does honesty need to be harsh?

by Ravyn 210 Replies latest members adult

  • hillary_step


    Our job now, as I see it, is to convince just a couple of others to see things our way. :D

    Good to see that you at least finally get the point regarding my own views on this matter, stated a number of times on this thread.

    As to your kind invitation, well I work with another set of ethics that does not require my convincing anybody of anything, so forgive me if I do not see the need to join your crusade in trying to convince the mysterious 'others' that you note in your post above, of anything at all.

    I present my views on a topic on a discussion board. I believe them to be correct, else I would not present them at all, but they may not be correct. ( Despite my new label as one of the Boards 'University Professors', I have been known to err on occasion.... ) I then wait for an argument that presents evidence that my views may be flawed or need adjustment, as my desire is to learn. If they are flawed I adapt them, if not I do not. If no such argument develops that convinces me logically that my argument needs attention, then my views remain unchanged. My views throughout this thread have been consistent, and have remained unchanged.

    This process is called 'critical thinking'. I would very much recommend it, to both yourself and 'others'.

    Best regards - HS

  • onacruse

    I'd like to emphasize that I agree with everyone who's commented here about AlanF's exceptionally caring nature. I personally know this to be true about him. Thus, appearances notwithstanding, it's been very difficult (emotionally) for me to challenge him directly on his methodology (in spite of his invitation for me to so do).

    Furthermore, as I said above, my own nature shrinks from such direct challenges. Quite frankly, my heart was in turmoil all day about this thread, and I was actually afraid to turn the computer on and look at this thread, for fear that I'd somehow offended someone, or that someone might have ripped me a new one. I'd even formulated a little "honorable disengagement from this topic" post. Hey, call me a wuss or even a coward, but on this db, with you folks and friends, I'm wysiwyg.

    HS, I've re-read your comments on this thread, and also just now read what you posted during your first days at JWD. imvho, it seems that you might have felt like you were "put through the ringer" when you first posted here, and walked away for awhile because of that? I only ask because it seems to me that your initial experiences here speak directly to the issue of "kind honesty." (Please feel free to delete this paragraph, if I am in any way imposing on your privacy).



  • teejay


    The way some of your comments were worded seemed to indicate that you felt differently ("sometimes harsh words are required to *validate* honesty") than the way you finally expressed yourself, so i t's good that you agree that harsh words on a db such as this one are never appropriate . Although there still seems to be a general lack of clarity in one or two of your expressions, I'm at least glad to know that we agree overall. Someone of your stature might even work to persuade others to follow a "kindler, gentler" mode of communication.

    ...forgive me if I do not see the need to join your crusade

    Actually, if I am in fact crusading, it is really a crusade that Simon is advancing and I have no problem or shame in joining him in it. The principle he puts forth of having a kind, open, and welcoming forum for all members is one that I have agreed with since my arrival, having seen all forms of brutalizing speech on the old h2o. As a Forum Assistant, I would think that you take your responsibility as such seriously in supporting Simon's wishes, also. Perhaps not.

    As for me, it is impossible to miss the very first of Simon's Posting Guidelines every time I post... to wit

    To ensure all users feel safe and keen to participate, please avoid:
    1. Insulting , threatening or provoking language

    Of course in wishing to parse words so as to exploit what they see as loopholes, some might try to advance the (mistaken) notion that there is a gap in meaning between the words "insulting" and "harsh." I doubt that you are one of those, based on what you've said here at the end. I believe that for the vast majority of us it is quite possible to express ourselves to the fullest without being harsh or demeaning to other members of this community, regardless of what our personal agenda might be.

    Edited to correct "inapproriate" in 1st par. to "appropriate"

  • SheilaM

    I thought the answer would be no, but in the case of people such as Realist who has no compassion, no reason. The answer is yes

  • AlanF

    A number of posters seem to think that I'm a liar when I claim that, on occasion, harsh words result in good things with JWs. Over the years I've received many, many communications indicating that my "methods" often work to good effect. Below is a dialog that I had about a month ago with someone who contacted me about other matters. The time frame of our exchanges on the old H2O DB is about 1998 to 1999. Obviously, "Frank" is not the guy's real name. I've cut out anything that could identify him or is irrelevant to the point of this thread. At the time, Frank was an ardent defender of the JWs. I've not tried to collate the dialog; each section is from a separate email.


