It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2966 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jana

    I thought I had more to say but it seems like most people have made their mind up about me. That's fine.

    I never cheated on my wife. I would never solicit a sex-worker. None of that is on my conscience. I don't agree with or condone those things. When I'm speaking on the channel it's because I want to be helpful to survivors like myself. You may view it as me cosigning everything he has done and said. This is not the case. I'm not a simp. I've met Lloyd one time. I've met lots of people one time, including Harrison Ford. I'm not responsible for anything they do.

    I initially wanted to defend myself. Like I said, I can't defend him. I realize now, that most of your minds are made up about me, so there's no use in trying to change that. I just didn't want the previous post about not reaching out to me, to make someone who genuinely wanted to, feel like they couldn't.

    Thanks for the space.

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    @digderidoo Kim S is fine. I heard back. I'm sure it will go back up.

  • TonusOH

    Thanks for the update, Kim/Mike. Hope everything is okay.

  • nicolaou
    Jana: When I'm speaking on the channel it's because I want to be helpful to survivors like myself.

    Imagine you're a recovering alcoholic and you wish to help others survive their alcoholism too. Would you agree to appear on a show where the host unrepentantly admits to alcohol fueled binges every few months? He argues that there's nothing wrong with it.

    C'mon Jana, you know your position is untenable.

  • Simon

    You're a musician. You're campaigning for the rights of artists to be paid fairly for their work. You discover one of your fellow campaigners has bought a bag full of knock-off CDs from the local market. You think it's fine. You're an idiot.


    You're a vegan. You're campaigning for animal rights and an end to the meat / factory farming industry. You discover one of your fellow campaigners has been gorging themselves at the cheap unlicensed burger van. You think it's fine. You're an idiot.

    Any combination of someone supporting a worse, illegal / unregulated version of the very thing you claim to be an activist against, that you don't see any problem with, and you continue to support them, means you are a grade A fucking idiot of low moral character who lacks integrity and makes poor life choices.

  • Toblerone5

    Simon , your post had me at

    You're an idiot.


  • Toblerone5
    didn't want the previous post about not reaching out to me, to make someone who genuinely wanted to, feel like they couldn't.

    The problem with you is not that we can't reach you , the big problem is that you won't LISTEN to what anybody have to say. And what I don't understand , why does you need to explain your actions so much and care that some of us don't agree with your choices of going on L.E. Youtube channels .We all get it , you have no problem with Lloyd behavior , we do . You made your point , you didn't listened to ours and it's ok.

    A lot of people on this forum genuinely tried tried to reason with you . But like Las Malvinas son Argentinas said it best:
    And don't bother trying to give her links or telling her who Lloyd really is. She knows and doesn't care.
  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    I never cheated on my wife. I would never solicit a sex-worker. None of that is on my conscience. I don't agree with or condone those things

    This is a red herring tactic and I'm surprised that you're using it here. No one ever suggested you were OK with this in your own life or even in Lloyd's. You are intentionally muddying the waters. Next thing you'll be telling us is that no seal cubs have been bludgeoned by your hands, nor have you nuked any kitten sanctuaries. You are not compromised - Lloyd is. What makes it frustrating is that you seem to still think Lloyd is an appropriate conduit for CSA content. You need to understand how many times Lloyd has changed his story on his activities in Thailand, and it is clear he went there for sex and with a high probability it was with trafficked or abused women.He's lying, and for good reason because he has something to hide.

    I realize now, that most of your minds are made up about me, so there's no use in trying to change that. I just didn't want the previous post about not reaching out to me, to make someone who genuinely wanted to, feel like they couldn't.

    This is precisely what I was saying about you. You have made up your mind and it was pointless to start sending you emails about all of Lloyd's misdeeds because you know about it and in some bizarre fashion, compartmentalise it and brush it to the side as if what he did is not relevant. If people wanted to reach out to you about something non-Lloyd related, they absolutely should.

    Your collaboration with Lloyd on these matters makes for a bad look on you whether you realise it or not. You are unnecessarily weakening the currency (borrowed that line from Lloyd - see the Andrew Gold interview) of what you have to say when the man in the same interview with you has a sordid past with sexting, infidelities, emotional abuse, bullying, and seeing sex workers in Thailand and all over the world.

    Think of Jennifer Torres. Her daughter is a CSA survivor and was interviewed by Lloyd for the TTATT project. She was one of the first who demanded their footage be deleted due to Lloyd. In her own words, she had no idea whether or not Lloyd was getting off on what details her daughter was giving him in the interview.

    This is one of many reasons why he should not be on this subject, and imo, his history of lying, abuse and damaging behaviour in this community disqualifies him from being in any kind of position to criticise WT. It's like hiring Bill Cosby to provide a voiceover for a date rape awareness programme.

  • TonusOH

    It's probably worthwhile to also point out that, if you ever express doubts or push back on Evans, he is very likely to go full scorched-earth against you. More than a few people got burned by him even though they were still trying to support him or help him. If you are not completely in his corner, he will see it as betrayal and turn on you.

    When that happens, remember that you're not alone and far from the only person to experience it. And also that it wasn't worth it to stand by his side (or anywhere near him, to be honest).

  • WingCommander

    How I imagine any remaining Lloyd Evans supporters look like while trying to talk any sort of sense or reason with them:

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