Is Having Kids Worth It?

by Prisca 103 Replies latest social family

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Witch . As your last post refers to me at the start I assume you are refering to me regarding "scorn" and "anger". Correct me if Im in error. If you are, indeed, referring to me,can you demonstrate where I have slurred you and "scorned" you? I believe you were the first , in our communication,to state that I was talking "rubbish" or somesuch. Now that, I consider scornfull and contemptuous.

    Tell me,can you demonstrate where i have shown "anger towards women"? I believe not. Simply because a man says hes unwilling to marry someone who doesnt want to work, do you constitute that as his being in a state of "anger" toward women? If I have any overriding feeling towards women generally it is one of indifference. Sorry if you believe that constitues "anger", but there you go.

    Speak up there, go ahead, edify me.

  • SheilaM
    Sheila has taken the matter to PM then decided to post the PM after things havent gone the way she wanted

    Franc refused to read my PM and told me I was a chickenshit for not debating this on the board. Since he is on a testosterone HIGH tonight, I complied. You speak of me not reading posts LOL Do you not here I will prepost it for you.

    Fran wrote this but I guess in your quest to slay Litte Witch you missed it. Oh Grumpy one

    you do not have the courage of your own convictions that will allow you to respond to my post in public and out in the open just as I posted in the first place, then attempting to hide behind a PM won't do you any good. It will not be read, it WILL be deleted.
  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Sheila, you are entirely correct. I didnt see what was posted by your adversary. Apologies for reading you the wrong way. Stinky too, who attempted to point my error out to me. I am hoisted upon my own pattard.

  • SheilaM

    RF: Thank you for your response and

    I am hoisted upon my own pattard.
    That sounds painful LOL KIDDING JUST KIDDING

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Sheila. Well, if i claimed to have won a debate with you, and had refused to take the matter of the disagreement to PM , indeed, INSISTED it should be debated publicly, I would feel duty bound to respond to your public challenge. So I guess we can only await in eager anticipation. lol.

    Being a bad boy, and on restrictions,Im out of posts. See you tomorrow.

  • rocketman

    Being a parent takes an incredible degree of commitment and sacrifice. It's tough work and can be a thankless, exhausting job.......and I wouldn't trade it for anything.

  • cat1759

    My four children were the only reason for living. When I was pregnant for the first one I was so mad as I didn't want to have babies. After the first one, well he couldn't play alone.

    I didn't know that my children would become my everything in this life. I didn't know they would hold me up through the hard parts. I didn't know they would forgive me for always being at work. I didn't know they would cook and clean for me as that was my job when we first started out. I didn't know that when I was watching them grow up that I would be sitting at basketball games on three hours of sleep to start the next day. I didn't know my children would outdo everything that I have ever done and more.

    To have children is the best gift this world has to offer. There is no mountain you climb that will ever give you the estatic feeling of watching your children graduate from high school or winning that all important basketball game.

    The group hugs because you accomplished something that others said was impossible. The knowing looks of love from a child establishing the fact that you are indeed their mother. The tea they make you after working fifteen hours a day followed by a full course meal. To come home and find your house has been transformed because they got bored and you can't believe that your children did it for you.

    Truly the greatest blessing in the world. Yes there have been hard times, times were I had to stand up in court for my children, to hold their hands when they lie in the hospital but thank god they are still alive. The late night call that sends you off to look for them because they were out and needed that alcohol free ride home. The drugs that they have tried but then decided against it. It was all a learning experience. Just as my life has been learning through them. Life is never peaches and cream but it is what you put into a child that makes that child into the adult you come to love and respect that makes it all worthwhile.

    Hey I thought I taught them about sex, wait I did, but I am still waiting on grandchildren. Figure my daughter who is the youngest will have the first one in about 7yrs.

    Good luck on your decision Prisca. There is no greater love than holding that child and watching them grow.


  • Prisca

    All I can say is WOW!!!! This thread sure provoked some strong emotions!!! (I'd insert the purple wide-eyed smilie here but the smilies aren't working)

    Thank you to all that shared their stories on raising kids, and whether it's worth it. It's obvious that for some it's caused heartache, and for others great joy. Reading the experiences of SheilaM and Cat1759, for example, it's probably just as well that I took my Pill this morning before loggin onto this site, haha!! No, I don't want to have kids right now, but I don't see why I should be denied having them if I'm with the right person. And that right person will want those kids just as much as I do.

  • Andune

    Don't give up on men over thirty. I was nineteen when my boyfriend (now husband) and I started dating, and he was thirty two. He had never been married, and had no children. It's five years later, we will celebrate our third anniversary this year, and we have an eighteen month old daughter. She is the single best thing I have ever done, and I love sharing her raising with her wonderful dad. He is the best husband and father that one could hope for.

    I love our daughter so much. She is the light of my life. I love seeing how she changes every day. We still do all the things we used to do before we had her, in fact, we are going on a week long cruise this year with her. We are lucky, she is a very easy baby.

    Don't give up


  • Andune

    I don't know how to edit, so I will add another post.

    Don't have kids unless you really want to, and you will know when you really want one. It had almost become an obsession with me, and I didn't just want a baby, I wanted the whole experience. I have three younger sisters, one who is twenty years younger than I, so I have had a lot of experience with young children. I was also exceptionally lucky; I had an easy pregnancy, easy labor, and my daughter is what my midwife called a decoy baby, the sort who starts baby booms because everyone wants one. With all that, I do not think we will ever have another one. Even our easy daughter is a lot of work, and takes a lot of attention.

    Bottom line, you will KNOW if you want one. Good luck with whatever you decide, and whatever happens.


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