    I was wondering and think it is so, are you the infamous AF of H2O fame? I have kept many of your posts for posterity.

    Yes, I'm AF. What do you do with those old posts?

    There are just a few good "rants" that I saved, that make me smile when I look at them. One of your quotes to me. "You're a hypocrite at best and a liar at worst."
    Those were the good ol' days. That's what I deserve for being a JW apologist.
    I learned a lot from your posts.
    You get a very nice mention in Gentile times reconsidered.
    The last time we ranted I was in the DR and you were in Europe, are you stateside now?

    Yep. :-) What was your H2O handle?
    Like what? Where are you at now with respect to the JWs?
    Yeah. I was in Switzerland for about 15 months...
    Where are you now?

    I am a pragmatic or Frank person....does that help?
    Oh hard to say. You bit and the venom sunk in. ;-) You and a personal experience caused me to re-evaluate my view of Ray Franz. so I got his book and woke up...
    I am back in Canada, the land of Penton. Keeping a low profile, rocking the boat when I can.

    Ok, I remember a bit. Yeah, you've changed. :-)
    :-) Sometimes it really takes a knock upside the head with a stick to get some people to start thinking for themselves. Not pleasant, but sometimes necessary.
    It's extremely difficult to remain a JW -- and impossible to remain an honest one -- after reading Franz's books.

    My My, definetly better than our rants on H2O!! :-)
    I always was a thinker although you may find that hard to believe. I have often told other Elders, CO's and one DO (a myriad bethelites) that the way they think and talk is why people consider us a cult. I have always been the one to turn down assignments and seek to keep out of the limelight. That has kept me out of some serious skirmishes. The witch-hunt that put me where I am now reads like so many mentioned in the accounts of RF, only I kept my composure and avoided the censure. You are right, sooner or what.
    You are right in some ways. Like Franz says, the problem is not with the people it is with the structure. It is hard to reconcile the existance of a human institution such as the WT that maintains such admiration (worshipful) from its adherents, while the very same movement preaches the unreliability of anything manmade and the eventual destruction of everything administered by men...

    Yeah, but they were fun. ;-)
    Not at all. It's just that, as a JW, one's thinking is limited by several mechanisms. I know -- been there, done that and all. When critics like me tell someone he's braindead and not thinking, it's about those artificial limitations, not about someone's unhampered ability to reason.
    And their response?
    I know exactly what you're talking about. Bethelites who trickle to the top have learned how to walk the walk and talk the talk. It's unique to Bethel, and not hard to recognize once you're tuned to it -- as long as you're not into it yourself. If you're into it yourself, you can't recognize it because you don't recognize it as an aberration, but as being normal.
    So there was some sort of recent witch hunt in your congregation? What about?
    Exactly. That's one of the hardest things to recognize, and you often don't, as long as you're still connected with the organization. Even after I realized that Watchtower leaders are thoroughly dishonest I didn't recognize the structure as a serious problem until Franz and a few others pointed it out. The structure itself lends itself to dishonesty. Of course, most WTS leaders don't realize that some of what they do is dishonest, because the structure allows them to justify anything at all in the name of organizational interests such as following orders from "the slave", and not making waves so as to avoid "touching the skirt of God's anointed". All of that works hard to prevent change at Bethel, even among those who recognize all of these ills.

    Well the CO and DO had me removed, but it was a fargone conclusion at that point. The others it was more or less not in such an ominous tone and so passed over as just a "your joking right?" kinda thing.
    Human pride, ambition and self interest (preservation) take over. It's like an obsolete department or task inside any corporation. The individual or group subconsciously works to hide their obsolescence and justify their existence to the rest. They will even band together with other endangered departments in an effort to remain valid. Not to long ago there was quite a bit of slashing going on
    at Canada Bethel. Even rumours of shutting down and turning the place into a retirement home...



    Now I know that certain, shall we say, less than bright lights who have posted on this thread will think that I just made up this dialog. For them I have nothing but contempt.

