It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3010 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon
    But how much DAMAGE has he done? At what point does the damage & abuse outweigh the good?

    This seems to be the twisted logic that some try to use to excuse their support: "but he's done some good!"

    Is that how it works? What exactly are the trades involved?

    If you campaign enough for women's rights do you get a pass to rape someone?

    What if you feed 1,000 orphans is it OK if you fiddle with some kids?

    No - there is no amount of good that builds up any kind of "bank" to offset when you do harm to others.

    After all, didn't Jimmy Saville do a lot for charity?

  • ThomasCovenant

    “After all, didn't Jimmy Saville do a lot for charity?”

    That about sums it all up.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse
    the Mickey Mouse Fan Club

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Many malignant forces have done a lot of “good” on their way to doing a lot of damage. Many television ministries have youth programmes and other vital counseling services. Scientology has an excellent track record in getting people off drugs. So what happens if in recognition of this accomplishment, a politician or non-Scientology celebrity appears with David Miscavige in a media covered event to congratulate him? That’s right - people start forgetting or doubting the many eye-witness accounts of Miscavige physically beating people or banishing his wife to a hole. It’s a win for Scientology and they are using it as propaganda.

    Lloyd Evans has never had any kind of ground game. Any appearances or meetups have been organised and paid for by supporters and local exJWs. None of the money donated to him is ever funneled back into the community. Sound familiar? Any request for more info or a link to his videos leads to a snarky comment that he doesn’t have any time for this and people are unjustly taking his away from his family! (One of his common argumentation tactics back when he was on this forum when trying to fend off posters he was losing an argument with). On every one of his YouTube videos there is a lengthy disclaimer to not expect a response and if you are lucky, Lloyd might designate an associate to contact you if you are in need of support.

    All those years he has been seeking donations, has there ever been a case of where he rents the venue for a meetup and paid for it to be catered? A thank you to his patrons and donors? How about any dinner where he picked up the cheque? It was the exact opposite on all accounts. All costs were covered by local exJWs and Lloyd wouldn’t even show if his trip was not comped to some extent.

    Jana seeks to excuse herself on a lame technicality - her appearing on the Lloyd Evans show does not necessarily equal support. By her appearance, she’s essentially telling everyone that Lloyd is a valuable resource and his activities in Thailand and with prostitutes (which he has changed his story about multiple times) does not disqualify him from speaking as a CSA advocate. It also implies that she is OK with his fundraising tactics which many former donors have taken issue with. There’s a Patreon and PayPal link in the comments on every video.

    Don’t fall for her double-speak. Shilling for Lloyd in 2024 is a losing battle and she knows that. Being friendly with Mark O’Donnell or Ron POMO and Lloyd at the same time is a red herring designed to distract from her true loyalties and affiliations.

  • Debra02
    Lol the micky mouse comment made my day the saddest part though is that it's true
  • Debra02

    When people say "oh but Lloyd has done alot of good" I quote mikey who on you tube says the watchtower has done alot of good I didn't start smoking or drinking to excess because the watchtower stopped us, I didn't sleep around and destroy my marriage because the watchtower didn't let us, so on that reasoning the watchtower has done alot of good too.

  • TonusOH

    We can always ask Dijana how she feels about giving Evans the benefit of the doubt. She's had a front-row seat to all the good he has done, after all.

  • Diogenesister
    Jana I cannot and will not defend or debate his actions, admissions and accusations.

    Clearly......even a tag team of Judge Judy and Rumpole of the Bailey would have their work cut out there!

    Jana I only wanted to come in here and be clear about my level of involvement in his channel.

    oh it was plenty clear enough without you coming on here

    jana wouldn't you rather there be someone there to bring a sensitivity to the topic? To bring a lived experience to the topic?

    ah my favourite phrase..."lived experience". Is there any other kind? Do you think your life experience in any way excuses you from such gross insensitivity as to collude - lets not be coy in order to chalk up clicks and subs - with a repeat sex tourist who used some of the worlds most traffiked girls, for whom consent nor age can ever be verified by a punter, on of all things a CSA video.

    I just hope your 5 mins of noteriety was worth it...

  • Diogenesister
    Elena would his family still be together? Would he have better friends and quality of life? Would his children have a happier childhood and future than the one they have now?

    Are you serious?!! They'd be witness to their father psychologically abusing their mother on the daily - only without so much chance of her escaping (without a shed load of self recrimination and guilt). For witness girls without positive outside influences there'd be the possibility of a similar future mapped out for them, too.

  • WingCommander

    Pablo Escobar used to give to many charities in communities all around his crop producing locations, built schools, and was kind of seen as a Robin Hood to many in the poor areas he had operations in. Not exactly a swell guy.

    Same with Jimmy SeVille.

    Total dirtbags. And so it is with Lloyd Evans. SCUMBAG.

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