does honesty need to be harsh?

by Ravyn 210 Replies latest members adult

  • Prisca
    BTW Six, perhaps you could give us some information on how "wildly sucessful" Alan has been with people out of the JWs? Is this with just JWs, or other cults as well? I'd be interested in your documented evidence.
    I have no numbers, only my anecdotal evidence

    Hmmm... interesting.

    Just give us a rough figure... 5, 10, more than 10? 1 or 2 perhaps?

  • Cassiline
    I can't think of a single scenario in an online discussion wherein one's immediate life was at risk. Comparing any discussion to an inferno (or someone walking down a railroad track) is measly justification for schoolyard language, no matter how much it's a part of a person's "style."

    I can and several. Allbeit not always related to the JW doctrine as much as personal shit going on in one life. Not only have I been called to respond to thread to assure a person who was in danger right at that moment ( this is on refusal to give out contact info due to fear) so they could read and understand there was a way out of a nasty spot in their lives. I know of several cases where one was reading anothers responses and did not kill themselves as they had planned because of what had been written.

  • Cassiline
  • Cassiline
  • Cassiline

    OK blank posts again....

    trying to fix, all the first post is not showing..

  • onacruse

    I've got to be getting to bed here. Again, you are all giving me much to think about! Just a couple of comments:

    Ravyn: Light a match, and you may just start a forest fire! You asked a very good question. And, being the good woman that you are, I'm sure you'll be happy to stand back (wearing your thong, of course) and let us guys figure out the answer for ya. LOLOLOLOL

    XW: I need more time to review your comments. But, yes, you were a help to me in ways that you didn't know.


    I have no numbers, only my anecdotal evidence.

    Thank you. That's all I needed to hear.

    I don't really know your methods.

    My methods are exactly in line with what I've said in this thread, and as I've posted here for the last year: kindness, out-reach, mutual understanding and sensitivity. Not fundamentally different from you or everyone else here...we're all reaching for the same goal. As for the rest of your post, I must invite you to talk with me privately about that, if you like.

    Regards to all,


  • onacruse


    I know of several cases where one was reading anothers responses and did not kill themselves as they had planned because of what had been written.

    Yes, I know.


  • teejay

    >>> I can and several. Allbeit not always related to the JW doctrine as much as personal shit going on in one life. -- Cassiline

    I stand corrected. There have been threads going on in which a person was saved from immediate harm. However... In the context of how the illustration of matches and infernos were first used, the point was made that none of the JW/ex-JW threads that are engaged in are of such serious importance that they demand an immediacy of action on anyone's part.

    The implication of the inferno scenario was that JWs who venture onto the forum are in immediate, life-threatening danger BECAUSE OF THEIR BELIEFS and the use of harsh language was justified as a means of waking them up to their dire situation. That is the type of thread that I still think has never been seen here.

    Btw, Cassi... in the thread you mentioned, I'm curious. You don't have to answer but were you able to help the individual with kind or harsh words?

  • Robdar


    Another great thread.

    I used to believe that honesty was best delivered in a kind, mild tone. And I think that for the most part that is still true. But it has been my experience, especially in dealing with potential suitors, that kindness distracts them from the true meaning of what you are trying to say and gives them hope that you don't really mean what you are telling them. Unfortunately then, you have to be rude or harsh to get the point across. As a matter of fact, once it reaches that point in communication breakdown, the harsher the better. That way, they can't wait to get away from you quickly. And they tend to leave you alone afterwards.


  • hillary_step


    I cannot agree with TJ, who feels that you are debating this issue well, at least with regards to my comment about 'evidence' which you took out of context and applied to a matter that I was not even speaking of! Look again...

    Speaking honestly and hopefully not harshly TJ, it seems a little obvious that throughout this thread you have had *one* person in mind as you have made your points, and that person is AlanF. Please do not start asking for 'evidence' as I hate that game, but I did learn long ago how to read between the lines of an injured heart.

    Ask yourself, of what was I referring to when I decried the use of evidence? It was absolutely nothing to do with the point that you emphasized.

    TJ understood what I meant, because he actually read what I said, but denies that he has AlanF in mind at all in making his points in this thread. Personally I see a pattern in his threads over the past months and very much stand by my analysis of the situation, which either makes me wrong, which I can live with, or puts TJ in a state of denial.

    I suppose the reader must be the judge of that.


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