    For others, who still may think that "harsh methods" never work, take a hint from "Frank". If you think that "friendlier" words than mine would have woken him up, I'll email him your response and let him decide whether to respond.

    For still others, please tell me how many people you've helped get out of the JW cult over the years, explain to me your methods, and post your proof. Also tell me how much time and effort you've put into doing it. Or are your efforts merely theoretical undertakings launched from the safety of an impersonal discussion board where you have nothing at stake but a bit of finger exercise? Frankly, I care nothing for the opinions of Monday morning quarterbacks.


  • hillary_step


    HS, I've re-read your comments on this thread, and also just now read what you posted during your first days at JWD. imvho, it seems that you might have felt like you were "put through the ringer" when you first posted here, and walked away for awhile because of that? I only ask because it seems to me that your initial experiences here speak directly to the issue of "kind honesty." (Please feel free to delete this paragraph, if I am in any way imposing on your privacy).

    Thank you for your interesting comments. My own experiences when I first posted to this Board, when I really managed to stir the pot, were not the reasons that I left the Board, which incidentally I do every so often...

    I was not disturbed by being put through the 'ringer' as you put it as I am quite sure of myself as a person and my own personal ethics, despite the fact that my views about certain matters are in constant transition. I left the Board because I seriously worry about the effect that these online venues have on peoples lives, I believe them to be rather dangerous to certain sorts of personalities. My later posts on this Board, as you may have read, explain the true reason why I left the Board, which as I say have little to do with the way I was treated. At the time this Board was new and anyone remotely viewed as a WTS apologist set of a feeding frenzy that was not a pretty sight, but it was hardly the end of my world. Craig, I am exactly the same person today as I was then, with almost all my personal ethics unchanged.

    As I keep reiterating in this thread, the nature of online discussion Boards, especially those of the XJW genre is that there will INEVITABLY be a blurring of the boundaries of speech and conduct due to the melting pot of characters and personalities that subscribe here and people will get hurt by harsh speech when issue become heated. It is not my preference that this happens, though I can understand why people are often moved to harsh comments, especially when unjustly attacked. This is the nature of the online beast, and as I have continually stated, we either learn to live with it and stop whining, or we move along to pastures new. People need to face this reality.

    There is a place in life for harsh, but honest speech, even TJ admitted this in a more lucid moment. Many of the freedoms we take for granted have been won by the aggressive style of speech and declaration that many courageous people have shown throughout history as they have faced individuals and empires whose impulse is to dominate. It is rather astonishing that people cannot see that this is not as simplistic a scenario as they would like to feel. One can be harsh without being personally insulting, it does not take a 'University Professor' to work this one out.

    Best regards - HS

  • DannyBear


    Very sad.

    Contempt even before someone accuses you of something?

    Then end up by rubbing your sterling record of cult fighting, by casting doubts on 'others' methods, asking for proof?????

    You sir are more of a egomanical, self absorbed, pompus windbag........than I ever realized. Sorry for having to be so sharp and brutally honest.


  • wasasister
  • hillary_step


    Carrying those goal-posts around on your shoulders all day, ready for replanting in some new field whenever you see fit must be very tiring, but I assure you I am not going there!

    You use illustrations that have nothing in common with an on-line scenario, draw allusions to harshness outside of an on-line scenario and suddenly start pretending that you were only dealing with an on-line scenario to begin with!

    No go TJ, you can forget taking this issue into Board moderator politics, your latest shift in issues spurred on no doubt by RF’s foolish accusations earlier this evening.

    The points that I have continually made and re-made, and that are a matter of public record in this thread, have not changed from my first post until my last. Yours however vacillate like the last policeman on a Keystone Cops movie as he is slung around from pillar to post, while you seek to find some sort of intellectual direction.

    You want to know what I believe regarding this issue. Read my posts. When you have read them carefully read them again until you actually comprehend what is being stated. I have nothing to add, and nothing to take away. I apologize in advance for the harsh tone of this post, but it is one of those situations that I may feel it may be neccessary. My wish is that people would learn to read and digest before they start tapping keyboards.

    I take my leave - HS

  • wasasister

    edited, because I cannot get my entire text to was real good, too.

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