does honesty need to be harsh?

by Ravyn 210 Replies latest members adult

  • hillary_step


    I stand corrected. There have been threads going on in which a person was saved from immediate harm. However... In the context of how the illustration of matches and infernos were first used, the point was made that none of the JW/ex-JW threads that are engaged in are of such serious importance that they demand an immediacy of action on anyone's part.

    It was myself who introduced the 'inferno' and 'lit match' anology and my point was, and is, that in certain circumstances harshness in honesty is neccessary. I then went on to note that a difficulty arises in the individual determination of what is a match or an inferno. One mans match, as it were, is another mans inferno and on a public discussion board it is inevitable that these boundaries become blurred.

    I have remained consistent in my argument and have yet to read any contrary argument that overshadows the ones I have presented, though I always keep an open mind.


    Onacruse & Prisca,

    Six has already noted that his comment was anecdotal, based on observation and not on measurement. As to my personal experience, I can recall many instances where I have been dealt harsh comments both on and off-line from my school days onward, that have caused me personal hurt, but in all honesty have also led to personal growth. I would find it strange of a person not to have had such experiences, both on-line and off-line.

    Best regards - HS

  • onacruse

    HS, I sincerely apologize for that misapplied quote. Also, I'm not trying to win a debate here, nor does it matter one hoot to me if anyone thinks I'm debating well (or not).

    The day that I'm here to "win" an argument, is the day I turn off my computer.



  • teejay

    >>> TJ understood what I meant, because he actually read what I said, but denies that he has AlanF in mind at all in making his points in this thread. -- hillary_step


    When it comes to my motives, you are free to believe whatever you want, of course, but in the minds of some your misunderstanding (and your continual harping on said misunderstanding) threatens to sideline this key debate into a battle of personalities and old scores that beg to be settled -- something far from what is really at stake here.

    If it seems that I am focusing on Alan it's only because he is one of the very few (if not the only one) who continues to espouse the theory that the use of harsh language in making an argument is necessary. As such, he is also one of the few (of a once larger number) who is still allowed to post here who, if the feeling hits, has no reluctance to blindside a fellow poster (even newbies) by dropping an insult – which I think is wrong; and deludes himself with the idea that it does some good – which I don't think it does.

    Some have confused this singular issue with others. Am I saying that harsh words are never appropriate in any circumstance? No, of course not. It is simply my strong opinion that IN THE CONTEXT OF POSTING ON THIS FORUM, if something good can be accomplished with a harsh and cutting word, something better can be accomplished with the use of some alternative expression.

    Please do try not to confuse what you think is at issue here and what actually is at issue.

  • hillary_step


    Am I saying that harsh words are never appropriate in any circumstance? No, of course not. It is simply my strong opinion that IN THE CONTEXT OF POSTING ON THIS FORUM, if something good can be accomplished with a harsh and cutting word, something better can be accomplished with the use of some alternative expression.

    As I say TJ, this is EXACTLY what I have been saying from my first post onward! It is not even an approximation of my point, it is my exact point.


    HS, I sincerely apologize for that misapplied quote.

    No problem.

    Also, I'm not trying to win a debate here, nor does it matter one hoot to me if anyone thinks I'm debating well (or not).

    Phew! A rather harsh reaction, does honesty really need to be that harsh?….lol I hope that you have not permanently hurt TJ's feelings....

    Best regards - HS

  • onacruse


    Phew! A rather harsh reaction, does honesty really need to be that harsh?….lol I hope that you have not permanently hurt TJ's feelings....

    LOL...yeah, I'm really becoming a hard-nosed jerk, eh? See what happens when I hang around with "bad association"?

    Thank you all for your openness and honesty; it absolutely fascinates me how much I'm learning.



  • SixofNine


  • rem
    If it seems that I am focusing on Alan it's only because he is one of the very few (if not the only one) who continues to espouse the theory that the use of harsh language in making an argument is necessary.

    Is that really what Alan is espousing? That's not the impression I've gotten from Alan's posts on this thread and over the years. Sure, that may be his style, but I've never heard him claim that harsh language in making an argument is necessary.

    I personally like the diversity found on this site. Mark me down as one person who was "woken up" by a combination of Alan's and other posters' styles - both harsh and meek and everywhere in between.


  • wasasister

    Rem, I think you pretty much summed up these many posts.

    Anyone have a come-back for his statements?

  • Ravyn

    Craig said<<<And, being the good woman that you are, I'm sure you'll be happy to stand back (wearing your thong, of course) and let us guys figure out the answer for ya. LOLOLOLOL >>>

    well I don't know about being a GOOD woman--- but I have always been a smart one. Usually when the other girls were off talking about the boys I was with the boys. Old habits die hard. But I don't always stand back, most of the time just long enough to get my bearings and come up with a plan of action.....and sometimes I don't wear my thong. Nudity can be very strategically distracting.


  • Ravyn

    Dear Robyn,

    some predators are allergic to kindness. it makes them blind and even more single-minded. that's when you need more than harshness. You need a black belt in Aikido.

    Don't be too sweet.


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