It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mikejw
    safer than being an alcoholic like Lloyd is

    Is there any evidence of this? If he does have alcohol abuse tendencies that would make him an even bigger hypocrite after all he said about Tony Morris

  • Ron.W.

    That night he did his infamous 'saintly brandon' livestream - I remember watching that thinking, 'is he drunk? has he taken something?'

    I still can't believe he did that -

    although he didn't look like he had been drinking when he posted the other earlier one saying -'he needed a break for mental health reasons'...

  • TonusOH

    I have no idea if he has a drinking problem, but he did appear to be at least tipsy during the livestream. Since alcohol can decrease our inhibitions, it's possible that drinking too much is one of the reasons he didn't realize what a mess he was making at the time. To which I say: good job, dumbass! Have another mushroom!

  • DerekMoors

    Does he ever do anything he's supposed to do? How many calls and other perks has he missed because he's "sick"? (And I call bullshit on that... he's either hungover or just can't be arsed.)

    I think this is for his $25/month patrons too, so he can't keep promises even for those paying the most. Useless lazy ass hat.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    How many calls and other perks has he missed because he's "sick"?

    I read this as a bitter and jaded man who feels that he’s woefully underpaid and doing a job that he hates. Of course he’s going to always look for ways to get out of it.

    If I had a job for over 10 years where I’ve regressed into doing the same work I had done when I first started and at less than 1/3rd the pay of what I had once enjoyed, I’d probably be calling in sick too.

    Not a good look either. People will eventually catch on that he’s often so sick that he has to cancel scheduled patreon perks.

  • MeanMrMustard

    There, I fixed it:

    Hi folks! I'm very sorry, but unfortunately I need to cancel today's Zoom call due to a sickness bug that I have picked up. an unmastered penis I've been wrestling with...
  • TonusOH

    I wonder if he ever refunds part of the monthly subscriber payment whenever he cancels one of the perks?

    No, probably not. A doctor doesn't get docked if he has to take a sick day, after all.

  • DerekMoors
  • Toblerone5
    an unmastered penis I've been wrestling with...


    🤔 Unless he have what they call the " Penis Syndrome?" (the medical term is more penile dysmorphic disorder , PDD ) wich can trigger immense anxiety in a person about their appearance. 😏 That would explain why is so obessed about talking ( or playing) with his ... like he said in his livestream Dick...

    And now that I think about it the way EW 😳, maybe that would explain why he has a sudden fascination with hallucinogen drug 🍄 When he take some , it make things appear larger than it really is ?

    Or I'm just mean and full of 💩 😁

  • Diogenesister
    JeHalapeno It's safer than being an alcoholic like Lloyd is
    MikeJW Is there any evidence of this?

    Well, there's this kind of thing on the regular.....

    DM Does he ever do anything he's supposed to do? How many calls and other perks has he missed because he's "sick"? (And I call bullshit on that... he's either hungover or just can't be arsed.)

    On the other hand there's THIS all the time......

    LMsA I read this as a bitter and jaded man who feels that he’s woefully underpaid and doing a job that he hates. Of course he’s going to always look for ways to get out of it.

    And definitely this:

    T5 maybe that would explain why he has a sudden fascination with hallucinogen drug 🍄 When he take some , it make things appear larger than it really is ?


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