It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • TonusOH

    The "500 minimum, 620 desired" still makes me laugh. His lack of sophistication is embarrassing.

  • Diogenesister
    his cover for "how to leave JWs" is also bad, even though I know some exJW just made it up for him. A professional would have taken a hard pass and done it properly.

    i think the graphics are an option with the Amazon print because ive seen quite a few other self published books in exactly the same style - same colourway and artwork style?

    I also think its going to be hard for him to write another book without straying into serious slander territory, Because we know he wont have any other subject on his mind - or even material to call on -- than his own personal "Nakba" (as he sees it!)

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    I assume Richard Kelly or some other schmuck stepped in with a professional graphic designer.

    The pic was taken by (and credited to) Dijana. The cover was done by his COC bootleg partner in crime Arthur Weber, who also did all the formatting and other digital work to comply with Amazon standards.

    In his indiegogo campaign he claimed he needed money to compensate Arthur, whom I seriously doubt actually invoiced Lloyd and got paid.

    The cover for TRA was also bad. When you look as hideous as Lloyd does, general rule of thumb is that you try not to use a photo like that and if you do, don’t make be up off-centre and take up half the cover space. I showed a friend that cover and they remarked about how if they looked like that they’d have never consented to a cover shot. Look for him to put a more recent photo of him with the bleach blonde job in order to look more modern and in his opinion, hip.

    The second book cover is better solely because it contains no pic of him whatsoever.

    The "500 minimum, 620 desired" still makes me laugh.

    Also worthy of mention is his “PayPal - most urgent” request. Not sure is any YT creator has ever gotten this desperate with requests for financial support. They’d be mercilessly trolled, and it’s a sign of how conditioned his supporters have become to making sure he’s funded that he actually had a bump.

    Because we know he wont have any other subject on his mind - or even material to call on -- than his own personal "Nakba" (as he sees it!

    It’s his dimestore Mein Kampf. He’s going to succeed in making an already bad book horrible, complete with the Streisand Effect and all.

  • DerekMoors

    Just a friendly reminder that you can help boost the viewership of YouTube videos by giving them a thumbs up and leaving a comment. Interaction with videos tells YouTube that they're legit and worth recommending.

    Also, the longer you watch a video, the more YouTube sees it as legit.

    So, just a suggestion to subscribe and then thumbs up and leave a simple comment on JW Thoughts, Critical Thinkers, etc. Even a quick "Great video" comment feeds the algorithms.

    Sometimes I'll call up one of Wally's or someone else's video that I might not otherwise watch and just let it run muted on my laptop while I'm showering or whatever.

    These simple things help put the video in front of other viewers outside a channel's subscribers and can help build their audience.

  • Diogenesister
    DerekM Sometimes I'll call up one of Wally's or someone else's video that I might not otherwise watch and just let it run muted on my laptop while I'm showering or whatever

    Me too. I also let ads run to the end, but I don't know if it helps?

    Seeing Lloyds "speed networking" project made me think - because we know Lloyd never does anything without "Lloyd" in mind - he was looking for free young 'talent' (that kind too, no doubt). Since EXJWs have had a heads up now about him taking advantage of volunteers, he was hoping to find local Croatian's to work for 'the channel' for free, ostensibly to 'help cult victims' and their resume/CV.

  • Toblerone5

    Today I will talk about L.E. month of SEPTEMBER 2023

    Patreon 457 , 9 Youtube videos ,let's see 4 sushi -2 voicemails -1 interview 🤔 wait I'm missing 2 more ...Oh yes those 2 ones 🙄

    We made a lot of post just with those 2 bitching 💩stirrer videos, The only think that was funny was on the Jaracz video , he attacked Kim Silvio implying she maybe "knew" info on T.J ,and she immediately went on twitter with proof and the receipt she did not ! That's our Girl! 😄 Then the 22 of Sept he tweeted this and then the 23 of Sept he closed his twitter account ! this was is last tweet

    And finally Sept 29\30 Kim Silvio ,with her Super Power😆was able to melt the Glacially slow Croatian court system, and she release his court case documents and she posted a letter from the Magnificent Seven !

    THE END! 👏👏👏 🫶❤

  • DerekMoors

    Nobody forced him to do shit, what power do Kim or Joel have over Twitter? They had a private meeting with Elon Musk who personally shut down Lloyd's account?

    Funny how he says he won't be silenced but that's exactly what he did, silenced one of his bigger social media platforms.

    Cry me a river Lloyd. You're a pathetic man-child whose echo chamber is getting emptier every month.


    Don’t you know Derek, everything’s my fault …. (Thought I’d say it before someone else did)

  • WingCommander

    Hemorrhoid Evans is visiting the West Coast of the USA, and he's seen the filth that is LA and possibly San Fran. (sorry, the Castro isn't what is used to be, but I'm sure West Hollywood or Sunset Blvd can still provide you with the LadyBoiz you so desperately seek)

    Left coast trash? Kim's fault!

    "Man-Child." - Can someone photoshop the Great Neck-Bearded One's head onto a baby with rattles and a bonnet? That'd be fuggin' gold Jerry! GOLD!

  • Toblerone5
    - Can someone photoshop the Great Neck-Bearded One's head onto a baby with rattles and a bonnet? That'd be fuggin' gold Jerry! GOLD!

    😁I did that back in Sept, for one of soundtrack of my life Youtube Video

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