It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2650 Replies latest jw friends

  • Toblerone5
    Jana seeks to excuse herself on a lame technicality
  • madisoncembre


    You introduced yourself as an activist and a feminist on your website. I find it a contradiction of your values to appear on a livestream with Lloyd Evans. I was a donor after his Things are Bad video came out. If you haven't, I strongly recommend that you watch that. It's so full of lies and manipulation it's difficult for me to watch again. He said he was a family man and it would be tragic if he had to let his wife go as an employee. It was emotionally charged language in order to manipulate people like me. Like her I am a single mom with two daughters. So it connected with me and I felt compelled to pledge monthly.

    A friend on FB gave me a few links that were not available to me. I watched the livestream and a few rebuttal videos. I also read the letters he sent to his wife. Disgraceful and disgusting - I felt sick to my stomach that I was ever fooled into giving what little money I had to that man ! After I wrote a blog article about dropping as a patron to Lloyd, the wife of a prominent activist who was once Lloyd's right hand reached out to me. Both her and her husband have met Lloyd and family several times. She told me Lloyd reacted the way he did by calling me an "uber-judgmental x JW who still holds a JW Mindset" was because I was a woman who called him out. I keep hearing the same thing from women who have worked with him. Jill Adams said the same thing to me on Twitter. She helped set up the meetup in 2021 that he cancelled in order to go to Thailand. He lied to her about it and said it was because he was exposed to COVID. She lost the deposit she had placed on the venue. No refunds. Lloyd did not offer to compensate her. My question to you is how, as a feminist, do you sit down with a misogynistic and abusive man who disrespects women and allow yourself to be used as propaganda?

    Kim Silvio made the correct decision and continues to - bring people to factual information about Lloyd. You did not. You have betrayed yourself and your values. This wasn’t a video about beards. This is the one subject Lloyd does not belong anywhere near : CSA ! In doing so you have fallen for what seems to be one of Lloyd’s classic manipulations- i.e. “ignore all the other stuff, I am fighting WT”. This is a real betrayal of the values you claim to hold, and anyone especially with daughters would not want anything to do with that creep ! Think of how shitty he treated his wife ! It’s due to people like you that this thread continues to be a thing because every single time it looks like he’s leaving X JW activism for something else he comes right back. You are what Kim would have been had she ignored everything that was wrong about Lloyd and reasoned the fight against WT was more "important". You are being like the elder's wives in the Kingdom Hall - we don't want to bring reproach upon Jehovah ! The brothers are doing such great work and they are not perfect !

    Be smarter than this. Don’t leave your own sense of values and decency on the altar of taking down this religion. It's not worth it. Don't call yourself a feminist and collaborate with the author of those letters to his wife. Please read them.


  • Toblerone5

    This just occurred to me , how come Jana Knew that on this forum , under a post dedicated mostly to Lloyd evans 5 people made some comments about her ? There was 4 comments on page 177, only one post on her on page 178, then we all start talking at first about his comp.Ipsilon Media being closed and then we all started to wonder if Dijana had ask for a divorce ,we made 14 post actually on those subjects ,but who's counting😉 ... And all of the sudden Miss thing 😜 joined this forum ,for the first time , Hi jana 😁 to make a post on page 179 ! (,ok she did 2 ) . It was interesting to see her point of views even though I don't agree with her , were not JW. anymore , we don't have to all agree on the same thing.

    Listen if someone on this forum thought it would be fair to inform her we mention her name ,wow, 5 time 🙄 (before she made her post) good for you ,and like I said it was interesting to see her point of view...

    I just hope it was not , to used His words, a Croatian 💩stirrer, 😏 who pushed jana to make a statement ,changing the subjects from his 💩 back to her... That would be his style to throw her under the bus , If like I said it was him

  • digderidoo

    I watched half of the New Year with the M7 the other day, as I was interested in the legal arguments. I have come back to it today and see that it is no longer available. Can I ask why it has since been removed?

  • Thisismein1972

    I just hope it was not , to used His words, a Croatian 💩stirrer, 😏 who pushed jana to make a statement ,changing the subjects from his 💩 back to her... That would be his style to throw her under the bus , If like I said it was him.

    Unfortunately, there are probably people lurking here who would probably do this. It is how the world seems to be these days. People seem to get a kick out of stirring the shit.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    @digderidoo I don't know what happened.

    Kim Silvio's channel says there is no content. It looks like she has deleted everything

    I'm trying to find out what happened, but none of the M7 are replying to me.

    I did grab that podcast.

  • Yooters

    Interesting to see what happened to Kim’s YT channel. Can you industry here?

  • ScenicViewer

    Yooters: "Can you industry here?"

    What is that supposed to mean?

  • Diogenesister

    Aww no.....I hope everything is okay with Kim. It's just that coincidentally Lloyd's patreon funding has dipped back to its previous level..... I hope he's not called Dijana in to pull on Kim's heartstrings !!

  • digderidoo

    @newlyenlightened thanks for the reply. I have been following this closely as I am in the legal field, so I was looking forward to watching the second half. I hope it goes back up,

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