does honesty need to be harsh?

by Ravyn 210 Replies latest members adult

  • hillary_step


    Just as an aside and a last comment, somebody just mailed me a link to another website on which you occasionally post. In it you are engaging JanH is a brutal and bloody on-line verbal battle in which you respond to JanH's and a number of other posters insults with enough profanity, harshness and vile words to invalidate all your own personal posts on the subject in this thread.

    You sir, are capable of the kind of harshness and verbal brutality that I have never seen issuing from AlanF's mouth, you have no right to call him out over this matter. Wash your mouth out, you harsh, naughty, naughty boy!


  • SixofNine


    You can't write this stuff folks!

  • AlanF

    Prisca said:

    : I have never seen the need to insult you or cast asperations on your good character (allegedly) unless you do the same to others.

    Ah, yet another self-appointed defender of the downtrodden on a mission to right the board's wrongs.

    The difference between you and me, Prisca, is that you tell lies in order to "defend" your downtrodden. I tell the truth, whatever the situation.

    : When you are called upon it, you call such insults "opinions". Yet what I say are "lies".

    The things you said about me are demonstrably lies. Do you really want me to demonstrate why?

    I suggest you drop this now.

    : Very interesting revelation about your character Alan, particularly since you have chosen to keep score of all of my "opinions".

    You're really in la-la-land, Prisca. It took me all of 15 minutes to reread the appropriate threads to ferret out your lies. The board itself is the record.

    Teejay said:

    : If it seems that I am focusing on Alan it's only because he is one of the very few (if not the only one) who continues to espouse the theory that the use of harsh language in making an argument is necessary.

    You never truly learn, do you? How is it that a man who can occasionally post meaningful things is also so capable of such gross misunderstanding -- which really is quite deliberate since you've already been corrected on this point many times.

    For the record, my position, as I have stated over and over again, is that not always, but SOMETIMES it is necessary or helpful to post harsh words. The above dialog with "Frank" proves it.

    Your reply to Rem's challenge on this was simply incoherent.

    : Am I saying that harsh words are never appropriate in any circumstance? No, of course not. It is simply my strong opinion that IN THE CONTEXT OF POSTING ON THIS FORUM, if something good can be accomplished with a harsh and cutting word, something better can be accomplished with the use of some alternative expression.

    Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. Tell us, please. How much actual experience do you have in convincing online JWs or their defenders that they're wrong?

    None, really. You're another armchair quarterback.

    Your response to my "Frank" post is little more than an exercise in sour grapes and so requires no response. But I already knew it would be this way, which is why I wrote those few words at the end.

    DannyBear, it's sadly obvious that you've voluntarily donned the shoes that I set forth for any who would wear them. You demonstrate a sad ability to miss the point in too many situations, as here. I suggest that you better yourself by picking up crumbs fallen from Refiner's Fire's table.

    You demonstrate an amazing aptitude for hypocrisy:

    : Then end up by rubbing your sterling record of cult fighting, by casting doubts on 'others' methods, asking for proof?????

    You have the gall to castigate me for doing exactly what a gaggle of others earlier demanded of me? And which I came through on? Lord you're an ignoramus! And I cast no doubts on anyone else's methods. You simply do not have the reading comprehension to deal with simple English.


  • Aztec

    Gawd, I'm such a newbie bastardess....


  • onacruse

    Your comments here have brought me to overload.

    I must respectfully ask pardon of you ladies and gentlemen, as I step aside and think about what you've all said. Time for me to do a lot of cud-chewing. I must change at my own rate, and right now I feel like a Greyhound bus at 70 mph without brakes.

    Please feel free to p/m or call me if any of you desire to follow up on your comments that I'm hereby leaving unanswered (and there're a lot of them).

    Respects, and thanks, to all,


  • SixofNine

    "come back 'ere, I'll bite'cher leg off!!"

  • AlanF

    Hillary_Step said to Teejay:

    : You sir, are capable of the kind of harshness and verbal brutality that I have never seen issuing from AlanF's mouth, you have no right to call him out over this matter. Wash your mouth out, you harsh, naughty, naughty boy!

    LOL! I've seen Teejay over on that "other" board and was wondering when someone would point out his gross hypocrisy.

    I think that an interesting side effect of these recent threads has been to expose the amazing levels of hypocrisy in the posters who generally show it in other ways. At least I'm consistent, I say what I mean and mean what I say, and make no apologies after explaining myself. Some of these others proclaim their righteous indignation even while doing worse themselves. Whitewashed graves is what they are, except that they do the painting.


  • Aztec

    Alan and Sixy boo, you've been around these boards too long babes! Onacruse, I would like to call you if you and Kate are still up. Let me know k?


  • teejay

    I wondered when you would be directed to that forum! Glad you found it!

    Yes, my reputation there is legendary, I'm proud to say. This is just a suggestion, but you might consider pointing out to whoever helped you find it one miniscule little fact that isn't commonly known: unlike here, there are no rules over there. It's totally censor free. And, if you know JanH half as well as I do and ever find yourself at the receiving end of one of his juvenile diatribes, you might find it impossible to speak civilly with the man at all times. Rabid dogs don't respond well to sweet talk. When in Rome... and all that.

    Besides, even in this thread I've tried to point out, without much avail, that what applies here does not apply everywhere. Hint: that's a different site with different rules of conduct. That place has as much similarity to as a kindergarten does to the wilds of Mongolia. Any reasonable person (emphasis on "reasonable") would accept that what flies here won't fly everywhere. Or didn't you know that?

    tj ~ who never-not-once said he couldn't get down and dirty

  • DannyBear


    Thanks for your comments. I see that my effort at utilizing the 'harsh' method of communication got the intended results.

    Your words really no longer carry any sting Alan. About the only thing this exercise has done is show just how intractable some can be.

    I tried the harsh comment and immediately felt bad about doing so. So my final comment to you Alan is........please forgive me for trying a method I knew to be worthless.


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