It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander

    So it's a toss-up between the two as to who gets the Parent of the Year VS the Darwin Award?

    Some people shouldn't be allowed to breed. SMH.

  • Toblerone5

    So 4 days ago, Dumb Dumb was uploading another one of his profound deep thoughts conclusion on god ,while he was on 🍄🍄🍄...

    Meanwhile ,( while Idiot was to busy checking and reading the comment section of that video) an American singer-songwriter. Taylor Swift , was releasing a new song : The smallest man who ever lived , with those lyrics

    Was any of it true?
    You gazing at me starry eyed
    In your J Jehovah's Witness suit
    Who the fuck was that guy?
  • Toblerone5

    😲oh how the mighty have fallen...🙃 In the past , some of his worshippers would have inform the Croatian blobing bunker man about this , and he would have been the first one to make a video on this...But now so far, NADA. That's a shame cause, I'm pretty sure , that if he had made a video about this he would have had more Views than just 7.3K of that Stupid 🍄 videos , that some of his followers are not to happy with those...

    Good thing this Ex-JW had the bright idea to make a Youtube video about this ,3 hours ago, and he already have 1,012K views so far... Maybe some of you, could help him make that number higher ? Oh, and , Even You DumbAss if you read this...If your not to High , and your finished with your physilogical debate conversation with Yourself ...

  • DerekMoors
  • TonusOH

    He's waiting for Taylor Swift to accept his request for an interview. It is slow going so far, as he has only been able to reach an assistant of an assistant of an assistant, and she is refusing his demand to "speak with Taylor right now!" When he asked "don't you know who I am?" she hung up. This poor, overworked go'fer has been added to the lawsuit as "some idiot in California who doesn't appreciate the efforts of professional activists."

    As we speak, he is working feverishly on a blistering Facebook post where he will blame Kim for the entire mess.

  • WingCommander

    It's entirely Kim's fault that his infidelity, hooker runs to Thailand, misuse of donated funds, crumbling marriage, rampant drug use and perverse fetishes have been exposed.

    Kim shall rue the day she ever crossed the mighty Hemorrhoid Evans! (shakes fist angrily at sky daddy)

  • Jehalapeno
    Curious: does anyone else wonder if him admitting to taking psychedelic mushrooms is cause for Dijiana to file for FULL CUSTODY of the children (with visitation at her discretion) due to his reckless and illegal behaviour?

    It shouldn’t be. Taking mushrooms is not “reckless” and who gives a crap about them being illegal. They’re mostly harmless, safer than being an alcoholic like Lloyd is, and the only reason they’re illegal is because the government is a cult and wants its pound of flesh.

    Kim shall rue the day she ever crossed the mighty Hemorrhoid Evans! (shakes fist angrily at sky daddy)


  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Social media & idiots do not mix well together.....Just saying.

  • Diogenesister
    Jehalapeno It shouldn’t be. Taking mushrooms is not “reckless” and who gives a crap about them being illegal. They’re mostly harmless, safer than being an alcoholic like Lloyd is, and the only reason they’re illegal is because the government is a cult and wants its pound of flesh.

    With a caveat I'd say they're harmless. For fully grown adults only, because any psychedelic can potentially trigger longer term psychotic behaviour in a young developing brain or if a youth undiagnosed or prone to schizophrenia etc

    Other than that I'm with you 100% compared to alcohol and many many prescription drugs it's no risk to family life.
    Taking it definitely gives you food for thought anyway (which I guess you would know about being a food item yourself !)

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