does honesty need to be harsh?

by Ravyn 210 Replies latest members adult

  • Prisca
    please tell me how many people you've helped get out of the JW cult over the years, explain to me your methods, and post your proof. Also tell me how much time and effort you've put into doing it

    Were you ever a pioneer, Alan? Because you would have made a really good one. (Sorry, that was not a compliment, Al) If you were, I bet you were the sort who would smugly tell everyone how many hours they'd got in so far that month, how many placements they'd made, and how many BS they had.

    when you see for yourself that Prisca tells demeaning lies about me, and I defend myself by stating that she has lied, and make judgments about her mental condition because of those lies, you dismiss it? I think that you're not really being truthful here, because you would have to dismiss my defense against lies as further lies -- and you know that I do not tell lies.


    So you're a professionally-trained psychologist now? And you make such judgements via the internet?

    So when you call someone an idiot or moron, you are making a statement of fact? You sure it's not an opinion anymore Al?

    Alan sweetie, you are an arrogant and condescending jerk. And no, I'm not lying, it is a provable fact.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Just a thought about the Al-ster I wonder...has anyone ever seen Alan H conceed a point and say, "I was in error"? Just curious. Id bet he hasnt, not too often anyway. Course, whether thats because hes permanently correct in all his observations of the world or not is another matter. Personally, I never met anyone who was right all the time. Not till now that is. Lol.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Step meister.

    You either condone the use of abusive language, on the board, by boffins with an IQ above 175 on the grounds that they are trying to get us to "think" ..... or you dont. ten thousand posts by you in this thread and you slip around like an eel, hinting, implying, not committing.

    Abusive language by professorial eggheads. Which is it? Yes or no?

    (Squirm around on that one for another 20 posts.)

  • avengers

    Here's my opinion. Not that it means much. I'm just glad I have the freedom to do so,since many do not!

    Pooh made one post. NG reacted on it. Pooh never made another post.
    I think this thread was started to create and to provoke anger.
    Maybe I'm wrong, but ever since that initial post, there has been name calling, fighting, and more. I think you get the point.
    I think the poster achieved his or her goal.

    I guess the poster can say: "Job well done".

    So keep up the fighting and the name calling. I'm sure there's being smiled upon.

    "All we are saying is give peace a chance" John Lennon.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Andy, I agree with you. I cant post a 5000 word essay explaining why, constructed in words of 5 syllables or more. I can only say that, I feel in my gut that you are right. Still, if some egghead uses insulting language at me telling me i have the thought processes and intellect of an inbred hillbilly, hes going to get it back. fairs fair eh,

  • avengers

    Personally I don't think it's possible to reason with someone who starts calling names.
    Most of the time when people start losing a debate they come up with the fallacy
    called ad hominem. Attacking the person; their race, their looks, their country, and more.
    It gets hard not to want to pay back with equal coin.
    Very tempting.
    Try it in a courtroom.
    If one wants to call names though, he or she is free to do so.
    I try to avoid it as much as I can.
    I think constructive criticism should be used instead.
    Not that I'm so good at it. Lots of posters are though, and by calling names
    I think they're wasting their energy.

    Wish I had energy to waste.


  • plmkrzy

    All I wanna know is when is prisca gonna give moxie back?

  • Prisca

    The moxie is all mine mine mine .......


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Bows and scrapes before the queen of all flame chat and hellish posting

  • teejay
    For the record, my position, as I have stated over and over again, is that not always, but SOMETIMES it is necessary or helpful to post harsh words. The above dialog with "Frank" proves it. -- AlanF

    The "sometimes" is duly noted, Alan. Apologies for ignoring it. That said, I will NOW say:

    "If one's goal is to help people and / or arrive at truth, it is never necessary to post harsh words."

    How's that?

    In the minds of all ex-JWs, Ray Franz should have settled that essential truth years ago.

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