It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3021 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thisismein1972

    Probably went something like this.

    THERAPY, I DON'T NEED THERAPY, IT'S YOU THAT NEEDS THERAPY, HOW DARE YOU! Lloyd, you are predictably the very same person I had a conversation with back on Christmas Day 2014. You are way too touchy.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    …bit his hand off!

    T5: This is slang for someone offering him a free trip. Lloyd being Lloyd and never being able to turn down free money, gladly took up the offer and went somewhere on this person’s expense. When he said he “bit his hand off”, it means he took up the offer and then some. So he is saying he took the entire offer up eagerly and likely went even further and got more out of him such as excursions and other expenses paid for in addition to the flight and hotel.

    What a fucking worm. Jabba the Hutt could well afford this trip, but he’s letting someone else pay for it. Tells you everything you need to know about his grift.

    This lacks class. No decent person accepts this huge of a gift and comes back for more. The polite thing is to turn it down, but not Lloyd. After all, he had no problem taking the fam to Australia on donations and leaving someone 15K AUD out of pocket.

    This is why people need to be warned about him. Thanks Lloyd for providing yet more reason for this thread to continue.

  • slimboyfat

    Somebody gave him money and he went on holiday and that’s why he hasn’t met his fans like he said he would. Okay. But was there any reason he didn’t tell his fans this before disappearing? Obviously, aside from he just couldn’t be bothered/general disregard.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    So he hits a low of 422 on 2 November, gains 5 back and is now at 422 again with a week left in the month.

    And he’s thanking new patrons and YT channel members for joining even though he admits he hasn’t been producing much. Huh?

    The cherry on top is him telling his patrons he just accepted a gift of a fully paid trip somewhere, giving that as the reason why he’s been “quiet”.

    But keep those pledges coming folks. We’re on like the 4th or 5th iteration of Lloyd needing a “recharge” and promising new and better things to come.

    All of these promises unkept. Instead he keeps going on holiday on someone else’s expense.

  • DerekMoors

    He's touched by seeing new Patrons? Bullshit, he was at 427 patrons the beginning of this month, 425 or 426 right before he posted that, and then down to 422 after posting it.

    He can promise all the renewed energy and videos all he wants but he's been doing the same thing for the last year and it's failed miserably. Every few months he's saying "Oh once I get back from recharging my batteries I plan on working harder than ever before!" and the exact opposite happens.

    So yeah I'm sure we'll see a short-term surge in videos or whatever but he'll fizzle out just as quick especially now that he needs to do all the editing and other work himself.

  • DerekMoors

    @Las Malvinas

    Looks like we had about the same thought at the same time!

  • btlc

    I understand it this way: people pay him to appear in front of the cameras as little as possible...

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    I read it this way:

    I spent your donations on hookers and holidays. But it’s all your fault for judging me and as a result many people have dropped their support. It’s MY fucking money! I’m suing 7 people I blame for this for saying I make too much. And I will be asking them to pay me thousands for my loss of income.

    Now I need another holiday to process everything and understand fully how none of this is my fault. See what you fuckers are doing to my mental health!?

    Because I have less support, I am short on cash. One of my remaining supporters has offered to fund my holiday and boy did I take him up on that offer! A blank cheque and you bet your ass I am using it!

    As a side effect of this holiday that I needed because of the aforementioned, I haven’t been able to meet any of my Patron promises, nor have I been able to release much content. In fact I am burnt out creatively and am not really into this anymore.

    Since you are paying for the videos, I guess I had better create them so you won’t forget to keep paying me. But it’ll take some time to get motivated. As for you people, keep washing those windows, scrubbing those floors and above all, keep those pledges coming. Many of you cannot afford the holiday that I am on but rest assured: I am not paying a cent!

    Happy Fucking Christmas!

  • ForeverAlone

    Does this man go on holiday every time he has a good piss? I mean Jesus H. Christ!!! This is what about the 6th holiday this year?

  • Ron.W.

    Last two posts priceless!! 👍👍👍

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