It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    He even says if Tibor is gracious so I’m not sure if this was filmed a long time ago?

    It’s a compilation of rebuttals from last year. He quit doing rebuttals after he sacked Tibor so he had to do one final one for this video to keep up. It is about 90-95% content he has already. The content he added was very minimal.

  • slimboyfat

    His patreons are slightly up again. This could drag on for eternity lol 😂

  • WingCommander


    Maddening, isn't it? If a perverted simpleton like Chins can STILL sucker in paying members, than there is ZERO chance that WT will ever fully be eliminated. Widdle down to nothing? Yes! But completely gone? No. Just think, there's still some poor dumb suckers out here in Pennsylvania that are STILL printing CT Russell's garbage and think he's the Faithful and Wise Servant! Millennial Dawn and Bible Students. Still around, still being duped. Same with the SDA's. Ellen G. White worshipers. Totally bonkers. It goes on and on..............

  • DerekMoors

    I heard last night that from now on, disfellowshipping is for 90 days before you can be reinstated. WTF? Their members will be screwing each other and doing drugs and whatever else, and just taking a 90-day breather from having to schlepp microphones.

    All these changes, he's bound to have an uptick but I'm curious where it will be 6 months from now when people inside adjust.

  • notsurewheretogo

    An elder told me that blatant DF offences that 90 days doesn't apply thus you can't just screw around, repent and get reinstated after 90 days.

    Supposedly more direction was given to elders.

  • DerekMoors

    So more power the elders can weild over you, asking obscene questions and determining how long you'll stay out by how well you grovel at their feet. The fact that people stay in it and other people pay Lloyd to save them from it shows that there really is a sucker born every minute.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    His patreons are slightly up again.

    This has happened before. If this number holds until EOM, he's looking at roughly -10 again. He's treading water at this point assuming he's going to keep these patterns.

    This could drag on for eternity lol

    This is not enough to retire on which is what he wants to do. The chances are decent that we'll see a wrinkled up prune face complete with jowls going on about how much JWs have changed since "back in my day". If I were him I'd worry about whether he qualifies for a Croatian pension or not.

  • slimboyfat
    Maddening, isn't it?

    At least it’s satisfying to know his support and presumably his income has dropped by over a half.

    In some ways the continuing level of support is the worst possible outcome for him because he really hates doing these stupid videos and pretending he cares but he’s trapped.

  • slimboyfat
    This is not enough to retire on which is what he wants to do. The chances are decent that we'll see a wrinkled up prune face complete with jowls going on about how much JWs have changed since "back in my day". If I were him I'd worry about whether he qualifies for a Croatian pension or not.

    I doubt there’ll be a YouTube by then. I doubt there’ll be a pension system by then either. It will will be utopia or oblivion, but the idea that society will carry on for the next few decades the same way it’s been going for the past few hundred years is the most unlikely scenario of all, imo of course.

  • TonusOH

    Another thing that I noticed when prepping the transcript of his livestream (which is availale at He claimed that his JC was for apostasy. But, in the livestream, he says this:

    I write about all of this in The Reluctant Apostate. Not because I had to. I didn't write about all my sex life in The Reluctant Apostate because I had to. I did it because I knew that some Jehovah's Witnesses --namely the judicial committee and members of my family, etc-- knew stuff about me and I didn't want there to be any skeletons in my closet. Any skeletons at all. I didn't want there to be anything anyone could hit me with or weaponize against me at some future date.

    He says this when he is preparing his livestream audience for his explanation that, yes, he cheated on his wife and visited sex workers for years, and also reminds them about the time that his wife found out that he was sexting with girls women. So it really seems as if he is saying that he wanted to be up front about his sexual misconduct so that it could not be used against him at a later date. And he specifically refers to his JC and "members of [his] family." That doesn't sound like apostasy to me...

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