It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • WingCommander


    Ya know, "We laugh at things because they are funny, and we laugh at things because they are true."

    - Al Capone

    But I tell ya right now; LadyBoi Evans would lick David Miscavige's brown eye squeaky clean if he thought Scientology would sponsor his channel and fund his Holiday's abroad to "interview" the locals. I have zero doubt about it.

  • Diogenesister
    Jw have just lost the appeal in Norway.
    Probably another nothingburger for Lloyd

    ......mainly because he's got the arse ache with Jan Frode Nilsen - surprise surprisešŸ™„

    Here's an excellent interview with Jan by another arse ache victim, Avoid JW. Both real activists - or exjw advocates - that make a difference in the world.

    even if he keeps his nose to the grindstone (and c'mon, he should! LOL)

    Simon that was a bangeršŸ˜‚

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Honestly, I doubt he has the work ethic to do it especially as it would now be without the free work - he's never put the work into his channel that he claims, it's always been the fruit of other people's labor.

    This community by and large is actually relatively forgiving despite his attempts to trash it as judgmental. He stole COC in plain sight and most reasoned that we all had to look at the greater good he did for the community. As bad as that livestream was for him, he truly lost the plot in the two months that followed. The first mistake he began making right after he signed off from the livestream - he blamed everybody else. He was absolutely rancid towards anyone who did not buy his entire story as he presented it. This all culminated in that disastrous Andrew Gold interview where he swatted any portion of responsibility away and with relish. This represented the point of no return for him.

    The second mistake was the litigation. Instead of working hard to drown out all the chatter and bad feelings, he made a conscious decision that he believed would help him in the long run. He desired (and still does desire) validation from a court that people have indeed wronged him. Had he had any real friends at the time who were not afraid to speak their minds to him, it might have made a ā€¦. Nvm this is Lloyd, he would have blocked them and accused them of joining the defamation campaign.

    The common denominator is always him. Heā€™s not right in the head and never has been. He broke up a family and a business because of it. I can see from a certain perspective why he avoids this truth. The day he understands all of it and takes on responsibility for it as he should have done long ago, it will absolutely crush him. The lawsuit is him playing out his fantasy that heā€™s right and everyone else is wrong. Itā€™s his coping mechanism.

  • TonusOH

    LMsA: most reasoned that we all had to look at the greater good he did for the community.

    He has gotten a lot of mileage out of that excuse from people. Even now, we get the occasional person asking us to consider the good he's done. I can't help but think of an abused spouse, telling friends "he really does love me, and he can be so sweet most of the time!" When we speak of taking the good with the bad, it's with the understanding that the bad isn't extremely bad. "He meant well" isn't intended to cover theft, narcissism, mental and emotional abuse, lying, and being an all-around terrible person. To the people who enable him- wake up, for fuck's sake.

  • Mikejw

    He hasnā€™t even done any good at being an activist.

    Several times he has been accused of being controlled opposition by the borg. I donā€™t believe the Borg would actually ever do this but he is so bad at what he does I can understand why some may wonder if itā€™s true.

    why he tries to play down the largest new light change in recent JW history calling it a nothing burger is beyond me.

    He could have done a great video about if unbelievers are not as likely to survive as those those who have died are likely to be resurrected, then people might as well go back to hoping their relatives die before Armageddon again

  • ozziepost
    He could have done a great video about if unbelievers are not as likely to survive as those those who have died are likely to be resurrected, then people might as well go back to hoping their relatives die before Armageddon again

    I guess he no longer ā€œtalks the talk or walks the walkā€.

    After being out of the borg for some years, empathy with the R & F is no longer there. Indeed, why should it? I find in my own case, after being out for thirty years, that I find it hard to relate to the modern-day life of the R& F and if it werenā€™t for the fact that every one of my children and relatives were well and truly in the borg Iā€™d have even less interest in it.

  • TonusOH

    Mikejw: He hasnā€™t even done any good at being an activist.

    There are a lot of people who credit him with helping them when they were seeking answers after leaving, or while thinking about leaving. This is the good that people refer to when they defend him. It doesn't make up for the people he hassled, harrassed, insulted, demeaned, and mislead. But there was a time when he was able to do some good.

    I doubt he is able to do that anymore, though. Being out of the organization for so long makes it tougher to stay relevant. You still can, if you have people who are giving you the updated view from inside the organization. He doesn't have that anymore. That's why he lost the enthusiasm for exJW content. He's disconnected from it now.

    He knew this, which is why he was trying to pivot from exJW stuff and seeking a wider audience. He planned to focus on atheism and anti-religious content, but the livestream torpedoed that. Now he's in limbo, needing to keep exJW supporters on a string while finding a way to branch out, hoping his past doesn't keep tripping him up.

    Narrator: His past kept tripping him up.

  • JWBeliefsDiscussed
  • TonusOH

    The only time a video from Evans doesn't make me laugh, is when it's his comedy routine! *rimshot*

  • Mikejw

    He is trying not to be as late as usual but he is still a few days later than every other xjw utuber

    I think he wants to watch everyone else and steal all their work

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