does honesty need to be harsh?

by Ravyn 210 Replies latest members adult

  • teejay


    The only reason I included the possibility that harsh words might SOMETIMES be excusable is because others began to apply my simple thesis in areas it was not intended. Such as in real life scenarios where actual physical dangers were at hand. That aside, my simple argument is this:

    IN THE CONTEXT OF POSTING ON THIS FORUM, if something good can be accomplished with a harsh and cutting word, something better can be accomplished with the use of some alternative expression.
  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Well gentlemen , now that it has been nutted out that we can use abusive terminology to "wake the sleeping" and we can use abusive terms as long as they are strictly correct ( call an idiot an idiot) all we need to know is what the guidelines are for use on the forum so we can all be in compliance with the administrators law.

    perhaps the measuring line for being allowed to use abusive language on the forum should be a specific IQ level.

    I expect Hillary step will discuss the rules with his fellow moddies forthwith.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    It doesnt surprise me that, HStep. A "university professor" ( in board terms) advocates the correctness of his fellow university professor posters being allowed to abuse people.

    Its like doctors and cops. They always back each other and cover for each other no matter what. Even when they are dribbling utter garbage they still compensate for each other and rationalize it into truth.

    totyally sick making to read a moderator advocating what hes advocating here. Just...disgusting. Anyway, as long as I can abuse back I dont care what rules ya make


  • hillary_step


    It doesnt surprise me that, HStep. A "university professor" ( in board terms) advocates the correctness of his fellow university professor posters being allowed to abuse people.

    Have you actually read my posts or are you running off at the mouth yet again? I have advocated nothing of the sort and you have misrepresented my views totally and completely.

    I challenge you publicly to evidence the fact that I have as you say, 'advocates(d) the correctness of his fellow university professor posters being allowed to abuse people'. What utter tripe, grow up man! <--------PS Evidence of an occasion when harsh speech is much needed!


  • teejay

    >>> Present your argument in one clearly defined sentence, I will do the same, although all I will need to do is to cut and paste my previous posts....

    Would you, please?

  • hillary_step


    This is my argument in one clear sentence:

    IN THE CONTEXT OF POSTING ON THIS FORUM, if something good can be accomplished with a harsh and cutting word, something better can be accomplished with the use of some alternative expression.

    And this is it in another clear sentence ( my opening post it just so happens )

    An Arab proverb says that ‘cleverness is good, but kindness is better’ and I very much would agree with that, though it is not always possible to abide by such lofty values on Internet discussion Boards. In fact if we try to, we will inevitably find ourselves regularly questioning this personal philosophy. The problem with these illustrations, cancer, dentists etc, is that they are being applied to face-to-face situations and not to discussion Boards, which whether we like it or not, seem to function on completely different set of ethics.

    OK now?


  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    From the school of hard knocks and more....

    Does honesty need to be harsh?

    Answer: No. (Personal choice?) But that depends on the situation.

    Question: does LIFE have to be harsh?

    Answer: No. Why not? Nothing is perfect. Or is it? Nobody said life has to be fair.......

    MR. KIM

  • teejay

    Thank you, HS.

    FYI, here is my very first paragraph posted in this thread...

    >>>A person who is skilled with words (large vocabulary or not) and motivated by a genuine desire to get to the truth (or help people) doesn't ever need to be harsh. Not ever. Yes, it might take an emotional response on the part of someone to see the brutal truth, but that response can be reached without abusive language. It may take a while, but you can get there.

    Our job now, as I see it, is to convince just a couple of others to see things our way. :D

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    TeeJay: You said:

    FYI, here is my very first paragraph posted in this thread...

    >>>A person who is skilled with words (large vocabulary or not) and motivated by a genuine desire to get to the truth (or help people) doesn't ever need to be harsh. Not ever. Yes, it might take an emotional response on the part of someone to see the brutal truth, but that response can be reached without abusive language. It may take a while, but you can get there.


    I agree with you. Hope I can be that good!!

    Mr. KIM

  • Cassiline
    Btw, Cassi... in the thread you mentioned, I'm curious. You don't have to answer but were you able to help the individual with kind or harsh words?


    With kind words of course. There were several threads to which I am referring. Now as it stands in my profession I do not choose to use harsh words, yet there are many who use the "tough love" approach and seem to get at times better results then I. Believe me when I say that these people are on the edge and IMO harsh words should be the last to be used, but as I said I have seen the results.

    One example:

    What is going to happen to your children if you choose to stay in this abusive relationship? This question is asked several different ways ( some who use harsh words as opposed to just asking the question in a kind manner.

    Now the part of my post which was missing had to do with this question; What if we had on this board either Longo or Bryant? They came here confused to their place in society and how they could rise above the pain which must have been present in their lives? We tried our hardest to assure them there was a life outside the JWs and they failed to listen to Kind words? Would it not seem that at that point in time we may be forced to use harsh words?

    I ask this because of my sister in law, who murdered my neices. I thought I used all reason to avert the outcome, the murder of my neices 6 months and 18 months old. In retrospect I have asked myself "what if" a million times over and continue to wonder if indeed I may have saved those girls if I did indeed use the approach some of my colleagues use; the harsh approach, tough love.


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