenix have wrong datas. I don't know this site, and I have no clue if it's serious site or not! But if it's not serious, it looks very expensive to have access at dubious datas !

    But I'm happy with your answer, because you begin to understand my point!

    Yes if I say "the rate is equal between black and white", I say something totally factual (in the case the rate is really the same), but I say nothing at all in the same time! You done well by answering me with a putting in perspective. You didn't stay blocked at a data, you put this data in context!

    When facing datas not going first along with his own opinions, people usually, automatically, are putting datas in perspective and try to really understand the datas. But when the datas are going first along his own opinion, people usually, automatically, are stoping to think and are closing their mind at further putting in perspective and don't want to really understand the datas!

    That's my point since the beginning : a simple data say nothing correct if it's not put in perspective!

  • redvip2000
    Given that, what does it imply about the official stand of BLM, taken directly from their official website?
    We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.

    It's pretty easy to understand what they are saying, which is basically:

    -We've all been told that you need a family (a caring mom and dad that nurture you) to have a decent upbringing. We are now saying that the solution for that is for the community to step in and compensate for that. -

    Now, despite the nice words. How exactly is that being done? Where are the fruits of that supposed effort? What programs and workshops in the community is BLM currently running to effect this plan?

    Here's an idea... how about BLM take a position against music that glorifies the thug life, and that calls women bitches and hoes and looks down at men that love their women? Perhaps that would be a good start, but here is the thing... It simply does not fit the oppression narrative.

  • Quetzal


    Depends - do the entire communities defend those criminal gangs and rally round to protect and excuse them, to deny the violence they commit?

    For some reason, BLM types always want to do this with black crime even though the victims of those crimes are very often other blacks.

    I judge people by why they do and what they support. If people are supporting criminals, whatever their color, then I think they are criminal too.

    Using the above logic, would you say that the entire white community defended the KKK during their heyday?

  • Quetzal


    @Quetzal: What solutions are you proposing? You're looking to decriminalize drug offenses, okay, then what, how are you going to do addiction treatment? What other crimes are you looking to overlook to get to equality in outcome?

    I will say that you should go back and reread the quote

    In the context of public concern that White Americans are turning to heroin, policymakers are calling for reduced sentencing for nonviolent illicit drug offenses and the expansion of access to addiction treatment. At the same time, in Black and Latino communities, many drug-addicted individuals continue to be incarcerated rather than treated for their addiction.

    If blacks, whites and latinos are facing the same addiction problems, why not adopt the same solution to deal with the issue?

    Why is that so hard to understand?

  • Quetzal


    Here's an idea... how about BLM take a position against music that glorifies the thug life, and that calls women bitches and hoes and looks down at men that love their women? Perhaps that would be a good start,

    That is a valid point.

    That said, you know there is something called "rock music" and "heavy metal"? Have you paid any attention to the lyrics and message or do prefer the beats of gangster rap?

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