It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • DerekMoors

    1000 subscribers in a week... riiiight. It took him forever to hit 110,000.

    And what has he done to earn that? Two videos in two weeks and the one about Norway is still languishing at a sad 12K views in 2 days.

    I call bullshit.

  • Chinapomo

    Pretty sure Lloyd threatened Tibor with a lawsuit as well, and since Tibor is based in Croatia and seemed to be in fear of Lloyd, I'm not surprised he disappeared

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    I doubt there’s much more to the Tibor dispute than money. I.e. Lloyd bitching about how he couldn’t afford him below 620 patrons/YT members and as he slipped below it yet again, it became clear there was no future in working with him. I also think Tibor saw all the allowances Lloyd was giving himself through the business and knew he could well afford him, but insisted on keeping his own compensation high despite the financial losses.

    There is a clue as to how Lloyd viewed Tibor and it was in his interview video with him at the end:

    ”Thank you for taking a cheque from me” or something like that.

    What a thing to tell a vital employee! All he could think of is how much he paid him as if it were a huge favour! And this was after an interview where Tibor strenuously defended Lloyd and did not veer once from his talking points.

  • Mikejw
    Pretty sure Lloyd threatened Tibor with a lawsuit as well, and since Tibor is based in Croatia and seemed to be in fear of Lloyd, I'm not surprised he disappeared

    Lloyd has lost all credibility and can’t threaten anyone with lawsuits ever again

  • Jehalapeno
    1000 subscribers in a week... riiiight. It took him forever to hit 110,000.
    And what has he done to earn that? Two videos in two weeks and the one about Norway is still languishing at a sad 12K views in 2 days.
    I call bullshit.

    This is just a lack of understanding on how YouTube publicly reports subscriber counts. At certain thresholds, it only updates the count every 1k subscribers. So, for example, one could be sitting at 101k subscribers for years while subscribers trickle in and out. Once the count adds up to 102k, then YouTube updates the public facing subscriber count.

  • slimboyfat

    Thanks Jehalapeno, makes sense.

    I don’t think he cares all that much about subscribers. Not as much as he cares about the money coming in anyway, that’s the figure he’s watching like a hawk! 🦅

    Wow Las Malvinas son Argentinas what a truly obnoxious comment to Tibor.

  • Diogenesister
    LMsA I doubt there’s much more to the Tibor dispute than money.

    Yup. At bottom, Just like Watchtower, with Cedars it's really only about the ¢a$h mon€¥

  • TonusOH

    The way YouTube manages the display of subscriber numbers makes them seem almost as lazy as Evans.

  • Elmer


  • 144thousand_and_one
    Pretty sure Lloyd threatened Tibor with a lawsuit as well, and since Tibor is based in Croatia and seemed to be in fear of Lloyd, I'm not surprised he disappeared.

    I don't think SlobLloyd can afford to sue anyone because he has multiple chins to feed. I think Tibor "disappeared" because he needs to earn a living.

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