Is Having Kids Worth It?

by Prisca 103 Replies latest social family

  • BeautifulGarbage
    and wants to stay home making a full time career out of a 3 hour a day job, while I work in the factory 60 hours a week to support her?


    And the other 21 hours I'm eating bon bons

  • lisaBObeesa

    Wow, I am really surprised how many people have so much neg feelings about having kids. Wow.

    I feel like my kids are gifts from God. Every time they grow and change, it is another layer of the gift, a new surprise. (Sometimes, of course, it is a difficult learning experience!) I do not know what they will be like when they are all grown, and I try not to guess.

    The number one thing to know about having kids is to HAVE NO EXPECTATIONS. If you think they are little lumps of clay that you can mold into what you want, you are in for a let-down. They come pre-assembled in many ways! LOL!

    Of course it is every parent's job to try our best to guide our little semi-pre-assembled humans along, but in the end, what they do with their lives is up to them.

    I hope to God I am not dissapointed in my kids when they grow up. The only way I could see that happening is if they turned out to be con-men or murderers or something.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    ..."not for the size of someones assets or lack thereof."...

    Xena, of course is a different matter. A year of Xenas lovin' would be worth spending the remainder of my life living in a cardboard box on the street.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Non garbage:..."And the other 21 hours I'm eating bon bons"...

    I think not, but after years of watching women, Ive concluded that they are very wastefull of time. A man will do a job in three hours that a woman will take 6. Shopping is an example. And they buy a hundred dollars worth of useless items every time they go out.This is what Ive experienced. There was a home shopping party here last week, and entire afternoon chattering away and looking at cleaning equipment. Gawd, just go to the supermarket and buy a mop already....

    apologies if you find me blunt.

  • StinkyPantz

    Well, I have no kids so I kinda feel out of place on this thread, but I'm gonna jump in anyway.

    I am 24 and my husband and I got married not wanting children. But when I got him back into school and we decided to move to Florida a year ago, both of us just sorta knew that our lives would not be complete without some little ones running around. Although we have been unsuccessful thusfar in our attempts, we are still excited about even the prospect of having kids. I've read all of the horror stories, but in my mind, the thought of bringing into the world a person half me and half my husband is overhwhelming.

    More often than not, people will tell you that having kids was the best thing they've ever done. . and well, I believe them.

  • waiting

    Obviously, being married and having kids are two different things. And they should be.

    Got married at 19, 27, a semi-wacked jw with 3 kids & a jw husband doing & selling drugs for years. Crapshoot, indeed. If I hadn't had my kids......I could've (perhaps) walked nearly a decade earlier.

    As it was, we parted when I was 29 with 3 kids in tow. I worked full time & married another jw.........and he was/is still great. And, btw, I've worked full time our entire marriage of 22 years, raising 3 kids.

    We've gone through all the regular stuff with kids (now 32, 27, 25) and if I had to do again....which one would I do without? Never! They are individuals who I love. They're beautiful, intelligent, talented & we regularily keep in touch. And they're outgrown the need to borrow money - and I don't think they resent me any more than the usual mom/kid stuff.

    But! I might rethink the situation if I had to do it over again (first husband) - I've been truly lucky in the overview. Truly lucky.

    I wouldn't take a million dollars for any of my kids. And I wouldn't give a plug nickel for another one. - unknown, but honest, mother


  • Jade

    Thanks Sheila, I missed you too. Tell Thunder to check his "In Box"

  • SheilaM
    I note your viewpoint and outlook did not meet with much agreement, thus in our contest of opinions it looks like I have taken the day.

    I didn't realize we were in a f****** contest. Well, seeing my family is what it is and you are what you are I would say you are the Loser. What I said was NEVER speak to me again. My daughter saw your post and thinks your a sad pathetic, self-asorbed man. She said you have no clue about life at all, you are girpped with your situation in your reality.

    My son is in the Marines that says plenty for how I raised my kids.

    I love my children and I am sorry that you feel the way you do.

    I will say that Thunder was an excellent Father and that makes all the difference.

    I apology to everyone I tried to keep this private.

  • SpunkyChick
    Well, seeing my family is what it is and you are what you are I would say you are the Loser.

    Wow! It's sad people need to get so upset and namecall when someone is blunt and honestly shares their opinion, which merely happens to differ from someone elses.


  • SheilaM

    Well since he is in the midst of some game in his own mind he asked for it. I PM'd him and he asked me to post therefore the gauntlet is down.

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